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Thanks for being so open and sharing that. I can appreciate that but please be assured that this is not a "quick fix". NAXJA by-laws and rules have been in place but not fully enforced.

What I intend to do is get this back on track. The members were different as were the BOD members. There were less people and more activity - wheeling, wrenching, etc...

There will be mroe participation from the BOD. I believe that Remi and Josh have been more involved than I have and I have stated i had some personal issue I will not bring up. Things have gooten better and I am getting back into the groove. if anyone has a problem with me, let me know back channel. I know served you all well and I almost stepped down but was encouraged not to. Now that things are better and I am ready.

Now you told me not to take offense to your comment yet you tell me you are offended by the BOD doing their job. Mayeb we haev not done a great job, but that does not mean we can not. I firmly believe what I stated previously about having the best group of people. I also believe this can be turn around very quickly. If folks don't want to be a part of it they do not have to be. That is the case with NAXJA and every thread in it. you have the option to read, post, comment, or ignore.

cal said:
Not to sound like an ass when I say this rpraterxj; I'm not saying it to be an ass.

3+ years ago we had a BOD that was not reactionary. They regularly took part of the forum and club events, and issues were dealt with in a mild mannered backchannel way before they ever made it to black and white.

Our prior board, while under a very compentant president, suffered from his lack of availability and attention. The vice president was inexperianced and mildly underqualified IMO, and was not able to learn from someone who was not there.

And again, no offense, but lather, rinse, and repeat.

I, as a chapter member, am OFFENDED that you want to step in now with massive changes attempting a "quick fix" while not participating, in full confidence that three weeks from now things will be the same. New rules aren't going to fix anything, participating in the chapter will.
Jump This said:
Robert, about those 'extra' threads regarding the Rockgarden Fundraiser....

This was a fundraiser that a lot of people participated in.
Lots of different information needed to be put out there, there were
lots of our members getting excited about this get together....and your going to complain about the amount of threads involved??

Get your butt back into a Cherokee brotha'! That shorty you have been driving is not doing you any good!


OH and BTW (By The Way for you Rich ;) ) Get him CAL!

I did not complain, you FELLOW MEMBERS did. All I did was use it as a reference for multiple post about things.

I did not slam it nor have I slammed anyone.
FordGuy said:
Have you heard the saying "The nuts are running the asylum"

Okay, so we have a problem here Rich.

You used quotation marks when you should have used '........
It wasn't a statement you were actually making, you were quoting another.
And we need some more punctuation.
This is where we may need to call in an expert, but if you are using the quote in a form of a question, you should install a question mark. But....since the quote isn't a question, why would you modify the quote (therefore making it a non-quote) by making us add a question mark?
What I am saying is that your entire reply to the thread is inaccurate.
To be correct, you would need to make a statement about the quote, not modify it into another form.
You have heard 'The nuts are running the asylum.'
Its obvious that this is a Rockin group, and it's not small. Like any large group or organization, it just needs attention and direction, all the time. Is this thread locked to members only? I would not want to have someone new get the wrong idea, Our chapter is the best group of people I have ever spent time with, and I have done a lot of stuff, NAXJA is a blast.
cracker said:
Can MikeG not post up his dinner?

WTF is that about? What do you have against me posting up a M&G? Besides, it's not MY dinner, it was actually started on NAXJA by someone else 4 years ago and has been going solid every month since.


Before I posted it up every month, there was even several posts by newbies that wanted to have one that don't know we already have one. And some have actually requested that I post up a reminder. That's why I do it.
Jump This said:
Sure it was a 'get him' kind of post.
You jumped on him with both feet, I would even
say you ground your heel into his crotch!
You are a hateful SOB!
(That is Son Of a Bitk for you Rich ;) )

Yeah, my nuts still hurt. LOL...

I know, and have stated I have done served well, or at all, over the past few months. I was very active at the begining of the year, but then things happened. Personal things. No details but marriage, work, finances, and other things that I have responsibilty for. unfortunately, I had to put NAXJA aside. I don't live at home with my parents and I am not single (these are not bad things, just different freedoms) I had conversations with folks to help me out and I even offered up stepping down. I was encouraged not too and I am glad I did not. I love NAXJA and have made some great friends.

If folks do not support me then impeach me. If someone thinks they can do better, then step up. Some folks have kept their mouths shut and now they want to speak up to. That's cool. I have no beef with anyone and hold no grudges.

I want to thanks the folks that PM'd me with their personal issues. I
want to see the chapter move forward.
Jump This said:
Okay, so we have a problem here Rich.

