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This is amazing artwork!! I love this country!


Shouldn't you be out on a corner handing out flyers?

If you're such an astute political activist...

Why are you wasting your time and bandwidth posting on a Jeep Cherokee website?

Shouldn't you be at the local high school/college inciting the next revolution?

I don't know if you realize this...

You might actually have a valid point or two buried deep within your diatribe...

But nobody would know because you have no idea how to discuss your views without either disclosing your feelings or boring the piss out of everyone...

You have no idea what my political leanings are...

But I can tell you this...

I pay as much attention to mouthpieces like you...

as I do to Pat Robertson and the religious right...

You're in the same category of rambling idiots...

Do middle America a favor...

Protest your distaste for the current administration by becoming a buddist and wearing a gallon of gas and a lit match...
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Gil BullyKatz said:
You have no idea what my political leanings are...

But I can tell you this...

I pay as much attention to mouthpieces like you...

as much as I do to Pat Robertson and the religious right...

You're in the same category of rambling idiots...
:yelclap: :yelclap: :yelclap:
:worship: :worship: :worship:

Gil...I don't know your political leanings either but I have a pretty good guess
Even though I think we are on different sides on a lot of things...
You could not have spoken words more true!
DrMoab said:
I did not personally attack you. BTW....I wanna see proof of your family history. Can you prove a single thing you have posted here?

Come on...how fast can you back pedal now?

Post your family history first, and I will reply in kind.
You fascist fukkers have proven that you are too violent for me to provide information to you without having the same in kind.
You first, fascist lover.
Do you think I'm stupid enough to allow you to personally persecute me in the way that you really want to? Get real moron.
Reindeer said:
Your personal attacks of me make you look stupid and small minded.
I feel sorry for you.
You haven't bothered to counter anything that I wrote. Why is that?

Everyone deserves a round of applause for contributing to Act I of "Bambi the Super Smart Space Alien". Stand by for Act II; "The Secret Life of a Political Troll" as Bambi becomes disoriented and confused over the lack of participation and begins to drool over her keyboard.

hint: This will make touch typing almost impossible :rattle:
Too much to go through.

It can stay here for all I care. Unless someone wants to clean it up.
