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Suggestions for a better America

RNMedic said:
the Docs don't have the power, the insurance companies do. They dictate what will be paid, how much, what testing needs to be ordered etc.
And thats good for a lot of conditions but why can't I go get an arm X-rayed after a fall without first haveing to go to pay regular doctor visit? And why can I go to mexico and by 250 Amoxcillian antibiotics for 11 bucks Yet I pay a doctor and a copay $50 for 10 pills. Hell I know if I have a sinus infection or a fever that needs antibiotic's and if they were available to all Americans cheaper than your co-pay then insurance would only gain. Hell let them make up a short quiz for all medicins that you must pass before the sell them to you. I have mild skin cancer and evertime I go to a doc they want to sent 10 samples to the lab for testing $$$. Last time I said why? Doc said to see if they are cancer. I said but I just told you I have a history and you just said it was cancer so why the biopsy? He finally caved and froze off all the spots and I left. He billed the insurance about 70 bucks per spot and all he did was spray nitrogen on the spots. it took 15 seconds for all. I think if I could just walk in and say frezze these spots it would be cheaper and Americans would edjucate themselfs on how to treat common things. All common medicine should be availabe. I got a toothpast sized tube of real athlets foot cream in Mexico for 10 bucks. It knocks that crap out with two applications. The over the counter crap we get here is like 2% as strong and it takes 20 bucks to knock out one case of it. I travel and pick it up from airports and hotels and if I had to pay a doctor or pay 20 bucks every time I got it then it would cost me a lot. Go to Mexico and get a 3 year supply of good stuff for 10 bucks. Antibiotics for me the wife kids and dog for $11 that lasts 4 years. Medical and leagal systems are a racket controlled by a few. Thats bad in a free society.
Stumpalump said:
And thats good for a lot of conditions but why can't I go get an arm X-rayed after a fall without first haveing to go to pay regular doctor visit?

Much of that is true, look at the laser and sonic eye surgery, when it came out it was like $5000 and eye, now it's down to $1500 for both eyes. The reason is it's not covered under most medical plans so the people who provide the service have to compete for people with the cash to pay for it, price came down dramatically. I know in other countries you don't need the doctor to buy medicine, however in some of those places you may not know what you are buying or getting in the bottle. One of the causes of drug resistant STD's was hookers in say vietnam would only take enough of the drugs to get rid of the symptoms and not totally knock it out, ended up with resistant strains of the clap as a result. We need another level of medical care, Phys assistants are one possibility, someone you can go to for recommended treatment or recommended course of treatment, more of an advisor who can tell you how much and for how long to take a drug to ensure it does its job. How may here have taken antibiotics only long enough till the problem was over and then said screw it, I'll save the other half for next time.
I received the following PM's from a non paying member. With his permission, I have posted his views on what he thinks would make America a better place. This is a one time deal to show this non-paying member some support, and hopefully encourage him and others like him to become paying members. He did not ask me to do this, but after I suggested it, he agreed. It’s a one time deal, so if there are any other non-paying members that wish to post a reply to this thread, or any other threads, please consider supporting this association and start enjoying NAXJA to its fullest.

Merry Christmas Gill,

Gill41083 wrote:
I tried to post on the better America thread but I was locked out. You should make it accessible to every one; considering it is something that applies to every one, seeing that every one has an effect on the world, every ones opinion should be able to be heard.

Personally I think we should treat every day in life like a day on the trail. If some one is stuck between a rock and a hard spot and just needs a small tug to get going again, what do we do? We give them the small tug to get them on their way and we hope that if we our self get in the same situation, the favor will be returned; be it by the person we helped or a total stranger.

If every one thought this way I think the world would be a better place. If it is some thing that takes a little more than a small tug or a push, usually a few people will help that person who is stuck, whether its mechanical skills, physical labor, spare parts they have, or just plain moral support. If we treated every day like we were wheeling, America would be a little better. Remember; "Do to others as you would want done to you." I’m not as in touch with the man upstairs as I should be, or even sure if he is there, but those are good words to live by. I could go on and compare more things but I think I pretty much got my point across LOL.

Thanks for your time,

-Yeah I think I have to be a paying member to get in there!! lol. That would be cool if you could throw my 2 cents in there; I did post a similar thread on the North West chapter and copied it to there.
What makes me mad is A child porn predator, convicted, or a Sick phuck Rapist, will only spend minimal time in jail. Yet the guy down the street gets thrown in the state pen for 35 years in jail because he was selling grams of cocaine.

Mandatory service for everyone? how would you like to go fight a war when everyone in your squad speaks a different language.

I Believe that US war to secure oil and energy (like what is happening) is a good Idea. We must keep building our arms because china is stepping on our toes, and our sources. They are setting up programs all over the world with number 1, IRAN. We must cut everyone else off and save all the earths crude for ourselves!!!

Fix the messed up trade policy, or just don't buy chinese dog food and toys people!!!!!! Buy American!!!

The world is always gonna be phucked up until the end. Might as well deal with it. Just hopefully we, America, can play the role of Cain.!!! It's our only way for survival :D
yes I love this man.

As for pills, there is always gonna be an FDA. Your always gonna have to take chemicals to treat your condition, never will they give you a pill that cures you, (where will they get more money from). If one company says there product 'cures' a condtion, they will get sued by the FDA, because they didnt pay the billion dollars to label it a drug. And the system will continue... Though it is possible, don't expect to find a cure for AIDs anytime soon, as the gov't purposely infected gay males with it when they were giving out 'hepatitis' immunity. Though, I don't give a F about gays, this is the wrong form of 'population control' we should be using. And incase your wondering, HIV was a engineered virus.

