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This is amazing artwork!! I love this country!

Sorry, but I've gotta go with JT on this one - honour is typically not transferable.

I must applaud your efforts in your political campaigns, but credit for service is not personal unless you personally served. I've had family in every American conflict - and that didn't stop with me (Desert Storm 1991, "Sound and Fury."

I'm glad to say that nearly everyone who ever served in my family has come home afterwards (we lost a couple in the Revolution and in the Civil War - up North,) but I wasn't content to rest upon that, so I enlisted (after actually turning down the Academies - I would make a terrible officer. I'm too much a pessimist - which is why I make a damn good non-com.)

It would also be worth noting that there are "flavours" of patriotism (for lack of a better word) - in my case, I have a firm belief in America as the home of Americans, but I think that we'd do very well to divorce the political process and political concerns from military matters, and a great deal of political reform is needed to make America "The best country on Earth." Due to partisan politics and a mislaid "sense of entitlement," we're sliding backwards - and it's going to get our collective ass kicked if we don't do something about it. There are larger issues to be addressed than abortion and tax cuts (although I am forced to admit, we did recently have a VERY good - and very civil - discussion on abortion and such recently!) but it is not politically expedient to address them and work toward a solution. Until we do, anything that is done is a "band-aid" fix, and will eventually be as effective as a tourniquet for a head wound.

There are patriots who believe that our political process is working just fine - I think they've got their hearts in the right place, but they should open their eyes (we're falling apart at the seams.)

There are patriots who fully espouse the ideals of their selected political party - these are the "straight ticket" voters, who typically have been that way for generations. If the parties weren't merging and both going right to Hell, I'd not have trouble with that. My affiliation? I'm listed as "No Party Affiliation" - but I think the Libertarians are on the right track. I don't agree with them completely, but we're pretty close.

However, I never stopped being a soldier (or, in my case, "Airman") and a soldier is not a political animal. I cut my teeth as an instrument of US Policy, not a maker of policy, and my decisions are still flavoured by that experience.

I don't mind discussion politics - assuming I can have a reasoned, civil discours with another intelligent human being (truly rare in California - but it was commonplace back home in IN.)

I guess what I'm trying to say boils down to this - if you want to stand on your accomplishments, stand on YOUR accomplishments. What your parents, grandparents, and x-great-grandparents did was done largely before you were born, and may or may not have been done with you (in whatever form you'd take) in mind. Even if you were alive at the time, what someone else did for you (or not) does not count as your own accomplishments. I don't cound my father's Silver Star as my own - but I'm pretty damn happy with my Bronze (even if I don't talk about it much.)

I dunno - did I make some sense?

ucilxj said:
However, you have based much of your claims for your right to speak out because of your military family.

Wrong again. You don't read very well, do you?
I claim only in part my right based on my family's sacrifice on behalf of their offspring, but mostly my God given intellect, education and hard work as to how and why this country came into being in the first place. I have put in the time and effort to understand why the British invaded, and why Samuel Adams was a violent radical who burned homes and killed people who stood in his way. You know nothing of what motivates me, or why I do what I do, and you never will. You foolishly believe in common sense when you encounter people like me, and experience teaches you nothing. I am nothing like you and I hope never to be. You are a sheep that questions nothing and accepts the lies that people tell as fact. You are deluded, perhaps intentionally so.
You hate people like me who speak their minds while all others mimic and defer. My point, which you deliberately dismiss as invalid, is that I am every bit as patriotic in defence of democracy by providing fair and accurate voting as any military person is with a gun. Both are necessary for democracy, AS IS DISSENTING OPINION WHICH YOU SEEK TO CRUSH.

Without dissent you have Stalinism, Maoism, a one party state, in short, you have a well worn brand of facsism. Quoting the words of a traitor to these United States dishonors the memory of my family and my work as well. It's disgusting and distasteful, and I WILL always speak out against such tyranny. The Rock in question would be a wonderful tribute, except that you either didn't read the inscriptions, or didn't care about it's meaning. Either way, you know less of what you fight for than I do. You ignore important information for no good reason. This is why I was kind to you by calling you ignorant, because I didn't want to label you as someone who would deliberately foist propaganda on others. I was wrong. You certainly are someone who is out to crush the speech of others. You never wanted dissent. You only sought to have others praise you for your post. Too bad for you. Your post shows that you lack enough good judgement to be careful about what you post, and you posted some propaganda, and someone called you on it. Then you attacked the person who called you on your poor judgement. Poor victim. Boo hoo.

