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rpraterxj said:
Can I make an f'ning comment without someone thinking it was aimed at some specific? I just made a freaking comment!

No one specific. There are many different types of folks here and some folks have more time than others. Some of the previous BOD members mentioned earlier were in fact single or had a nice amount of "free time". I had more free tiem before the new job and I participated more then as well.

Oh, my bad then. I retract my remi comment.

Sorry remi, no brass balls for you.

JohnX said:
Agreed 100%. Very few other complaints, but this is a big one. I am sick of the entire first page being threads about BS topic, non tech topics, tech topics, etc. Stuff that in no way relates directly to SOCAL.

I would also like to thank all you a holes who didn't vote for me :D Now I don't have to listen to all you whiney babies talk shit about eachother, bod, mods, etc. :tears: :cry:

I am also tired of the "every one here hates go fast" crap. Events are organized by someone starting it up.....Be that SOMEONE. I have been to Azusa, cleghorn, and damn near anywhere else someone posts up for. I flat out refuse to go to Azusa anymore because of the BS tickets some of us got in the parking lot last time I was there. As for cleg...one of my favorites and VERY local for me. I make it as long as I don't have other plans. And I guess maybe I am one step shy of being an elitist crawler with lockers, winch, and 35's....But I still do make it to the smaller events on occassion.

Flame on you bunch of whiney bitches.
I solute you John. Great response, but too many smilies. Smilies are gay.

another worthless post
cal said:
Oh, my bad then. I retract my remi comment.

Sorry remi, no brass balls for you.


You crack me up!
Skwerly said:
People would be friendlier if the forums were blue.

hahahahhahaha i agree, red is such a confrontational color... :D

i can climb your wall, i just dont wanna...

Skwerly said:
People would be friendlier if the forums were blue.


I want blue forums, I want blue forums, I want blue forums!!
TheWarWagon said:
who gives a damn? nothing is going to change around here.

Thats the attitude! When are we going for that beer I owe you?
There is a trend of people talking for lack of a better word
Better words...let's see, crap, trash, garbage, non-sense, BS...5 without trying...

Which brings me to a complaint of mine: the increase in cussing and foul language on the open forums due to people's laziness/unwillingness to use a couple extra brain cells to come up with something else.
Bryce, not necessarily a personal attack on you (although it kind of is...;)) but its been getting worse on a regular basis. People talk about upholding the rules, putting forth a good face to new users, etc, well let's uphold the rules on language...
cal said:
Going to find a beer.

I finished a couple already. Skinny Dip, Hef, and now I am opening an ice cold FAT TIRE!!!!

Oh, and I took a darvaset.....

good night!

:cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :speepin: :speepin:
Darky said:
Which brings me to a complaint of mine: the increase in cussing and foul language on the open forums due to people's laziness/unwillingness to use a couple extra brain cells to come up with something else. People talk about upholding the rules, putting forth a good face to new users, etc, well let's uphold the rules on language...

This right along the lines of what I am talking about. We all need to make an effort and teh BOD will make more effort to ensure threads are cleaner. If someone finds a thread with offensive language, report it.

Thank you!
cal said:
Thats the attitude!

it is what it is. whenever man. right now I don't have a pot to piss in, but I'm always around the IE/OC. just give me a call. but don't I owe you the beer?
rpraterxj said:
I finished a couple already. Skinny Dip, Hef, and now I am opening an ice cold FAT TIRE!!!!

Oh, and I took a darvaset.....

good night!

:cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :speepin: :speepin:

Seriously? I couldn't tell. Posts like this one don't say that at all: (look at the spelling..) :)

rpraterxj said:
There will be mroe participation from the BOD. I believe that Remi and Josh have been more involved than I have and I have stated i had some personal issue I will not bring up. Things have gooten better and I am getting back into the groove. if anyone has a problem with me, let me know back channel. I know served you all well and I almost stepped down but was encouraged not to. Now that things are better and I am ready.

Now you told me not to take offense to your comment yet you tell me you are offended by the BOD doing their job. Mayeb we haev not done a great job, but that does not mean we can not. I firmly believe what I stated previously about having the best group of people. I also believe this can be turn around very quickly. If folks don't want to be a part of it they do not have to be. That is the case with NAXJA and every thread in it. you have the option to read, post, comment, or ignore.
TheWarWagon said:
it is what it is. whenever man. right now I don't have a pot to piss in, but I'm always around the IE/OC. just give me a call. but don't I owe you the beer?

Not when you don't have a pot to piss in, no. :) I can provide you with several empty pint glasses for the job..

God i hope no one confuses it for bud light!
cal said:
Seriously? I couldn't tell. Posts like this one don't say that at all: (look at the spelling..) :)





silverslk said:
WOW!! I go away to watch Generation Kill on HBO and this is what happens!!!

Yeah Festivus came early this year. Airing of Grievances are a plenty tonight.

Where's the pole? Oh, nm, it's up everyones a$$e$$, mine included. Nuff said.

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JohnX said:
Agreed 100%. Very few other complaints, but this is a big one. I am sick of the entire first page being threads about BS topic, non tech topics, tech topics, etc. Stuff that in no way relates directly to SOCAL.

I am tired of hearing "someone PM'd me and complained" from Robert evrrytime someone has a problem with a post. WTF...go crying to the president? POST UP AND SAY SOMETHING.

The way I understand it. If it's jeep related (like tech) it has it's own forum. Stuff that we as SOCAL want to discuss shouldn't be a problem. Most the "BS" posts you refer to probably have more views than threads you would want to see.

JohnX said:
I am also tired of the "every one here hates go fast" crap. Events are organized by someone starting it up.....Be that SOMEONE. I have been to Azusa, cleghorn, and damn near anywhere else someone posts up for. I flat out refuse to go to Azusa anymore because of the BS tickets some of us got in the parking lot last time I was there. As for cleg...one of my favorites and VERY local for me. I make it as long as I don't have other plans. And I guess maybe I am one step shy of being an elitist crawler with lockers, winch, and 35's....But I still do make it to the smaller events on occassion.

Flame on you bunch of whiney bitches.

READ some of the threads lately. There are threads about going out to the races and watching. I don't NEED to be that SOMEONE. I just think people bashing guys who want to go run their rigs more (even though its not HARD CORE) is weak.
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