You used quotation marks when you should have used '........
It wasn't a statement you were actually making, you were quoting another.
And we need some more punctuation.
This is where we may need to call in an expert, but if you are using the quote in a form of a question, you should install a question mark. But....since the quote isn't a question, why would you modify the quote (therefore making it a non-quote) by making us add a question mark?
What I am saying is that your entire reply to the thread is inaccurate.
To be correct, you would need to make a statement about the quote, not modify it into another form.
You have heard 'The nuts are running the asylum.'

When I get a couple more thousand posts, I will get better. Paying attention when I type is not one of my stronger attributes. But then again, ask me how much I care!
mikedashg said:
WTF is that about? What do you have against me posting up a M&G? Besides, it's not MY dinner, it was actually started on NAXJA by someone else 4 years ago and has been going solid every month since.


Before I posted it up every month, there was even several posts by newbies that wanted to have one that don't know we already have one. And some have actually requested that I post up a reminder. That's why I do it.

I think Avery was siding with you. Making sure that that kind of thread was and should be allowable. I see no nudity in your posts or threads....well, except for that unfortunate event with Josh and the Dana 300...so there is no reason not to allow it.
mikedashg said:
WTF is that about? What do you have against me posting up a M&G? Besides, it's not MY dinner, it was actually started on NAXJA by someone else 4 years ago and has been going solid every month since.


Before I posted it up every month, there was even several posts by newbies that wanted to have one that don't know we already have one. And some have actually requested that I post up a reminder. That's why I do it.



I was wondering if the 'new super fix everything' rules would not allow me to see your wonderful steak cuisine. Double Arrogant Bastard must have made you forget :D
Jump This said:
I think Avery was siding with you. Making sure that that kind of thread was and should be allowable. I see no nudity in your posts or threads....well, except for that unfortunate event with Josh and the Dana 300...so there is no reason not to allow it.


Mac users............
GrimmJeeper said:
what the hell does that have to do with anything? who are you making reference to?

I am assuming more time on his hands......not sure if he is referencing anyone though...
ruggedjeep said:
The ONE issue I have is there has been to much BS off topic threads in the so cal forum. We have 2 places for random chit chat BS and yet it always ends up in the chapter forum.
Agreed 100%. Very few other complaints, but this is a big one. I am sick of the entire first page being threads about BS topic, non tech topics, tech topics, etc. Stuff that in no way relates directly to SOCAL.

I would also like to thank all you who didn't vote for me :D Now I don't have to listen to all you whiney babies talk trash about each other, bod, mods, etc. :tears: :cry:

I am also tired of the "every one here hates go fast" crap. Events are organized by someone starting it up.....Be that SOMEONE. I have been to Azusa, cleghorn, and damn near anywhere else someone posts up for. I flat out refuse to go to Azusa anymore because of the BS tickets some of us got in the parking lot last time I was there. As for cleg...one of my favorites and VERY local for me. I make it as long as I don't have other plans. And I guess maybe I am one step shy of being an elitist crawler with lockers, winch, and 35's....But I still do make it to the smaller events on occassion.

Flame on you bunch of whiney biatches.
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rpraterxj said:
I don't live at home with my parents and I am not single (these are not bad things, just different freedoms)

I'm confused. The only one of us that I am aware of living at home with parents is Remi .. but he owns and pays for the house? I pay my parents car insurance, but don't have the brass balls to pay for their housing too.
JohnX said:
Agreed 100%. Very few other complaints, but this is a big one. I am sick of the entire first page being threads about BS topic, non tech topics, tech topics, etc. Stuff that in no way relates directly to SOCAL.

I would also like to thank all you a holes who didn't vote for me :D Now I don't have to listen to all you whiney babies talk shit about eachother, bod, mods, etc. :tears: :cry:

I am also tired of the "every one here hates go fast" crap. Events are organized by someone starting it up.....Be that SOMEONE. I have been to Azusa, cleghorn, and damn near anywhere else someone posts up for. I flat out refuse to go to Azusa anymore because of the BS tickets some of us got in the parking lot last time I was there. As for cleg...one of my favorites and VERY local for me. I make it as long as I don't have other plans. And I guess maybe I am one step shy of being an elitist crawler with lockers, winch, and 35's....But I still do make it to the smaller events on occassion.

Flame on you bunch of whiney bitches.

John do you need a hug........ here goes one for you!!:smootch:
GrimmJeeper said:
what the hell does that have to do with anything? who are you making reference to?

Can I make an f'ning comment without someone thinking it was aimed at some specific? I just made a freaking comment!

No one specific. There are many different types of folks here and some folks have more time than others. Some of the previous BOD members mentioned earlier were in fact single or had a nice amount of "free time". I had more free tiem before the new job and I participated more then as well.
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