You falsely claim that I have no right to free speech because I didn't serve in battle, but I claim that I AM serving my country by creating an environment where free speech and fair elections can take place. I am waging my own battle, albeit without bloodshed. Without the vote, there is no democracy. When I was of an age to go to war in 1981 there was no war to be fought, and so I followed a different path. Would you say that I was unpatriotic for taking up education instead of pursuing a military career that had no future? Would you dismiss my civil rights based on military rank? I think you would, based on your personal attacks. I believe that you are as petty and as small minded as they come. Shame on you for such cowardice.
Where we YOU in the late 70's and early 80's? What is YOUR contribution to democracy? What did you do besides the military? Did you ever consider being an election judge, or have you ever worked for a political candidate? Have you asked people to sign a ballot petition? Have you canvassed a neighborhood talking to voters about key issues? Have you ever taken a stand on any issue publicly, and spoken out? Have you ever attended even a single political rally or event? Do you even know where your party precinct headquarters are? If I quizzed you, whould you even know what parts of the Constitution that the Republicans destroyed? Would you be able to cite what laws have been broken by this administration? Do you know WHY the Bush v. Gore decision is a steaming pile of scheise? Do you know the names of the Supreme Court, and where they stand politically?
I'll bet that you don't even have a clue as to what I'm talking about, or why it matters.
You spend a great deal of your time attacking me, but I want to know what YOU have done to prevent the current crop of fascists from usurping power.
Did you do anything to stop the Bush administration when you learned that they lied to the American people, and most of all, the American military? The military has been used by Bush in evil ways, and soldiers have documented this abuse. What have YOU done to stop it?
Nothing? I'm betting that YOU take this democracy for granted, and that you probably don't even vote in midterm elections, if at all.

I think of all the brave men and women that died so that you could do nothing at all, and THAT is shameful and disgusting, and makes no sense, common or otherwise. You lack any sort of logic or rational thought.

I will continue to speak out against tyranny wherever it exists, and it exists today in the Bush administration, which is part of the propaganda piece that you sought comments on. You asked for comments, and I gave it. Now you want me to shut up, and your friends want me to "bugger off". Isn't that just like a dictator? Where is your tolerance for other points of view? You have no tolerance, and THAT is undemocratic and evil.

ucilxj said:
you're not militay,

No, and I'm not military either, I'm just one in a long line of military family, so I know of what I speak. My family fought so that I could be free to speak, not so that I could cower and wither in the face of an evil government.

ucilxj said:
when you want to "use fact" dont say that "my father was in the military", that doesnt give you the "OK".

The HELL is doesn't. The beauty of the First Amendment (which you haven't read) gives me the right to say what I know to be true. It even gives me the right to use crude vulgar slang and poor grammar. It gives you the right to attack me with mindless and evil character assasinations not based on any fact or personal knowledge of any kind.

See, this is where you have no logic or understanding. My family fought for generations so that I could be _free_ and have civil liberties, not so that I could be forced to espouse the same sheep like expressions that you make. None of my living military family support this evil war against a country that is a former ally; a country that has no weapons and no leader. This war is morally and legally wrong in every possible way, and THAT is fact that you cannot refute, and don't even bother to try.

The First Amendment is something that you should aquaint yourself with, as you are obviously unfamilair. Read it now:

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free excercise thereof, or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble., and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

I cite the illegal executive order called the "Faith Based Initiative", the Fargo 42 and the Denver 3 who were prevented from their freedom of speech, as well as the illegal detention and beatings of protesters of the RNC in NYC.
I cite the illegal prevention of dissenting protesters from every getting near their president during a 60 day tour.
I cite illegal campaign contributions to Dennis Hastert and Tom Delay, among others.
I cite criminal activity in the White House and the Pentagon.
I cite the illegal concentration of the media in the hands of 6 corporations, some foreign owned (Vivendi, ABC - majority owned by the Sa'Ud Royal Family).
I cite also the many many illegal violations of the Freedom of Information Act.

"Without a free press, democracy cannot survive." -- Thomas Jefferson.

Each and every part of this amendment has been completely and utterly violated by the Bush adminstration and the fascists who call themselves Republicans, and THAT is fact. As military personnell, do you or do you not take an oath to uphold the Constitution? I know that you do, and I think that you should honor this oath by demanding that Bush be impeached for violating each and every part of the Constitution of the United States of America, because he has caused you to violate your own oath.

ucilxj said:
I feel that is what you have accomplished. I dont think it is too difficult to look at my initial post and realize that this post was intended to be patriotic.

