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wife wants a hand gun

Stumpalump said:
You gun freaks crack me up. They are protected by your constitution yet when sombody questions their true need you get you pink panties all in a knot. Take this advise,read your countrys constitution then remove your pink panties,untie the knot and make sure this time the petite label is in the rear. I'll ask again because nobody has ansered. If you wepons of death are protected by your constution then why do you take it so personal when sombody questions their need? I have pounds of guns and ammo and I don't think the contents could be picked up if they were all in one box but it dosent make me a beliver in daily carry or a beliver that some day the goverment is going to have to pry them from my cold dead finger. It's a joke! You fools let the gun freak lobby and hollywood distort all gun logic. But answer my question.

To answer your question, I dont take it personal when someone questions thier need. I dont really care who or what someone thinks about guns. I take it personal when someon like you calls everyone a "gun freak" just because they own a gun and then you start to spew out BS like you just did. You dont have any idea what you are talking about but yet you still pipe in on every gun topic just to spew out your liberal "anti gun" garbage because you are the one who has been brain washed by the anti gun freaks into thinking that everyone is a "gun freak" because they own a gun...except the actual anti gun freaks because they can do no wrong. Your still an idiot and prove and reassure this every day!
Stumpalump said:
You gun freaks crack me up. They are protected by your constitution yet when sombody questions their true need you get you pink panties all in a knot. Take this advise,read your countrys constitution then remove your pink panties,untie the knot and make sure this time the petite label is in the rear. I'll ask again because nobody has ansered. If you wepons of death are protected by your constution then why do you take it so personal when sombody questions their need? I have pounds of guns and ammo and I don't think the contents could be picked up if they were all in one box but it dosent make me a beliver in daily carry or a beliver that some day the goverment is going to have to pry them from my cold dead finger. It's a joke! You fools let the gun freak lobby and hollywood distort all gun logic. But answer my question.
I will bite... just cause I wanna see you try and counter this one:
1. Ever called 911? How long did it take you to get an operator? In LA it's nearly impossible to get someone in under 4 minutes. Add to that the "deployment" time. Also any populated area is understaffed in regards to LEO's. I believe the statistic is that if you have 4 or 5 incidents in a city, that ties up all active LEO's on that shift and resources need to be shifted either from another city or the Sheriff's Dept. By incidents I mean anything from homicide investigation to traffic accident. If you're #6... wait your turn.
2. Do you realize that the LEO's responsibilty is to apprehend criminals and not to protect you?? There is a supreme court case about that.
3. Recent acts of violence in malls, churches, school and on the street where people for no apparent reason start shooting folks they never met before. The shooting in CO was stopped by a CCW holder. Media did twist it towards the end and labeled her as a security guard or something like that (she had CCW and by law she had to obtain the priests permission to carry @ church. Somehow this made her "official security").
4. I realize I need to take responsibility for myself and for my loved ones. Yes I will cross the street to avoid trouble, but sometimes you avoid of streets to cross and corners to turn to walk away.

Need I go on??? I don't know what you're looking for. Reasons are plenty. I look at it this way: I would rather have it and NEVER have to use it then not have it and regret it till the end of my life however short it might become at that point......
Also I have no problem with folks not wanting to defend themselves: to each his or her own. I do consider that proof of Darwinian theory. What I have a problem with is folks telling me HOW to live my life and what I can and cannot do.......
sjd78 said:
To answer your question, I dont take it personal when someone questions thier need. I dont really care who or what someone thinks about guns. I take it personal when someon like you calls everyone a "gun freak" just because they own a gun
x2 Btw, I like to call myself a gunslut :D Has a lot better ring to it ;)
Stumpalump said:
You gun freaks crack me up.

Can you define "gun freak"? I'd like to know if Im a "gun freak" or not.

I own several.
A good bit of my adult life Ive had a carry permit.
I used to shoot fairly regular but havent in a awhile.
I spent 8 years of my life in the military and a couple years as a deputy and have fired and carried many different weapons.

Freak or not ??????
Ray H said:
Can you define "gun freak"? I'd like to know if Im a "gun freak" or not.

I own several.
A good bit of my adult life Ive had a carry permit.
I used to shoot fairly regular but havent in a awhile.
I spent 8 years of my life in the military and a couple years as a deputy and have fired and carried many different weapons.

Freak or not ??????

Oh...well of course you are a freak lol J/K
sjd78 said:
To answer your question, I dont take it personal when someone questions thier need.

There is a moral and ethical duty for the individual to defend himself. Not to dig into religion, but no less a personage than Christ Himself advocated this - and, for more current doctrine, the Dalai Lama has also gone on record advocating self-defense.

Given that duty, there is a need to acquire tools that are useful to achieve that duty - which is why there is a right to own firearms in this country (you don't always need them - but it's better to have and not need than to need and not have. We all carry insurance, no? Fire extinguishers? First aid kits? These are all tools used to handle unforeseen and unexpected situations - the same principle applies to ownership of personal firearms.)

