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Great posts guys.

About mederators - There have been times when there has been posts removed, moved, edited, locked, or whatever, and the person then starts another thread bitching about why the thread got the action.

We made changes to try to accomodate - group buys in the for sale section.

There have been more but I will nto hit on everyone.

Things were different 3+ years ago - the group as a whole were different as was the BOD. There were more work parties and wheeling trips. There are tons of look what I got threads, drama, bling this, drama, what was your first car, what's your favorite color, etc.... threads.

We need to get back to grass roots! XJ wheeling, wrenching, and Karma, helping and being a good group of guys, not bitching and whining.

There are to many subsequent posts on the same topic. Rockgarden for example - 4 threads that I remember.

We have the BEST Jeep folks in the country and we have the best network around. Why have we let this happen? Yes, the BOD can be help responsible for some of the crap, but it's YOU, the members/guest, that make this thing what it is.

I will make a motion in the BOD forum to better police the chapter and keep the threads on topic. We will enforce the "rules" to everyone. This includes signature lines, avatars, post content, etc...

We are mostly grown men (and a few women) and we love our sport.
rpraterxj said:
Things were different 3+ years ago -

Good times...gigity gigity :D

rpraterxj said:
I will make a motion in the BOD forum to better police the chapter and keep the threads on topic. We will enforce the "rules" to everyone. This includes signature lines, avatars, post content, etc...

You can't enforce rules that do not exist. IF you are going to do this, you must create a set of rules and have the rules posted (another sticky :doh: ).

Can MikeG not post up his dinner? :laugh: From a national view, the Chapter forums is to do what ever the chapter wants as long as tech stays in the tech forums. What direction do you [Robert] want to take SoCal chapter? Where are these rules going to take us?
Where do I start? At the beginning right!!
I haven't been here that long. But in the short time here have met a lot of awesome people. People that go out of their way to help each other. A friend in need is a friend in w.....oh that's right it's indeed. Like Rick said it's like a family. And with a family comes the good and the bad. If a family member has a behavioral flaw (being nice here) that really gets out of hand, you sit them down and talk about it. You don't do it at a public place. You do it behind closed doors and air it out. And when the family member continues f-ing up you are faced with tough decisions. So I guess I have 2 complaints about NAXJA. The first is that some discussions that should be taking place behind closed doors are taking place in openly viewed threads (and I am guilty of this too...I was the first to take offense to the comments made in the "let's go fishing" thread. Whenever you get a group of people of this size together you are going to have cliques formed. It just happens. So be it. If only 4 rigs want to go to a Jeepspeed race then those 4 are gonna have a blast. Would it be cool to have 20 XJs attend en masse? Hell yeah but it is what it is. That's a great thing about Jeeps. You can go camping with the family. You can go rock crawling at JV. You can go watch Jeepspeed races and drive right on the track. You can go play in the snow. You can go to Mexico and drive right on the beach. (ya gotta love Southern California!!!!). And yes we are all spread out but have local get togethers. Heck we even have a sub chapter in a small beach town from what I hear.
And on to my complaint #2.
When I joined I had a stock XJ. Thanks to you guys I have now spent 8 times what I paid for it on parts...maybe more....and the parts I have staged in the garage waiting to go on it almost total the purchase value. But you know what...I love it and wouldn't have it any other way.
Naxja is what the people make it to be. And I for one truly appreciate it for what it is!!! Is it perfect? No! But nobody is!
That's my 2 cents....
BajaCurt said:
Classic Ken classic!!!!!
Way to add some much needed humor to this thread!!!!!!!!!!!!

Its OK to use internet lingo such as "ROFLMAO", just leave it out of your Christmas list because Santa is computarded and has no idea what any of that means.

