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wife wants a hand gun

Stumpalump said:
Have you ever stared down the cylinders of a revolver? It's scarier than a .45.

Ok I don't know what else you said but I don't tend to look down loaded gun barrels and to me looking down a barrel of anything is a bad deal regardless of what it is. Shinney bullets or not.
5-90 said:
Depends. Revolvers have a much shallower learning curve - for the reasons mentioned.

If it's going to get carried about, just teach her "five beans in a wheel" - the chamber under the hammer, when stored, should be empty. This helps to prevent NDs. When the hammer is actually cocked (by the thumb or the trigger,) the cylinder will advance one, and there will be a round under it when it's done.

if its a modern revolver you can carry six........ most have a hammer block a peice that goes between the firing pin and hammer. it moves when cocked to the rear to prepare for firing. got two rugers that have it.
Stumpalump said:
Dang Kej you put it so nice like that and you almost got my tounge. It must be true that they pump the buildings full of ozone oxegenated air in Vegas. I'm sure all you guys are more than qualified and safe to carry. In fact people like you guys lurking around with your thousand dollar firestorms in your pocket make it safer for me and my family to be out. Guns in the hands of the likes of you do in fact put the fear of god into criminals. But having seen the death, destruction, suicide and misuse I will allways feel inclind to remind those that are thinking about a gun what can and often does happen.
I see you have totally missed my point... But then again it seems that you miss most of them :dunno:
dgrigorenko said:
if its a modern revolver you can carry six........ most have a hammer block a peice that goes between the firing pin and hammer. it moves when cocked to the rear to prepare for firing. got two rugers that have it.
Damn, I missed that before. Yup, with new revolvers you can safely carry with a round under the hammer. And some of the new wheelguns are a nice crisp 7 rounders :D
dgrigorenko said:
if its a modern revolver you can carry six........ most have a hammer block a peice that goes between the firing pin and hammer. it moves when cocked to the rear to prepare for firing. got two rugers that have it.

True - most. Until the individual revolver is proven otherwise, tho, I'll keep advising people to leave an empty hole under the hammer.

"Most" revolvers are also being made with "inertia" firing pins (the firing pin is just a bit short, and is supposed to only whack the primer when the hammer hits it full force...) but the same condition applies. Until I know otherwise, I'll assume it isn't, and advise accordingly.
Kejtar said:
Damn, I missed that before. Yup, with new revolvers you can safely carry with a round under the hammer. And some of the new wheelguns are a nice crisp 7 rounders :D

Wow I think my auto is like that too, thing called a trigger fires the bullet. :D :D
Kejtar said:
I will echo what was said: a wheel gun is probably your best choice as it does offer simplicity of use. Now here's another thing: take her to a range where they rent guns. Have her try couple different ones and see what she likes best. Buyin a gun without testing it out it's like buying a cat in the bag. You take it home, open the bag and you decide you don't like it and it's not for you. If she is to have any use out of it, she should be familiar with it and like to shoot it (however frequently or infrequently it might be).

On the other hand: if you guys will start shooting occasionaly then start considering semi autos. Why? The shorter pull of a single action (ok, if you go DA/SA first pull will be like a wheel gun but rest will be short) will make you more accurate of a shot then a double pull. There is something to consider though: under stress you don't want to accidently shoot too early but on the flip side under stress you don't want to miss by accident.

Anyways, if you want to go shooting and can make it to OC, gimme a holler. I got a membership @ a range where they have a wide variety of handguns to try. All it'll cost you is the price of their ammo (you can't bring your ammo if you want to shoot their guns).

may have to take you up on that.
Stumpalump said:
Chicks carry because they at times put themselfs in harms way. Teach them and yourself how to avoid hot spots and lock you weopons of death away because you play with fire long enough and you may get burned.