I don't "question your need" - never have, and don't see any reason to start anytime soon. There's no need for you to question my need, either. I've carried a personal blade just about every day since my fifth birthday (when I was given my first) - while I don't need it every day, there are times I've needed it and it's come in very handy. Even for something as prosaic as opening a box or cutting some string. Californians ask me "Do you always carry a knife?" My answer - "Aw, no. Usually two or three."

Do I always "need" the 600DET I carry on my belt? No. Does it come in very handy when I do? Certainly! Likewise the lighter in my pocket, the SureFire G2 in a belt pouch, and any number of other things I carry routinely when I leave the house. Even my dog tags have come in handy (I've used them on stuck thumbscrews. The can opener I keep on the chain has come in handy at lunchtime every now and again. When I got whacked by a car a couple years back, they knew who I was and my blood type - made immediate aid rather easier.)

I could draw parallels all day, but I shan't. You don't always "need" a sidearms, but it's damned nice to have one when you do. We are, each of us, singularly responsible for our own safety - there is no one else who has a responsibility or a duty to see to the security of a fully-functional adult human being. A sidearm (or a long gun) is merely another tool available to us to achieve that goal - and to deprive "functional" adults of those tools is immoral on the part of the people who continue to attempt to do so.

Also, by not allowing children to learn to handle, use, and carry firearms safely, we are doing future generations a disservice (ditto in not allowing them to carry personal blades.) This is an opportunity to teach effective lessons in responsibility - which has been lost. I only hope it can be regained.

When I was in grammar school, it was not uncommon for some of the kids to have blades in their pockets - small ones, to be sure, but they were there. No-one was bothered by this, they didn't come out in play-yard fights, and they did get bigger as the kids grew (my small combination blade became a mid-level Swiss Army Knife by middle school.)

And we wonder what's wrong with kids to-day...
Anybody that gets the least bit offended by any antigun talk is a gun freak. Don't take it personal and if you are as a responible gun owner as I now belive you guys are then get informed about what the antigun lobby is saying and prepairing to do so us gun owners don't look bad. Me personally I like guns. I used to love them and before that I lived and breathed them for protection. Thats not the case today so I just have fun ponting out all aspects of guns good and bad. If you really care then learn all aspects and lighten up when sombody oposes their need. You are in the 25% minority of people because you have guns. They have other statistics of folks that have more than 10. I think thats me i'd have to count but that would be a collector but the freak gets all tourqed out of shape over nothing.
Stumpalump said:
Anybody that gets the least bit offended by any antigun talk is a gun freak. Don't take it personal and if you are as a responible gun owner as I now belive you guys are then get informed about what the antigun lobby is saying and prepairing to do so us gun owners don't look bad. Me personally I like guns. I used to love them and before that I lived and breathed them for protection. Thats not the case today so I just have fun ponting out all aspects of guns good and bad. If you really care then learn all aspects and lighten up when sombody oposes their need. You are in the 25% minority of people because you have guns. They have other statistics of folks that have more than 10. I think thats me i'd have to count but that would be a collector but the freak gets all tourqed out of shape over nothing.
Cat got your tongue? no response to my post??? I do not take it personal if it's a regular discussion. You just throw BS out there and run when folks answer your points. You also call them names... I do take that personal.
I once had to put up with this guy at work. Nice guy, and extremely well manered...on the surface. Every chance he could get, he would fuk with you. Mind games mostly, stuff that couldn't be documented. Occasional sabatage you couldn't prove, but that he denied way too much. Knew the system inside and out and exactly where the line was, and when to back off. 2nd happiest day of my life was when he got fired.

There is a parallel to be drawn here, but I lost my pen ;)
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5-90 said:
There is a moral and ethical duty for the individual to defend himself. Not to dig into religion, but no less a personage than Christ Himself advocated this - and, for more current doctrine, the Dalai Lama has also gone on record advocating self-defense.

Given that duty, there is a need to acquire tools that are useful to achieve that duty - which is why there is a right to own firearms in this country (you don't always need them - but it's better to have and not need than to need and not have. We all carry insurance, no? Fire extinguishers? First aid kits? These are all tools used to handle unforeseen and unexpected situations - the same principle applies to ownership of personal firearms.)

I don't "question your need" - never have, and don't see any reason to start anytime soon. There's no need for you to question my need, either. I've carried a personal blade just about every day since my fifth birthday (when I was given my first) - while I don't need it every day, there are times I've needed it and it's come in very handy. Even for something as prosaic as opening a box or cutting some string. Californians ask me "Do you always carry a knife?" My answer - "Aw, no. Usually two or three."

Do I always "need" the 600DET I carry on my belt? No. Does it come in very handy when I do? Certainly! Likewise the lighter in my pocket, the SureFire G2 in a belt pouch, and any number of other things I carry routinely when I leave the house. Even my dog tags have come in handy (I've used them on stuck thumbscrews. The can opener I keep on the chain has come in handy at lunchtime every now and again. When I got whacked by a car a couple years back, they knew who I was and my blood type - made immediate aid rather easier.)

