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Where to find Shotgun parts and acessories

Couple of points:
The OP asked for a place to buy shotgun parts, and recommendations on accessories to add. We've spent 2 pages arguing about bayonets, and defensive tactics. 'Little off topic guys. :D

Get a shotgun.
Learn to use it.(that means practice)
Add an extended mag/butt cuff if you like
a decent set of sights when you can afford it.
A forend-mounted flashlight.

Interestingly, Jeff Cooper (who probably really thought more about guns and their use then the rest of us combined) came to the conclusion that the best home defense shotgun was a short, side by side, open hammer, double barrel, with a butt cuff.

On the subject of home defense shotgun loads. How many of us live in 10,000 sq. ft. homes? Sometime measure the longest straight line shot you can get inside the house. Longer then 20 feet? Not by much I'll bet. Now take your shotgun and fire it at a drywall target at that longest distance you measured. You'll be looking at a single hole smaller then your fist. Shot size doesn't matter much at 10 feet. For that matter, a bean bag will punch a hole in through a wall at contact distance. Right out of the barrel, #7s are in a quarter size pattern. Until the shot has time to spread, it acts like a single projectile. #4s penetrate less then 00, which penetrates less then a slug, but only after the shot has time to separate.
In home defense, slugs are good for shooting at/into cars, and for long ranges(say, more then 20 yards) What home defense scenarios have you doing that? #4s up through 00 in the gun(7 rounds), slugs in a buttstock carrier(2, plus 3 spare shot rounds). If you've got time to think about what KIND of bullet to shoot the perp with, you probably have time to choose what gun to shoot him with.

Anybody who hasn't given the after-shooting legal consequences any thought: Buy and read "In the gravest extreme" by Massad Ayoob. 'Bit of an eye-opener there.

Anybody remember the home invasion video posted last year? Under 30 seconds from the time the car stopped moving until the bad guys were clear of the house and fleeing.
8mud: You suffered a home invasion. How long from initial confrontation until you're first shot? More then 30 seconds?

You really want to prepare for a home invasion? Strengthen you doors so they can't be opened with a single blow. 'Probably means changing the doors: No hollow core or foam filled.
Change the knob/lock to what's called an automatic dead-bolt lock(ADB). It's a hotel lock. When the door shuts, the deadbolt throws. PITA to get used to, and everybody has to carry keys, but the door's never left unlocked.
Get your gun to a place you can get to it FAST, from anywhere. "If this were an actual emergency,..." you have maybe 10 seconds(if you're lucky) to get ready, from your first warning(breaking glass or a kick on the door)

All the gun talk is academic unless you can GET TO THE GUN.

Edit: 8Mud beat me to a couple points here :D
hows the stopping power of #4 vs 00 buck? my barrel is a smooth slug barrel and i dont think it will even be able to accept a choke. my current load is two rounds of 00, slug, 00, slug with 2 rounds 00 and 3 slugs in a side saddle carrier.

Either way, it's a one-ounce payload. As mentioned, you're probably going to hit with the full load - even with a full cylinder bore, and "home defense" ranges. I'd still pattern it so you know what to expect, but it's not going to be a huge problem.

The principal advantage of #4BK isn't that you're losing penetration on the goblin (you're not,) but that you're reducing penetration risk on the walls (because the individual pellets are smaller.) One ounce is one ounce, you're just dealing with smaller bits to make up that ounce. It's still called "buckshot" for a reason...
inimidation, no. looks, no. another option in home/self/family defence, YES. bayos are not just for pictures and wars, although i have training in the latter hence the natural tendency to go with what you know. home/family defence is some of the most intence forms of CQC out there. and no battle rages more fierce than the battle to save and protect the ones you love.

perhaps you did not read the post i made (that i have convienently quoted down below this) regarding the poor tactical lay out of my home, necessitating the need for something that will not penetrate through a wall. and if it can be attatched to a weapon system already deployed, even better. so be fore you go calling someone an idiot, how about you take the time to read the facts and make a more worth while comment than calling someone an idiot. and besides, i am more likely to take the advice of a firearms instructor from a state that is not a socialist republic that requires a duty to retreat. here in the state of arizona open carry is legal and there is no duty to retreat or play dead like where you are. it is you sir, that is the idiot. especially for choosing to exisgt in a place like mass.

listen man, im a FEDERAL weapons instructor, that means i can teach feds, anywhere in the US not just the common wealth of ma. I dont do that as a job, im in the military. I did read your post i was simply replying to the masses with my comment. If you will recall what i said in my earlier post (which i have conveniently copy and pasted here for you) "i dont like less than lethal rounds at all" that dosent mean i dont think they are useful in some scenarios. I just dont like them. Just like i dont like 8muds opinions, but i think they are useful for making interesting forum banter... get it?
Seriously though, i think shooting an intruder with a bean bag or an airfoil is wayyyy better than a member of your family catching a home defense load through a wall, im not saying anything about that man. All im saying is that bayonets on home defense weapons are stupid, yeah that it. On and i dont choose to live in ma, i live in NC currently, i also maintain a residence in afghanistan. Next you guys will be talking about throwing knives...

listen man, im a FEDERAL weapons instructor, that means i can teach feds, anywhere in the US not just the common wealth of ma. I dont do that as a job, im in the military. I did read your post i was simply replying to the masses with my comment. If you will recall what i said in my earlier post (which i have conveniently copy and pasted here for you) "i dont like less than lethal rounds at all" that dosent mean i dont think they are useful in some scenarios. I just dont like them. Just like i dont like 8muds opinions, but i think they are useful for making interesting forum banter... get it?
Seriously though, i think shooting an intruder with a bean bag or an airfoil is wayyyy better than a member of your family catching a home defense load through a wall, im not saying anything about that man. All im saying is that bayonets on home defense weapons are stupid, yeah that it. On and i dont choose to live in ma, i live in NC currently, i also maintain a residence in afghanistan. Next you guys will be talking about throwing knives...