holy crap dude im talking protecting our home from invaders of the meth head crack whore type that seem to be invading our high desert and basicly ruining our quiet life style. Im not saying to pack a weapon in every day situations, or go in to less than safe areas and situations with one either. Like I said earlier my wife seldomly leaves our house not in my or one of our family members or friends company so Im not to worried about it except when Im not home cuz im camping or wheeling or working and she is home alone in a place she should be able to feel safe and secure at all times. having a crack head in our fenced in yard yelling for his wife to come out side at 3am (and no she wasnt in our house we still dont know where he got that idea from)with the closest police officer 45 minutes away and the fact our afordable housing is bringing more and more of the loosers up here has prompted us to not only get more dogs( no we dont train them to be aggresive or dangerouse just to bark and growl and to stand thier ground) but to think it is time to be pro active and not wait for the time some meth head decides he wants to see what we have to steal or even worst yet who he can harm. Honestly I have no problem protecting my self and my house hold at any cost to my self when im here but when Im not Id feel much more comfortable knowing my wife not only has our fur kids here with her but her "little friend" as scar face would put it.
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Kejtar said:
Cool. Range is right down the street from me so I'm game almost any evening (except Fri this week).
probly in a couple weeks some of our friends are having thier baby tomarrow and both my wife and my birthdays are this week so its kinda busy times around here right now
Gerr said:
holy crap dude im talking protecting our home from invaders of the meth head crack whore type that seem to be invading our high desert and basicly ruining our quiet life style. Im not saying to pack a weapon in every day situations, or go in to less than safe areas and situations with one either. Like I said earlier my wife seldomly leaves our house not in my or one of our family members or friends company so Im not to worried about it except when Im not home cuz im camping or wheeling or working and she is home alone in a place she should be able to feel safe and secure at all times. having a crack head in our fenced in yard yelling for his wife to come out side at 3am (and no she wasnt in our house we still dont know where he got that idea from)with the closest police officer 45 minutes away and the fact our afordable housing is bringing more and more of the loosers up here has prompted us to not only get more dogs( no we dont train them to be aggresive or dangerouse just to bark and growl and to stand thier ground) but to think it is time to be pro active and not wait for the time some meth head decides he wants to see what we have to steal or even worst yet who he can harm. Honestly I have no problem protecting my self and my house hold at any cost to my self when im here but when Im not Id feel much more comfortable knowing my wife not only has our fur kids here with her but her "little friend" as scar face would put it.
That sucks. I have some cop freinds back in Little Rock and they told me to plan on living in a gated comunity with private security by the time I retire. If you have meth heads in your area and you want to protect your property then she need a long gun too. I keep a mac 90 ready with that surplus corrosive ammo that has the 10 penny nail in the lead. I hear that some newer ammo biodegrades over time. That old corrosive surplus stuff hits hard and never fails but thats another subject. I still have a sealed tin. It's like a big old tuna fish can complete with a key to wind around the side.
Stumpalump said:
Chicks carry because they at times put themselfs in harms way. Teach them and yourself how to avoid hot spots......
And you're the kind of jackass that thinks that when a lady gets raped because she's in a supposed "hot spot", it's her fault.

You're an idiot!
Stumpalump said:
I keep a mac 90 ready with that surplus corrosive ammo that has the 10 penny nail in the lead. I hear that some newer ammo biodegrades over time. That old corrosive surplus stuff hits hard and never fails but thats another subject. I still have a sealed tin. It's like a big old tuna fish can complete with a key to wind around the side.

WTH??? :confused:
Stumpalump said:
Your a gun freak who has been suckerd by the gun lobby's move on.org type groups.
I guarantee you little man, you couldn't be more wrong!

And you're still an idiot.
This is what the anti gun crowd knows about you so if you want to keep your guns then be a little more informed so you don't look so freakish:

"Many pro-gun lobbyists seem unable to argue their case without including vindictive personalised attacks against individuals who put forward the opposite case. GCN receives a regular flow of these. The tone of the messages can be threatening, aggressive, rude and foul-mouthed."

Furthermore thay have vast collections of the wacked out things this gun lobby has done and published. It makes gun owners look like rednecks who can only rant slogans. Too bad and guys like you are part of the reason a lot of honest folks loose intrest in guns and rights to keep them.
Stumpalump said:
Many pro-gun lobbyists seem unable to argue their case without including vindictive personalised attacks against individuals who put forward the opposite case.
And you were all nice about your point of view?? Stumpy: you might want to check your posts. You were the first one that started with the insults and regurgitating slogans.