I think that your victim stance is absurd and laughable, given your personal attack of me. It's at best ingenous, at worst an outright lie.
Maybe that was your intent (I doubt it), but on further inspection, your post reveals a bias in the extreme, as you yourself have stooped to the level of personal attack, lacking a good rebuttal to ANY of the many facts of betrayal by the Bush administration. Anyone that quotes Bush is someone that is either ignorant of his traitorous acts, or is knowingly complicit. You claim not to be ignorant, therefore you are complicit with those that are traitors to this country, and that makes you a traitor as well. If you were not aware of the Bush quote, your ignorant. If you did, you are guilty of "catapulting the propaganda" because you knew of the traitor's quote and were proud to post it anyway. SHAME on you if that is that case.

Don't like the label? Then admit that you made an error in judgement in posting what is blatantly and obviously propaganda. Correct the error by denouncing it as the partisan political crap that it is. Show us all that you are NOT ignorant, and that now that you KNOW that it's partisan propaganda, you don't see it as patriotic at all. You see it for what is is, a way to push Bush as a legitimate source of truth and justice, right along side of Jefferson, JFK and others. Bush is a traitor, and his filthy words have no place commemerating my family or their contribution to democracy in the United States. I will speak out against anyone who posts this kind of traitorous crap wherever I see it posted, including this forum.

ucilxj said:
I was under the impression that people here would have some common sense and realize what I was trying to accomplish.

Common sense is a fiction, and so is your post. You set yourself up as the victim, when in fact, it is America that is the victim of the mass murder and theft that is the Bush administration.
You say that I am ignorant, yet you cannot explain away the FACT that you believe that you are "uplifting" people, when what you are really doing is "catapulting the propaganda". You cannot escape the fact that you willingly posted propaganda, and were rightly called on it.
wow....theres a lot of typing goin on there. all i have to say is that kid is one damn good artist, even if he does quote the "evil" bush (Im not saying i think he is evil!). actually i think that was one of bush's better quotes.
Rev Den said:
Nice to see there are groups out there determined to end public access to the wilds, increase lawsuits against legal buisness, and increase fuel prices.

So you agree that the Bush administration has done these terrible things?
I'm glad that you see what I see:

I cite the destruction of the roadless rule, ending public access to wild lands nationwide, placing those lands into the hands of PRIVATE developers who will certainly restrict access to anyone and everyone.
I cite the overturning of environmental groups settled law (without precedent) that protected a wild area at the very top of Breckenridge Mountain, allowing the resort to clearcut to put in yet another ski lift.
Breckenridge is a private resort, and access to these wild lands used to be available by hiking up to them, but will now be so heavily trafficked that few remaining wild animals will not survive, and access will be on a fee basis only, with numerous legal restrictions and off limits areas.
I cite the recent bid to take over the Roan Valley for natural gas, and area that is (was) protected under law. Access will certainly be restricted due to safety concerns.
I cite the Red Basin of Wyoming, recently illegally taken wild lands, place into private and restricted access.

I cite the unconstitutional cap on lawsuits, which clearly violates the First Amendment's provision regarding redress of grievances.

I cite the bullcrap perpetrated by the oil industry that recently (and quite falsely) claimed that oil prices had increased based on mere speculation that the storms in the Gulf would cause production problems there; prices that did not correct downward after that illegitimate fear was dismissed when the storm was downgraded to a tropical storm.

It's so good to know that we can agree on some things. :D
cwuwildcat said:
actually i think that was one of bush's better quotes.

One of my favorite quotes is when Bush told the American people that we would soon be making diesel out of soy beans.
Not "soy diesel" mind you, which is a real product of mostly diesel mixed with some soy, but Bush talks about literally making diesel entirely from soy.

Here's the quote from a speech that Bush gave on June 9th, 2005:

"I'll tell you an interesting opportunity for not only here, but for the rest of the world, is biodiesel. That is a fuel developed from soybeans. I kind of, in jest, like to travel our country, saying, wouldn't it be wonderful if someday the President sat down and looked at the crop report, and said, man, we've got a lot of soybeans; it means we're less dependent on foreign sources of energy. We're spending money to figure out how best to refine soy into diesel."

