I'm parting a 94 zj. Free tank if someone wants it.
Bad timing! I'm down in Georgia until May. I'd grab it in a heart beat if I was home.
I'm parting a 94 zj. Free tank if someone wants it.
Awesome build! Just curious if there is a specific year the ZJ gas tank has to be for a swap? Thanks!
We have done two now, with 96-98 ZJ tanks.
I don't know if 93-95 Zj tanks use the same fuel pump, and this will only
Work on a late model 97-01 xj
We have done two now, with 96-98 ZJ tanks.
I don't know if 93-95 Zj tanks use the same fuel pump, and this will only
Work on a late model 97-01 xj
Do you have more info on the gas tank swap? Will it fit an XJ skid tank? Do the stock j-hook bolts that hold up the tank work? I'd love to get 5 more gallons of fuel.
That tank swap has got me thinking, for sure!
*I have VERY little Jeep experience!!!* That said, I have changed around fuel pumps on various cars, and unless they are heavily modified (triple the stock horsepower), you can pretty much change fuel pump part numbers, fuel pump styles, fuel pump locations, from model year to model year. They generally have the same flow, and they generally all operate on the same 12V power. So, I have a feeling even a different fuel pump style/part/location would work fine, so long as the flow is similar and it's powered on with the same 12V.
My main concern is tank fitment under the XJ. But it sounds like you guys know for a fact the 96-98 ZJ tanks fit. What other years in that chassis have the same fuel capacity? That should tell us which tanks are the same physical dimensions.
Then it's just verifying flow, and also resistance at the sender/sender styles (the fuel gauge might not match if the sending unit is different), but the sender resistance vs tank level information should be in a manual somewhere.
I think this will be on my mod list for sure!
EDIT: Are we sure it's a 5 gallon gain? I'm showing 20.2 gals for the base, and 23 gals for the grand...??? For only ~2.5 gals, I don't know if I'll bother, personally. We own 5 jerry cans, so meh.