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Vote Libertarian


NAXJA Forum User

that is all.

I just renewed my membership.

Think we're all kooks?

Crazy drug addicts that want everything legalized?

not really. The party slogan sums it up nicely.
"Minimum government, Maximum freedom"
Wasted vote to prove a point......seems silly. FWIW, I'm a registered Independant, conservative with Libertarian leanings.

Romney will get my vote in November, not that I think he's the ideal candidate, just the best option, with the ability to win.

Voting for GJ will get you bragging rights, but if a high percentage of Libertarians pursue that angle, Obama gets a 2nd term and we're all screwed.
It's not wasted. It just won't go very far because the vast majority of those who are voting romney are only doing it because they are voting against Obama. People who say they are independent but vote rep. who listen to the hype that a vote for 3rd party is a vote for Obama. HOGWASH!!! If the people voted 3rd party we would have a 3rd party president. Last time that happened it was the republicans that were the 3rd party. And Lincoln was the president.

It doesn't help that the dems and reps are two affraid to have an open debate against gov. Johnson. Or that both established parties are fighting to exclude him from ballots. Even in states he is already on them.

But there is the internet, and nothing is stopping the sheeple from discovering more viable options. Yet the vast majority are content with simply voting out Obama in favor of another big gov. Statist with a different name.

I don't want to hear no crying when romney continues where Obama left off. And all the sheeple start turning on who they voted for because he turned out to be another Obama.

Rant over!
Wasted vote to prove a point......seems silly. FWIW, I'm a registered Independant, conservative with Libertarian leanings.

Romney will get my vote in November, not that I think he's the ideal candidate, just the best option, with the ability to win.

Voting for GJ will get you bragging rights, but if a high percentage of Libertarians pursue that angle, Obama gets a 2nd term and we're all screwed.

that's like choosing to suck the smaller of two dicks when there's a room of hookers with a pile of cocaine in the next room.

I'm voting hookers and blow thank you.

seriously, I'm voting with my conscience, and when all of this falls apart with Romney or Obama or whatever big party candidate gets forced upon us I'm going to sit back, watch the flames grow higher and say I told you so with a maniacal laugh.

Now, if we've gotten the "a Libertarian vote is a wasted vote" bullshit out of the way, who's got real questions about the Libertarian party?
that's like choosing to suck the smaller of two dicks when there's a room of hookers with a pile of cocaine in the next room.

I'm voting hookers and blow thank you.

seriously, I'm voting with my conscience, and when all of this falls apart with Romney or Obama or whatever big party candidate gets forced upon us I'm going to sit back, watch the flames grow higher and say I told you so with a maniacal laugh.

Now, if we've gotten the "a Libertarian vote is a wasted vote" bullshit out of the way, who's got real questions about the Libertarian party?

... excuse my politcal ignorance, but what exactly is a "libertarian"?

Someone that would like the government to be just for the essential Constitutionally mandated things it should be.


they do a better job of explaining it. I had a long rambling post all typed out, but trying to follow my thought processes is a little bit like herding chickens.

You run around a lot, and in the end you just end up dizzy.
... excuse my politcal ignorance, but what exactly is a "libertarian"?

Libertarians emphasize freedom, liberty, and voluntary association without coercion. Libertarians advocate a society with a small government compared to most present day societies.
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I've been on the fence about this for a while. I thought about voting for the slightly lesser evil (Romney) so I don't "throw my vote away" but when it comes down to it they both want to force people to conform to their personal beliefs. I can't be a part of that ignorant behavior I want to be able to tell my grand children I voted for freedom and true equality.

I'll be voting for Gary Johnson.
Wait, now I'm confused.......true Libertarians will resort to homosexual acts, unless there are hookers present with cocaine?
Wait, now I'm confused.......true Libertarians will resort to homosexual acts, unless there are hookers present with cocaine?

it was a joke.

ask a question as it relates to the topic or GTFO.

this will not turn into another "libertarians are wasting their vote" or "romney is the lesser of two evils" thread.

as a population we've been voting for "the lesser of two evils" for a long time. Look where that's gotten us.

It's time for the republic to be a republic again, not a two party oligarchy that gets to choose their man and give the voter no true choices.
ask a question as it relates to the topic or GTFO.


"The Libertarian Party is for all who don't want to push other people around and don't want to be pushed around themselves. Live and let live is the Libertarian way."

"The Libertarian Party is for all who don't want to push other people around and don't want to be pushed around themselves. Live and let live is the Libertarian way."

We can still tell you to gtfo, we just can't force you to gtfo. :D
Libertarian vote in this presidential election IS a wasted vote or at worst a vote for Obama. Libertarians and their supporters need to gain ground in state and local levels first. That is where your vote counts. Whining about change and my candidate didn't get a chance is meaningless if you can't first garner local presence.
I will research this Gary Johnson character.
Libertarian vote in this presidential election IS a wasted vote or at worst a vote for Obama. Libertarians and their supporters need to gain ground in state and local levels first. That is where your vote counts. Whining about change and my candidate didn't get a chance is meaningless if you can't first garner local presence.

Hmmmmm.......... Our presidential nomination is Gov. Gary Johnson. Look up the records of the other 2 and compare theirs to Gov. Johnson's.

There are many current reps in the congress and senate that are actually libertarians at heart. The issue is that the USA has a 2 party system that has monopolized the political field. We can energize the voters all we want but until they stop listening to buttheads on fox news and the rest of the sheeple who tell them its a lost cause, and actually stand up for what's right and vote accordingly. We will continue to enlighten 1 mind at a time.

My vote will not be wasted nor will it be a vote for Obama. It is a vote for what I believe in to be right and just. I'm voting for you as much as I'm voting for myself.