Maybe the new Jeep Liberty should be called the CSD instead of the CRD.
CSD could stand for "Common Soy Diesel". Jeez.
No wonder they call him "too stoopid to eat a pretzel".
Glenn said:
It is a shame to see how some react, but thanks for your original post. Some people react this way because they are sore losers, or just cannot stand to see people enjoy patriotism. Either way, thanks for posting the rock.

I have proven irrefutably that I and others are winning the hearts and minds here in Colorado, as we have taken back the house and senate, and made sweeping and resounding victories here. Your side is the loser here. Get your facts straight.
Reindeer said:
I have proven irrefutably that I and others are winning the hearts and minds here in Colorado
You haven't "proven" shit, and the tactics of the Democratic party don't go far toward winning any hearts and minds...take your political drivel to another forum where people actually want to hear your self-promotion. Your shit's getting stale...but be happy that it's something YOU have actually done; no riding on the coattails of your family for that one!
Yucca-Man said:
You haven't "proven" shit, and the tactics of the Democratic party don't go far toward winning any hearts and minds...take your political drivel to another forum where people actually want to hear your self-promotion.

I did in fact prove undeniably and irrefutably that the Democratic party took control of Colorado, and I was definitely a part of that, and my family fully supports my efforts. I could not have gotten where I am today without my family and their dedicated service to this country.
Those are proven and proveable facts that have supporting evidence, not that you give a damn about facts or evidence.

Why are you so upset over these simple facts that you cannot refute worth a damn? :D

My opinion is that this propaganda piece dishonors my family's hard work and lifelong dedication to freedom and democracy, and it dishonors my peacetime efforts to ensure democracy. Anyone who knowingly quotes Bush except to mock him is a traitor in my opinion, and that opinion is based on the fact that Bush has lied and stolen and decieved and killed innocent people.
If I lived near this Rock, I would gather as many as possible to protest the Bush quote until it was removed or replaced with someone else's words who have not betrayed their country or gone AWOL like a coward for 18 months while brave men died. I would make myself heard so that people would know that propaganda is not tribute. There is a difference.

The Republicans are the losers here.
We Democrats got out the vote, and the college age and elderly tipped the balance in dramatic fashion. The numbers don't lie, but the Republican spinmeisters definitely do. They said that the youth vote didn't materialize, and that's a big lie.
We tripled the number of college age voters, thanks in part to my actively canvassing the local campuses, along with many many others. It was a huge effort.
Colorado has suffered too long and WAY too hard under Republican scumbags, and the voters took the opportunity to kick their asses out, including the fascist muckraker Pete Coors (hated by his own workers), who got beaten so badly that he vowed never to run again! More Republican losses will follow, and more states will elect Democrats. The failure of Senator Wayne Allard is so dramatic that he has also vowed not to seek re-election! No one likes him now, and his seat isn't up until 2008! How pathetic is that? What a miserable loser. He was just narrowly elected not long ago. What a failure! The Republicans have no game here, and they know that they have lost this state. It's over. It's only a matter of time before we have the Governor's seat, and a larger majority in both houses.
Tom Delay's operatives tried to illegally redistrict Colorado, and Ken Salazar stopped them cold. The unconstitutional move was pathetic.
Coloradoans have not forgotten the treachery of these Republican hatchet men, and the polls reflected that, as well as public opinion polls. Everywhere you look confidence in Republicans is eroding. Look at what's happened in Illinois for crying out loud! Republicans have controlled Colorado for nearly four decades, and their reign is at an end, because the taxpayers woke up to the fact that Colorado ranks at the bottom of all the states in nearly every category. 47th in economic recovery. 48th in public health (11 children died from the flu for lack of vaccines last year). Dead last in educational funding. Crumbling roads, poor disaster preparedness, a nearly bankrupt higher educational system that recently required tuition hikes of more than %30!
Republicans have ruined this state, and left it DEEPLY in debt.
The American people have had enough of lies and propaganda from Republican extremists, and Colorado is the prime example of how it can be done, and will be done.
We have passed bills that protect the vote, and that is why votes get counted accurately now. Republicans can't rig the vote here like they did in other places, because people like me working with Senator Ron Tupa and many others prevented that kind of vote theft. Republicans may never regain control of Colorado with fair and accurate voting systems. Sucks to be on the losing side now, doesn't it? :D
Reindeer said:
So you agree that the Bush administration has done these terrible things?