Nice to be so sure about things, most of the competent people I know, are likely to think on the fly and my use bricks if any are handy.
Guess we have a difference of opinion, my way has worked out for me over the years, hope your theories pan out.
if your trying to imply that im narrow minded or am set in my ways on things lie this your wrong. I really dont think I have surrendered enough information for you to form a accurate opinion of me or my thinking, but then again that dosent seem to be an issue for you.
Im all about finding a way to fit the square peg in the round hole, work with what the situation has afforded you. But then again why bring a square peg to a round hole fight??? What it boils down to here is that you have your opinions, i have mine, and everyone else has their own. I generally dont like to argue on the forum.

Oh and to whoever started this thread, i hope you got the answerers you are looking for. Seriously.

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if your trying to imply that im narrow minded or am set in my ways on things lie this your wrong. I really dont think I have surrendered enough information for you to form a accurate opinion of me or my thinking, but then again that dosent seem to be an issue for you.
Im all about finding a way to fit the square peg in the round hole, work with what the situation has afforded you. But then again why bring a square peg to a round hole fight??? I really hope the bayonets work out for ya. If they dont you could always just draw your back up...


Oh and to whoever started this thread, i hope you got the answerers you are looking for. Seriously.


And then again, the fight may be over before you can strap on your back up. But hey, maybe you sit in your TV chair with your primary and backup already strapped on, even in your jammies.
I don't really know if your narrow minded or not, though your posts suggest you are strongly opinionated.
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you know, i felt a little bad about that part of my post so i deleted it, apparently at the same time you were quoting it.
If you must know im a sig 229 40. cal, one in the pipe, a spare mag and a flash light in the end table kind of guy. I have the benefit of not having kids in my house to worry about. Yes im opinionated, but i have formed mine from experience, not to say you haven't. Different experiences bring about difference of opinion, i think we can agree on that if nothing else.

Its been fun, Josh
you know, i felt a little bad about that part of my post so i deleted it, apparently at the same time you were quoting it.
If you must know im a sig 229 40. cal, one in the pipe, a spare mag and a flash light in the end table kind of guy. I have the benefit of not having kids in my house to worry about. Yes im opinionated, but i have formed mine from experience, not to say you haven't. Different experiences bring about difference of opinion, i think we can agree on that if nothing else.

Its been fun, Josh

I'm a few seconds away from my 9 (I keep the chamber empty) another second and a fraction to cycle the slide, a couple more seconds for the two spare mags and a couple of seconds away from my two mini maglights, connected by a sixteen inch dog chain (I tend to favor dual purpose items and options). LOL My youngest is 23 my oldest is 38, they learned before they could walk to never mess with my weapons (one of a half a dozen cardinal rules that was a for sure arse beating). None of them (6) ever broke that rule, my guess is they were sure I was serious. :)
I'm not even gonna say what I have velcroed under the bed nights or we'll likely start up arguing again.
I've always been in favor of "education is the best deturrent" set of thinking when dealing with kids and guns in the home. Even though I know damn well that I had to "check out" dads guns when I was a kid. He didn't keep his home defense guns loaded, he didn't let me in on where the mags were till I was about 13. Still food for thought i suppose... You know mud, at this point I really wouldn't be surprised by anything, I'm actually more intrested now. Maybe I'm in a better mood or something, I'm thinking... Either ninja stars or a kubaton haha. Screw it man. Take it easy brother. Also I apologise if my post is poorly typed, I'm on my phone. I'm a forum whore I know. Josh
I've always been in favor of "education is the best deturrent" set of thinking when dealing with kids and guns in the home. Even though I know damn well that I had to "check out" dads guns when I was a kid. He didn't keep his home defense guns loaded, he didn't let me in on where the mags were till I was about 13. Still food for thought i suppose... You know mud, at this point I really wouldn't be surprised by anything, I'm actually more intrested now. Maybe I'm in a better mood or something, I'm thinking... Either ninja stars or a kubaton haha. Screw it man. Take it easy brother. Also I apologise if my post is poorly typed, I'm on my phone. I'm a forum whore I know. Josh

Much of it is a mind set anyway. I had an old Drill instructor that pounded into my head, if you stand there with your penis in your hands, your subject to get dead. Best fill your hands up with something, anything useful. Same guy that told me the reason we did so much running, is so we could get the truck out of Dodge in a hurry if need be. Same guy that taught me to always park nose out and to fill up the top half of the gas tank. Basically, his theory was, to plan ahead and don't run out of options.
Most of my kids have gone hunting with me at one time or another, most could gut a Deer about the same time they could ride a bicycle. You get a feeling what guns are all about, when your up to your elbows in Deer guts.
Went to the ATM machine around 10 P.M., no parking on the street in front or on the side street (alley) that eventually turned into a parking lot. Got my money and was on my way back to the Jeep, when something said, don't turn that corner and I walked at an angle away from the corner and straight, quickly. Stopped near the corner of the next building, about 15 feet from two guys waiting around the corner (between me and my Jeep). All of a sudden, both are bathed in headlights and decide to move on, my (at that time) 12 year old son had turned on the headlights in the Jeep. One of the prouder days of my life. Pretty good situational awareness for a 12 year old.