I think there should be a "NAXJA for dummies" tutorial thread for the computards. A lot of people don't spend 24/7/365 on a computer and have no idea how to post/host pics, vids, net etiquette. Just a thought.:D
rpraterxj said:
Things were different 3+ years ago - the group as a whole were different as was the BOD. There were more work parties and wheeling trips. There are tons of look what I got threads, drama, bling this, drama, what was your first car, what's your favorite color, etc.... threads.

Not to sound like an jerk when I say this rpraterxj; I'm not saying it to be an jerk.

3+ years ago we had a BOD that was not reactionary. They regularly took part of the forum and club events, and issues were dealt with in a mild mannered backchannel way before they ever made it to black and white.

Our prior board, while under a very compentant president, suffered from his lack of availability and attention. The vice president was inexperianced and mildly underqualified IMO, and was not able to learn from someone who was not there.

And again, no offense, but lather, rinse, and repeat.

I, as a chapter member, am OFFENDED that you want to step in now with massive changes attempting a "quick fix" while not participating, in full confidence that three weeks from now things will be the same. New rules aren't going to fix anything, participating in the chapter will.
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juryrigjalopy said:
Its OK to use internet lingo such as "ROFLMAO", just leave it out of your Christmas list because Santa is computarded and has no idea what any of that means.

Its not just Santa, I don't know what in the hell it means, and I am tried of asking my Son who tells me, then makes fun of me for a week!
FordGuy said:
Its not just Santa, I don't know what in the hell it means, and I am tried of asking my Son who tells me, then makes fun of me for a week!

You have to ask your number one son. He won't make fun of you.
Robert, about those 'extra' threads regarding the Rockgarden Fundraiser....

This was a fundraiser that a lot of people participated in.
Lots of different information needed to be put out there, there were
lots of our members getting excited about this get together....and your going to complain about the amount of threads involved??

Get your butt back into a Cherokee brotha'! That shorty you have been driving is not doing you any good!


OH and BTW (By The Way for you Rich ;) ) Get him CAL!
FordGuy said:
juryrigjalopy said:
Its OK to use internet lingo such as "ROFLMAO", just leave it out of your Christmas list because Santa is computarded and has no idea what any of that means.
Its not just Santa, I don't know what in the hell it means, and I am tried of asking my Son who tells me, then makes fun of me for a week!

Your lucky......I savor it for at least a few months.

Maybe the thread should be called "How to GOOGLE it for dummies (or old farts)".
Jump This said:
Get him CAL!

While I laughed at the enthusiasm, that was not a "get him" kind of post. I don't like being in a position where I feel like I am telling someone how to do their job - or in this case how not to do their job; but I also feel it is the responsibility of the president of any group to participate in a regular if not full time manner.
Sure it was a 'get him' kind of post.
You jumped on him with both feet, I would even
say you ground your heel into his crotch!
You are a hateful SOB!
(That is Son Of a Bitk for you Rich ;) )

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My only complaint has been the BLUE forums being taken away! I guess the red finally grew on me, but the BLUE looked real nice!!

Bringing the blue back would make me smile :).

Other than that, GREAT club, and I wish I could do more to help it!
Jump This said:
Sure it was a 'get him' kind of post.
You jumped on him with both feet, I would even
say you ground your heel into his crotch!
You are a hateful SOB!


Rick for President! :D
cracker said:
He adds value. Entertainment value. ;)

What would you have done with Beezil or Hinkley if you can't handle Ron? I dare anyone to meet Ron. He is one of the nicest soft spoken people you'll meet.

X2. I know em, wheeled with him a bunch of times, he's lead runs, lead ME personally through trails, brewed us beer, cooked us dinner. Nice guy. Sorry you newbies only saw the asshat side of him. Ask Ryan, he has some nice words to say about him. Like "he's a big asshole, but also the nicest guy you'll ever have fun with" :laugh2:

Skwerly said:
Other than that, GREAT club, and I wish I could do more to help it!

You want to help? I have hours and hours of stuff that can be done.................

PM me for more details. How are you with marketing?
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