I did not metion any political party at all, you seem to have a one track mind, I truly feel sorry for you if you think that all the wrong things in this country are caused by Bush. Perhaps in your area things are different, but out here our rights are under attack more by the "enviromental" groups and anti-gun nuts than any goverment agency or private industry.

Hope this helps you see my position more clearly.

Reindeer...If what I am posting is propaganda, then so be it. I posted something you dont like, and that bothers you. just like what you're posting has bothered others. I never tried to personally attack you, I just thought that you should have stuck with your political career for your basis as far as your opinions are concerned and not what your family has done militarily. and I never claimed you were a coward for not fighting. I have not served, but like you my family has a history of service. I like you, have decided to persue an education at a public university. so in know way am I claiming you as anything less for that.

you ask where I was in the early 80's and if you would have researched my profile, you would have noiced that I was born in 1984. Yes, thats right, I am only 21. you ask what my contribution to democracy is...well, I vote.and yes I do vote in midterms, and I pay taxes which helps support what I feel are (for the most part) the right things. I am not going to get into my political point of view, however, I feel you have already labeled me. yes, I voted for Bush, and I support my president, as I would any other. are there things we can do differently; YES, OF COURSE. just like any other president.

I have atteneded political rally's. a Michael Moore rally, and a Bush Rally. also, the precinct for the republican party has one located in my hometown. also, I was unaware that republicans destroyed parts of the constitution. last I heard, that the constituition is allowed to have changes made to it? I could not cite the laws that ANY administration has broken, because, you need to be honest with that one, ANY administration breaks laws.

now this will be long, and only to show that I am educated :)
there is Ruth Ginsburg, who is a democrat, and appointed by clinton; there is Kennedy (excuse me, for not knowing his first name) - he is a republican and I believe he was appointed by regan; there is a republican leaving in Sandra Day Oconnor; there is Rehnquist who I believe is a republican as well; also there is John Stevens a republican too. ( wow lot of republicans..no wonder you think we're screwed :) ) ; there is Bryer who I think is the youngest..not sure though, but he is a democrat and that happened during clinton years; I think I have proven my point, but here are the others: Souter, Thomas, scalia..I believe thats 9, OH, and we cant forget about the nominee..I think everyone can get this right...Jon Roberts JR. yeah, I think that covers it.

anything else? I may not be as educated as you or as experienced as you, but like you, I know my S@$%, and I can defend myself. I never was trying to bring you down, I was just saying that I wanted this to be a positive post, and if you didnt like my "propaganda" Im sorry, but you have the freedom to pass over it too, just like you have the freedom to talk about it.

and this is my 100th post...
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Bambi said:
People of Earth; fear me.

I did in fact prove undeniably and irrefutably that the Democratic party took control of Colorado, and I was definitely a part of blah, blah, blah, etc...
What a miserable loser, blah, blah, blah, etc...
What a failure, blah, blah, blah, etc...
Sucks to be on the losing side now...
can't help it; I visualize this freak foaming at the mouth while he pecks away at the keyboard :laugh3:
you know reindeer, you and your fellow folks have ruined what a great thread was by spouting off at the mouth. yes everyone is entitled to their own opinion upon our presidents and former, the constitution gives us that right. the thread was brought up to show the support for america and the people who have died for this country, whether they be a soldier, a worker in the world trade center, or a family member caught in the crossfire. being in the military and from a proud military family, yes i have pride in my country and what my father, my grandfather, and what my great grandfather have accomplished.

unfortunately, the media plays a big part in todays society. yall say we shouldnt be in iraq, but have you ever been there? have you seen hordes of pepole flocking to tell you thank you? to go to a section of baghdad where we have made it safe for the families to return home, so that their children can go to school? the hospitals and college's we've rebuilt? the lives our advanced medical technology have saved? none of that is ever shown thanks to the downtrodden view the media has of the military in iraq and afganistan.

