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Gift for a Marine


NAXJA Forum User
Elon NC
My brother-in-law finishes up his Marine training as an officer in a couple weeks and my wife and I are trying to decide on a gift for him. I remember years back when my cousin became a State Trooper here in SC and my aunt and uncle (his parents) bought his back up weapon as a gift for him. So my question is, is this an option for us? Do Marines carry a back up weapon? As in an ankle holster or something? Thanks for your help.

A ceremonial saber is the appropriate gift for a new officer

A prayer is the best gift when he is away

A friendly voice is the best gift when he calls

A hug followed by a little space is the best gift for his return
Coloring book with all the pictures filled in. Will save him a lot of time and confusion.


get him a small furry animal to kill?

On a realistic note, my wife got me a very nice frame for my Commission. It matches my college paper frame nicely. She said she has already picked out a framed picture set to hold my wings when I earn those in a few months.

The navy and MC sabers are flippin' expensive, like close to a grand for the nice ones expensive. And they only wear them for Change of commands and possibly weddings. He probably will not be wearing any weapon you get him on duty. and as a 2LT he will not have an office for any plaques you get him. Get him a case of beer.
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A Marine friend gave me a Saint Michael medal after he wore it down range. It was kinda a luck charm thing for me since I'm not religious, but I'm still breathing...

Anyway Michael is the Patron saint for soldiers.

costs range anywhere from 10-70$ and you can get ones with the Marines anchor deal on it.
In my experience, personal firearms are kind of frowned upon in the military, while on duty. Though a nice flat 9MM would likely be appreciated. Kind of a don't ask, don't tell type thing.
I got a Gerber mark II and the matching boot knife, way back when.
The last graduation gift I bought was a vest, back when the issue vests were in short supply.
In my experience, personal firearms are kind of frowned upon in the military, while on duty. Though a nice flat 9MM would likely be appreciated. Kind of a don't ask, don't tell type thing.
That has to be the dumbest idea I've heard in a while... keep in mind I work for the navy now and it's hard to beat them.

Personal weapon = Fine
On duty = Setting yourself up for failure
Frowned upon= Understatement more like a free C-130 ride to Leavenworth
don't ask don't tell= Lol

Gerber Multi-purpose tools (or leathermans)are an awesome gift and come in handy often.

And on the knife side get a benchmade or a Kbar.
That has to be the dumbest idea I've heard in a while... keep in mind I work for the navy now and it's hard to beat them.

Personal weapon = Fine
On duty = Setting yourself up for failure
Frowned upon= Understatement more like a free C-130 ride to Leavenworth
don't ask don't tell= Lol

Gerber Multi-purpose tools (or leathermans)are an awesome gift and come in handy often.

And on the knife side get a benchmade or a Kbar.

They don't let the Navy or Marines keep weapons in their quarters? Can you buy ammo or walk with sharp objects?
Guess times are a changing, thanks for the heads up.
Seems kind of ludicrous, a civilian with a room temperature I.Q. can and a Marine can't.

Do you actually listen to yourself? They are going to send a healthy, combat eligible Marine Officer to Leavenworth for having a gun? The same guys that drive around in main battle tanks, are fire control officers for an artillery battery or maybe Combat Platoon leaders?
If it is a fact, it is a for sure, sorry state of affairs.
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8mud said:
They don't let the Navy or Marines keep weapons in their quarters?

Nope; Navy at least. It's been a while so I'm not sure what the penalty is/was, but those who lived in the barracks were supposed to keep their personal weapons in the base armory. I don't know anybody who actually did. Most guys just kept them under lock and key in the room or off base somewhere.
Nope; Navy at least. It's been a while so I'm not sure what the penalty is/was, but those who lived in the barracks were supposed to keep their personal weapons in the base armory. I don't know anybody who actually did. Most guys just kept them under lock and key in the room or off base somewhere.
In the Army, if you lived in the barracks, you had to keep it in the arms room. But if there was a full alert you could draw it right along with your service and crew serve weapons. If you lived in Officers Country or married housing or even single off base, you could keep it in your domicile.
Though I did hear they were trying to get many of them from the fringes back into the arms rooms and were making noises about civilian registration for those off base.
I remember a buddy writing me from Iraq and asking me to mail him some ammo, because they kept putting him out on guard duty with no bullets. So my guess is anything is possible. LOL
IIRC, it was 'recommended' that those in base housing have their weapons stored in the armory as well. Never happened.

We had no 'arms room' in the barracks.

8mud said:
I remember a buddy writing me from Iraq and asking me to mail him some ammo, because they kept putting him out on guard duty with no bullets.
When I lived in the barracks, I went to the target range most every Saturday morning. The armorer lived off base someplace and really didn't want to come in on Saturdays. He'd issue me my target pistol and rifle on Fridays, I'd turn them back in on Monday.
I imagine if you looked through the regulations long and hard enough, you'd find one requiring you to sit down to pee.
Marksmanship practice used to be a skill the military encouraged.
They also had skeet shoots most every Saturday, they likely have them at Leavenworth also.
One of us is brain dead.
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I checked, they have military shooting clubs at Pendleton, Lejune and Quantico. Those are also the bases where a Marine is more likely to be incarcerated for having one of those nasty boom booms.
Somebody once came up with the bright idea to take all of the firing pins out of the tank main guns as a safety measure. Somebody forgot the ammo can they stored them in once, when we moved out on alert. Twelve basically useless tanks going to war. Didn't really make much difference anyway though, the caps for the firing pin and spring would vibrate out without the firing pin to keep them under tension and fall on the floor (some to never be seen again). I kept an extra firing pin in my pocket (24/7), mine was the thirteenth tank and I made sure to reinstall it before anybody tried moving the tank.
Heck, if they arrested everybody whoever ignored a military directive, it would likley be the end of war as we know it.
Sometimes there is a very large credibility gap between policy and reality.
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