Furthermore thay have vast collections of the wacked out things this gun lobby has done and published. It makes gun owners look like rednecks who can only rant slogans. Too bad and guys like you are part of the reason a lot of honest folks loose intrest in guns and rights to keep them
How so???? I spend time (MY OWN TIME OF WHICH I DON"T HAVE MUCH) and with no compensation whatsover help train folks in firearms safety. You really are an idiot. Why? Because you jump to assumptions. You label folks you don't know. You claim you know how they will behave. You do exactly what the anti's of EVERY type/category do. You look for the worst possible scenario and apply it to all. Anti 4x4 folks do that. Anti gun folks do the same. Temperance movement did the same. All IMHO opinion are extremist groups. I believe I should be allowed to own a firearm, should be allowed to drink alcohol and go offroading, and backpacking and sailing and do anything I damn please to as long as I'm responsible about it. I don't want to have my life regulated by whole bunch of folks who either never done something in their life or have screwed up and now are afraid of their own shadow and everyone elses shadow.

SO STFU about judging others and labeling them and spewing the BS you do cause you're embarassing yourself.
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Kej, I don't jump to conclusions and I wasn't talking about you. I use to hang out in Blue Bead Arms co and go to gun shows with them. It was an endless parade of kooks who genuinly belive we are going to have a revolution. I remember Amy was talking about it to a potential buyer and agreeing on the need to stock up before the Clintons take all the guns. Amys husband Preston was the kook lawer that almost shot me by accident. I questioned her later and she laughed about all the money she made because of the hype,misinformation and general stupidity of the majority of her customers. I'm glad you help the good ones but when I sat behind the table at gun shows I saw few. Most were gun freak rednecks that could rant all of their god given rights to own fire arms. I'm not talking about a common sence 2 or 3 gun owner's I'm talking about the idiots that are twisted like the bus driver. You go to gun shows. Talk to the average folks. They are redneck twisted misfits that are way to into guns to define reason. Of course you won't admitt they are twisted because you are associated with them on some level. Just like you won't admit Europe is a nasty cesspool full of miserable people. Gun shows arnt all bad and neither is Europe but the majority are not so hot. I think Amy is selling wholesale ammo now but look her up and ask her about the customers she had when she sold guns. This is all I could find.
Part of the reson I stand up to you gun freaks is because it's so dam easy to get your pantys all twisted. I have 5 assualt guns and a pile of hand guns to play with because I like them as toys. You guys take them and your god given right to own them so dam personal. Why? You already have the constitution on your side yet you get so worked up when their need gets questioned. Whats to fear?
Gerr said:
holy crap dude im talking protecting our home from invaders of the meth head crack whore type that seem to be invading our high desert and basicly ruining our quiet life style. Im not saying to pack a weapon in every day situations, or go in to less than safe areas and situations with one either. Like I said earlier my wife seldomly leaves our house not in my or one of our family members or friends company so Im not to worried about it except when Im not home cuz im camping or wheeling or working and she is home alone in a place she should be able to feel safe and secure at all times. having a crack head in our fenced in yard yelling for his wife to come out side at 3am (and no she wasnt in our house we still dont know where he got that idea from)with the closest police officer 45 minutes away and the fact our afordable housing is bringing more and more of the loosers up here has prompted us to not only get more dogs( no we dont train them to be aggresive or dangerouse just to bark and growl and to stand thier ground) but to think it is time to be pro active and not wait for the time some meth head decides he wants to see what we have to steal or even worst yet who he can harm. Honestly I have no problem protecting my self and my house hold at any cost to my self when im here but when Im not Id feel much more comfortable knowing my wife not only has our fur kids here with her but her "little friend" as scar face would put it.

same reason I just bought a shortbarrelled shotgun.

My wife is not proficient at shooting a handgun, so a scattergun seemed a good option for the house.
in the last 6 months a meth houes was busted a mile away, and someone was stabbed to death in the same area.