I could draw parallels all day, but I shan't. You don't always "need" a sidearms, but it's damned nice to have one when you do. We are, each of us, singularly responsible for our own safety - there is no one else who has a responsibility or a duty to see to the security of a fully-functional adult human being. A sidearm (or a long gun) is merely another tool available to us to achieve that goal - and to deprive "functional" adults of those tools is immoral on the part of the people who continue to attempt to do so.

Also, by not allowing children to learn to handle, use, and carry firearms safely, we are doing future generations a disservice (ditto in not allowing them to carry personal blades.) This is an opportunity to teach effective lessons in responsibility - which has been lost. I only hope it can be regained.

When I was in grammar school, it was not uncommon for some of the kids to have blades in their pockets - small ones, to be sure, but they were there. No-one was bothered by this, they didn't come out in play-yard fights, and they did get bigger as the kids grew (my small combination blade became a mid-level Swiss Army Knife by middle school.)

And we wonder what's wrong with kids to-day...

Stumpalump said:
That was good I even called the wife into read it.
Here you Kej as to Not have to dicifer what excacly your issue is:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EJnPoOGabPU
Run something by you. My niece has just been molested, guy posted it on the Internet. Police haven't even confiscated his computer yet, it's likely the guy is going to catch on and toss it before anybody finds any evidence.
Her mother is leaving for the weekend and this guy is supposed to pick her up from school today and watch her over the weekend. Her mother is in denial, this guy is supposed to be the new love of her life.
Our plan is to get her father and snatch her from school two hours early. When he doesn't find her at school, the guy is likely going to show up at the Grand Parents house (they are pushing 90) asking questions. He has a history of steroid rages.
I plan on being there cleaning up the garden. My son is going to do the talking, he has a tendency to be a negotiator, which is bad in my opinion. The guy is about 240 and muscle bound.
I have no doubt he has some sort of weapon stashed in his car, the question is what sort? When my son tells him to get lost and he stomps back to his car to get his ? or pushes his way into the house or both.
What exactly are our options?
Personally, I believe in redundancy and having a choice of options.

The only real fascination I have with weapons, is pretty much the same one I have with darts, the bow or even throwing a baseball. I get some sort of satisfaction hitting what I'm aiming at. It's hereditary I believe, some sort of genetic survival trait.
I'd just as soon never have to shoot another human being, besides being kind of traumatic, it stinks and it leaves a mess on many levels. I really don't like killing animals, but I'm good at it, it's a dirty job and somebody has to do it. I do like the stalk, the chase, the shot, don't much like the killing and cleaning part, do like the eating part. A firearm is the more humane way of doing it, right tool for the job.
For home defense it is just another option, when/if dealing with a life and death situation. I'd rather avoid the problem, the reason why I have alarms, multiple gates and doors, dogs, planned escape routes and other options in place.
My wife has only one leg, fleeing isn't really an option for her. That leaves only one option, without the means to defend herself, standing there and taking whatever comes at her.
If it wasn't modern firearms it would likely be clubs, knifes, crossbows, rocks or something else less efficient.
I guess I'm a gun nut and guns are the root of all evil.
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Stumpalump said:
I have 5 assualt guns and a pile of hand guns to play with because I like them as toys.

I like guns but freaks take them personal and actually belive some childmolester is comming to get them. Same folks that belive they will win the lottery. 1 in millions that anybody on this site will actually need a gun to save his life. It just don't happen that often enough to justify them for self defense. If you are such a woose and are afaid of getting beat up then maybe thats your justification but to dream up senerios in your head that makes you carry a gun is insane. The proof is how they freak out when their use or need comes into question.
Stumpalump said:
I like guns but freaks take them personal and actually belive some childmolester is comming to get them. Same folks that belive they will win the lottery. 1 in millions that anybody on this site will actually need a gun to save his life. It just don't happen that often enough to justify them for self defense. If you are such a woose and are afaid of getting beat up then maybe thats your justification but to dream up senerios in your head that makes you carry a gun is insane. The proof is how they freak out when their use or need comes into question.

It's better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it.....
Just because I'm is paranoid doesn't mean that they aren't out to get me!


Stumpalump said:
I like guns but freaks take them personal and actually belive some childmolester is comming to get them. Same folks that belive they will win the lottery. 1 in millions that anybody on this site will actually need a gun to save his life. It just don't happen that often enough to justify them for self defense. If you are such a woose and are afaid of getting beat up then maybe thats your justification but to dream up senerios in your head that makes you carry a gun is insane. The proof is how they freak out when their use or need comes into question.
Stumpalump said:
I like guns but freaks take them personal and actually belive some childmolester is comming to get them. Same folks that belive they will win the lottery. 1 in millions that anybody on this site will actually need a gun to save his life. It just don't happen that often enough to justify them for self defense. If you are such a woose and are afaid of getting beat up then maybe thats your justification but to dream up senerios in your head that makes you carry a gun is insane. The proof is how they freak out when their use or need comes into question.

so if you don't need them can I have them.