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Suggestions for a better America

mud1059 said:
Ron Paul wouldn't be oblivious to the media if he was a black Mormon woman.

Make everyone learn the Constitution!
Make everyone memorize the Bill of Rights!
Destroy RAP music!
Abolish welfare!
Kill Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton!
Vote Bill Cosby in as President!
Next time we declare war on someone, do it right and kill everyone who gets in our way. Don't pussy foot around with smart bombs, and worry about collateral damage. We took down Iraq in 4 days 2 times now, and now we are getting our ass handed to us because we want to win hearts and minds. Blow the shit out of all of them till none of them want to fight. Shouldve learnt the lesson that was given to us by Japan and Germany. Which is; ok ok you have whooped our ass so much that we wont fight now. We welcome you to help us rebuild and control parts of our lives for a while. And yes you can build you permanent air base and Marine headquarters here cause if we say no you might beat the shit out of us again.
There are so many things wrong with this country, most of all is that THE PEOPLE OF THIS COUNTRY DON"T GIVE A DAM ABOUT WHAT THIS COUNTRY MEANS AND STANDS FOR! There is so much wrong with this country now that I am glad Canada is close by.
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Trail-Axe said:
The water there (DG) was the nicest and clearest shark invested water I have ever seen.

We've also got lots of staged bombers there :) B-1s and B-52s, plus assorted other stuff :)
1985xjlaredo said:
Make everyone learn the Constitution!
Make everyone memorize the Bill of Rights!
Destroy RAP music!
Abolish welfare!

Your first few points are spot on. If everybody receives a GOOD education growing up...alot of our problems will go away because people will then understand how things need to work.
1985xjlaredo said:
Next time we declare war on someone, do it right and kill everyone who gets in our way.

One thing I'd like to see - let everyone who votes in favour of going to war also select their interim replacements. They can then lead line units - no working in HHC or as REMFs for them!

War won't go away anytime soon - human nature will see to it. What we can do is make war a personal issue. Make sure that Congresscritters know that, if they vote to support a war, they'll be in it - and with no "special protection." They can be line-animals going forward with the rest of the troops.

That will force them to examine the cause to make sure it is just, and that will also get some of this political pussyfooting under control at a stroke.

Wat say you?
5-90 said:
One thing I'd like to see - let everyone who votes in favour of going to war also select their interim replacements. They can then lead line units - no working in HHC or as REMFs for them!

War won't go away anytime soon - human nature will see to it. What we can do is make war a personal issue. Make sure that Congresscritters know that, if they vote to support a war, they'll be in it - and with no "special protection." They can be line-animals going forward with the rest of the troops.

That will force them to examine the cause to make sure it is just, and that will also get some of this political pussyfooting under control at a stroke.

Wat say you?

Sounds good in theory, and I hear where you are coming from, but would you really want to take orders from any of the politicians we have in office now, in combat? For one, most of them are way too old to hump a ruck, and I doubt they could shoot straight under fire. Heck, most of them can't even do that with words!
Not letting kids quit high school at all. Why is that even an option?? That is one thing I would think we could all agree to on here. I don't know every state's laws, but can't some kids quit at 16?
Trail-Axe said:
Sounds good in theory, and I hear where you are coming from, but would you really want to take orders from any of the politicians we have in office now, in combat? For one, most of them are way too old to hump a ruck, and I doubt they could shoot straight under fire. Heck, most of them can't even do that with words!

Which is why I want to make them line-animals, not ossifers. Are you kidding? I wouldn't take orders from pols - fraggings would likely be bad enough in making them privates!

Besides, making them E-1's or E-2's would add to them making sure they're doing the right thing - not only will they be in harm's way, but they'll be at the bottom of the totem pole, and lose all their power and influence. They become buck privates for the duration of the war - or until they're offed, whichever comes first.
Having read every post on this thread, I think that to see where this country is headed you must look at history. Every country that has ever held sway over the world, or then known world, as America does now has risen, grown powerful and prosperous, then oppressive, then collapses either from within or from a stronger nation.
It is the nature of ALL governments to grow, eventually to their own demise. Egyptian, Incan, Persian/Arab, Greek, Roman, British all followed this trend. It's folly to believe that America will not.
Just as surely as the sun will rise in the morning, one day there will be no United States of America, at least as we know it. I'm not crying sour grapes, I love my country and all our freedoms, and hope we can keep it together for some time to come, but its end will come someday.
This subject can be disscused forever. Live well, provide and protect you and yours, defend your freedoms as best you can, be a good citizen are really the best suggestions for our country.
I think one thing that can help America would be to end the senseless bickering and name calling. Nothing is gained when someone puts out an argument and the next person says shut up you're an idiot. That's the basis of what happens in America whenever religion and politics are mentioned. It'd be nice to have a discussion between two people of different beliefs and not have one say the other is an idiot and the other tell the one they're evil...
Civility, that'd be nice to have make a come back. Especially on the road.
The Hard Struggler said:
Having read every post on this thread, I think that to see where this country is headed you must look at history. Every country that has ever held sway over the world, or then known world, as America does now has risen, grown powerful and prosperous, then oppressive, then collapses either from within or from a stronger nation.
It is the nature of ALL governments to grow, eventually to their own demise. Egyptian, Incan, Persian/Arab, Greek, Roman, British all followed this trend. It's folly to believe that America will not.
Just as surely as the sun will rise in the morning, one day there will be no United States of America, at least as we know it. I'm not crying sour grapes, I love my country and all our freedoms, and hope we can keep it together for some time to come, but its end will come someday.
This subject can be disscused forever. Live well, provide and protect you and yours, defend your freedoms as best you can, be a good citizen are really the best suggestions for our country.