I was at a FOB when the 4th infantry division caught saddam hussein. i asked one of the iraqi gentlemen there selling cd's, and general other trinkets. i asked him what he was going to do now that we'd caught saddam. you know what he said? he said he was going to go home, make a big feast, celebrate, and tell his kids that they didnt have to worry about saddam anymore. that strengthened my resolve that the US was correct in capturing and bring that tyrant to justice. you call our president a tyrant...he didnt enslave his people for 30 years, kill them and their families if they didnt have the same beliefs he did. those people lived in absolute FEAR of saddam. that is not the type of life for ANYONE

look at past presidencies....EVERY PRESIDENT has made their mistakes, our current one is no different. people are HUMAN, its part of us, we make mistakes, you make mistakes, our ancestors and our decendents will make mistakes.

so please, continue with your radical knowledge, but PLEASE take it somewhere else where those of us who want to show our support to everyone can appreciate some beautiful artwork, NO MATTER WHOS STATEMENTS are written upon it.
Reindeer said:
You argue that only soldiers should have the right to the First Amendment.
That's laughable, and shows a glaring ignorance of civil rights that have been paid for in blood.
What is the point of having soldiers fight for freedoms that only soldiers can have? Soldiers make up only a fraction of society.
Are you telling me that you don't want me to be free to speak?
You advocate for subjugation and domination, not a free society.

you are wrong.. you should also know that soldiers do not have the ability to use the 1st amendment...we are not allowed some of the civil liberties that civilians are allowed. soldiers do not fight for what only we can have...we fight because we are fulfilling an obligation that we raised our hand for, so do not presume things you know nothing about. we are fighting to preserve what our fathers, and grandfathers and greatgrandfathers have fought for before us. our ancestors fought for freedom, whether it be on US soil or europes, or asia's, but we fought for FREEDOM.
Politics aside.....if you personally have not fought to defend this country and it's way of life.....like so many of us have.....please do not say you have a right to spout off stuff just because your dad did. Hey if my father did something great and nobel......that does not make me great and nobel.

God I can't believe I'm stepping into this shit storm...

Didn't read the whole post but just wanted to put one little point in...

He has a right to say everything he is saying simply because he is an American citizen..it doesn't matter if you've served in the armed forces, your family has, or not. Every citizen has equal right to say what the want to, whether it is in praise of the government or scorn.

ladywolf said:
you are wrong..

No, YOU are wrong.

ladywolf said:
you should also know that soldiers do not have the ability to use the 1st amendment...we are not allowed some of the civil liberties that civilians are allowed.

And I also know that you have willingly given up your right to freedom by becoming a GOVERNMENT ISSUE. Duh. You falsely assert that I don't know about the rights that you sign away irretrievably when you sign the contract to enter the military. You know nothing of me, and therefore you falsely assume that you know what I know. You lie.

ladywolf said:
...soldiers do not fight for what only we can have...we fight because we are fulfilling an obligation that we raised our hand for

No kidding, really? Duh!! You seem to forget that I am the fourth generation of a military family, and I KNOW exactly what military men and women sign away.

ladywolf said:
so do not presume things you know nothing about.

Ah, but it is YOU that presumes everything, and knows nothing.

ladywolf said:
we are fighting to preserve what our fathers, and grandfathers and greatgrandfathers have fought for before us.

But this is the rub.
Military men and women are being DUPED into believing that freedom is the cause, when the goal of the current fascists in office is EMPIRE and OIL and WAR PROFITS. You are being used, and you should know that as FACT.

ladywolf said:
...our ancestors fought for freedom,

No, MY ANCESTORS fought for freedom, including the Gale family who lost two brothers in the same Revolutionary War battle. Don't preach to me about loyalty and honor, because you blindly follow a fascist, and you love that the Constitution is being destroyed. You are the blind leading the blind!

ladywolf said:
whether it be on US soil or europes, or asia's, but we fought for FREEDOM.

Prove that statement with facts. I don't believe that your family fought for this country. Prove it. Show me the data, liar!
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Hey Reindeer? You realize this is a jeep forum right? I mean I know we all go off-topic but I have been going through your posts and you can't even bring up a tech post without spewing your BS.

Why don't you go get some Zoloft and chill. If you are trying to win brownie points you are going about it in all the wrong way man!
DrMoab said:
Hey Reindeer? You realize this is a jeep forum right? I mean I know we all go off-topic but I have been going through your posts and you can't even bring up a tech post without spewing your BS.

Why don't you go get some Zoloft and chill. If you are trying to win brownie points you are going about it in all the wrong way man!

Your personal attacks of me make you look stupid and small minded.
I feel sorry for you.
You haven't bothered to counter anything that I wrote. Why is that?
Reindeer said:
Your personal attacks of me make you look stupid and small minded.
I feel sorry for you.
You haven't bothered to counter anything that I wrote. Why is that?
I did not personally attack you. BTW....I wanna see proof of your family history. Can you prove a single thing you have posted here?

Come on...how fast can you back pedal now?
i wonder if he even owns a jeep, or if he's just using the forum as a way to mouth off