Pro choice! If anyone thinks killing an embryo is killing a human, god help you. That same kid that didn't get aborted will be same one to grow up with no Dad, and a F'd up Mom, who will do harm to you or your family.
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RyanM said:
never will they give you a pill that cures you, (where will they get more money from). If one company says there product 'cures' a condtion, they will get sued by the FDA, because they didnt pay the billion dollars to label it a drug. And the system will continue... Though it is possible, don't expect to find a cure for AIDs anytime soon, as the gov't purposely infected gay males with it when they were giving out 'hepatitis' immunity. Though, I don't give a F about gays, this is the wrong form of 'population control' we should be using. And incase your wondering, HIV was a engineered virus.
You sound like a nut job conspspiricy therorist with bad anti social and anti goverment madness..... I like that!
JNickel101 said:
or just take all criminals and dump them on an abandoned, deserted island in the middle of the Pacific. Let them all kill/rape each other...

Where are we going to find another Australia???
Harlee&Tahoe said:
Where are we going to find another Australia???

We already have one, it's called Cuba, why not, Castro sent his back during that amnesty thing, we should reciprocate and send ours in return, after all it's only fair.

When election time comes, vote.

Become involved, even if just to the point where you follow local concerns.
It's your neighborhood, your town/villiage/city, your state, and your country. If you didn't even bother to vote, you can't complain about the outcome.

People need to get in touch with the constitution and bill of rights, especially judges whome, I am fairly sure by the judgements that have been handed down, certainly have not read and understood Amendment #1 or #2.

Zuki-Ron said:

When election time comes, vote.

Become involved, even if just to the point where you follow local concerns.
It's your neighborhood, your town/villiage/city, your state, and your country. If you didn't even bother to vote, you can't complain about the outcome.

People need to get in touch with the constitution and bill of rights, especially judges whome, I am fairly sure by the judgements that have been handed down, certainly have not read and understood Amendment #1 or #2.


Die of malaria. Then come back and preach the vote.


Harlee&Tahoe said:
Where are we going to find another Australia???

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Im totally against manditory service. Not that I think serving is a bad thing, I did it for eight years in two different branches and it was a very good experience for me. The reason I dont like manditory service for everyone is because I dont believe that the government of a "free" nation should be forcing adults into service. Sorta defeats the whole "freedom of choice" in my opinion.
Anyway, heres what I think would be a step in the right direction. Less federal government involvement in our day to day lives. The federal government should stay out of state business.
Our federal government was based on a union of individual states who had their own fully functioning governments. The federal governments only function was to enact and enforce laws that effected the union as a whole and they stayed out of the individual state matters. The problem with the federal government being involved with every aspect of our lives is that we've lost control of it now. Try contacting the President of the U.S. to tell him how you feel about a particular matter, you cant do it, no way, no how. Now try contacting a governor, you can actually talk with him if you have patience. The point is that the federal government is so far removed and out of touch with your needs and my needs, yet they're making decisions that effect us directly.
RichP said:
We already have one, it's called Cuba, why not, Castro sent his back during that amnesty thing, we should reciprocate and send ours in return, after all it's only fair.

Cuba is too close. They will all just get in a rubber raft and float back to Florida.

I vote for Wake Island....or even Diego Garcia (Indian Ocean) - we could do weapons testing at said island as well.
Ray H said:
Anyway, heres what I think would be a step in the right direction. Less federal government involvement in our day to day lives. The federal government should stay out of state business.
Our federal government was based on a union of individual states who had their own fully functioning governments. The federal governments only function was to enact and enforce laws that effected the union as a whole and they stayed out of the individual state matters. The problem with the federal government being involved with every aspect of our lives is that we've lost control of it now.

A good place to start, Repeal the 17th amendent. The states are not represented at the federal level now, so the feds can mandate any program they want and the states are stuck with making it work.
Ray H said:
Im totally against manditory service. Not that I think serving is a bad thing, I did it for eight years in two different branches and it was a very good experience for me. The reason I dont like manditory service for everyone is because I dont believe that the government of a "free" nation should be forcing adults into service. Sorta defeats the whole "freedom of choice" in my opinion.
Anyway, heres what I think would be a step in the right direction. Less federal government involvement in our day to day lives. The federal government should stay out of state business.
Our federal government was based on a union of individual states who had their own fully functioning governments. The federal governments only function was to enact and enforce laws that effected the union as a whole and they stayed out of the individual state matters. The problem with the federal government being involved with every aspect of our lives is that we've lost control of it now. Try contacting the President of the U.S. to tell him how you feel about a particular matter, you cant do it, no way, no how. Now try contacting a governor, you can actually talk with him if you have patience. The point is that the federal government is so far removed and out of touch with your needs and my needs, yet they're making decisions that effect us directly.

Nicely said.
JNickel101 said:
Cuba is too close. They will all just get in a rubber raft and float back to Florida.

I vote for Wake Island....or even Diego Garcia (Indian Ocean) - we could do weapons testing at said island as well.

Wake Island? Sure. Not Diego - we've got a satellite tracking and telemetry station there, and no real useful alternate location for the place.
5-90 said:
Wake Island? Sure. Not Diego - we've got a satellite tracking and telemetry station there, and no real useful alternate location for the place.

The water there (DG) was the nicest and clearest shark invested water I have ever seen.