I really hate to admit it but I agree with you, America will not be conquered by a foreign power (we have MAD to thank for this) but instead from the turmoil within. Between the politicans who waste money and time without bettering our country, to the outsourcing of jobs in our country and of course our ever dropping economy. We have only ourselves (and maybe those liberal idiots) for destroying our country.

BlackSport96 said:
I think one thing that can help NAXJA would be to end the senseless bickering and name calling. Nothing is gained when someone puts out an argument and the next person says shut up you're an idiot. That's the basis of what happens in NAXJA whenever religion and politics are mentioned. It'd be nice to have a discussion between two people of different beliefs and not have one say the other is an idiot and the other tell the one they're evil...
Civility, that'd be nice to have make a come back. Especially on the road.

Fixed it for you ;)

You guys can twist and wrangle religion into a wad of shit that will turn a common man away. God is on top of a mountain. Pick a trail to the top. They are all good but some have rock climing and some have snow. They ALL lead to the same place. Catholic trail, Mormon trail. Baptst trail or Presbyterian trail. Pick one , they are all good and will get you to the top of your game.
12 step programs are so sucsesfull because they keep it simple. Step three says " Made a decition to turn our will and our lives over to the care of a god as we understood him." Nobody cares how you understand him. Nobody will ask you specifics of religion. You can tell who got it and who did not. God either comes into your life and lifts you out of "self", or you mire in your own BS that got you into trouble to begin with. Organized religion will only complicate what is so simple. Organized religion will have you waste half your Sunday to tell you some simple common sense you could have learned and expanded on in a couple minuts. It's a poor bang for the buck if you want to know God.
Stumpalump said:
You guys can twist and wrangle religion into a wad of shit that will turn a common man away. God is on top of a mountain. Pick a trail to the top. They are all good but some have rock climing and some have snow. They ALL lead to the same place. Catholic trail, Mormon trail. Baptst trail or Presbyterian trail. Pick one , they are all good and will get you to the top of your game.
Damnit Stumpy...you keep talking like this and I might have to start giving you a little respect.

I think thats the smartest think you have ever said on naxja.
Stumpalump said:
You guys can twist and wrangle religion into a wad of shit that will turn a common man away. God is on top of a mountain. Pick a trail to the top. They are all good but some have rock climing and some have snow. They ALL lead to the same place. Catholic trail, Mormon trail. Baptst trail or Presbyterian trail. Pick one , they are all good and will get you to the top of your game.
12 step programs are so sucsesfull because they keep it simple. Step three says " Made a decition to turn our will and our lives over to the care of a god as we understood him." Nobody cares how you understand him. Nobody will ask you specifics of religion. You can tell who got it and who did not. God either comes into your life and lifts you out of "self", or you mire in your own BS that got you into trouble to begin with. Organized religion will only complicate what is so simple. Organized religion will have you waste half your Sunday to tell you some simple common sense you could have learned and expanded on in a couple minuts. It's a poor bang for the buck if you want to know God.
I agree to a certain extent...religious people turn the common man off on God and religion. There was a quote/stat from a long time ago that stated basically, the single greatest cause of atheism is Christians. Mind you, I don't think this means Christianity is bad, I am Christian myself, but I think too many Christians (and people in general) don't commit to what they claim. I'm Christian and follow Christ, but I suck at it...If someone were to get an inside view of ym life and the way I live, they'd come away saying he's an alright guy, but complete hypocrite if he calls himself a Christian. I believe in the Christianity of the Bible, with no further additions made. That's where the differences come in with Catholics (still Christian, but with man's input on God's word) and Mormons (still mostly Christian but with a rather large addition by man - the Book of Mormon). I know most of you will flame me but oh well. Flame me all you want, I'll still have a beer with you if we leave religion out of it :D. Catholicism has added things like priests being able to absolve sin and praying to Jesus' mother. Mary can't help you, she's dead just like any other human (not of Godly descent ;))who has passed away. Nowehere does the Bible say to pray to Mary. Except, as I understand (and I could be completely wrong) the Catholics use a different Bible with a couple extra books in it ie:Sirach etc. The Mormons got way off course thanks to Joseph Smith. He claimed Jesus and Satan were brothers, which if you believe the Bible is impossible as Jesus is God and Satan is a created being, an angel. Mormon's believe that when the Bible ended, God forgot to include a plug for his next book, the Book of Mormon. I have nothing against Mormons or Catholics, I just look at their beliefs and what the Bible says, and realize that they got some things wrong. I think being able to post this or talk to someone about it is a great thing and if people can respond without writing me off as a loony because I believe in the "Fairy Tale of the Bible" instead of the "Fairy Tale of Evolution", that could go a long way towards improving NAXJA and relations between people, which is the first step towards fixing society. Sorry bout the novel
Oh never mind
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BlackSport96 said:
I think being able to post this or talk to someone about it is a great thing and if people can respond without writing me off as a loony because I believe in the "Fairy Tale of the Bible" instead of the "Fairy Tale of Evolution," that could go a long way towards improving NAXJA and relations between people, which is the first step towards fixing society. Sorry bout the novel

Sounds good to me. :peace:

1 Keep Kissing Ass!!!!!!!!!!!

.IF holding hands don't work, take the oil!

Or follow through with the arms deal. Then they can shoot up Israel too!!!