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This is amazing artwork!! I love this country!

ucilxj said:
Got this through an email. I know most people on here will appreciate this. share your thoughts too. it was pretty awesome for me, to see someone do something so powerful to something so ordinary.


Nice artwork, and a wonderful tribute to our brave troops,
except that some right winger apparently already vandalised it
by putting the words of a traitor on the same art as those that
were true champions of liberty.
The words of the traitor George Bush should NOT be anywhere near a memorial to those who have fought and died for liberty.
The rest of it is fabulous and impressive.
You would not know a true champion of liberty even if he kcked your ass.
You would not know how to respond to a service man or woman if you met one.

The best you can do is try to start some crap on a Jeep Club forum. Bugger off. Go back home and do your homework, you have summer school in the morning kid.

Reindeer said:
Nice artwork, and a wonderful tribute to our brave troops,
except that some right winger apparently already vandalised it
by putting the words of a traitor on the same art as those that
were true champions of liberty.
The words of the traitor George Bush should NOT be anywhere near a memorial to those who have fought and died for liberty.
The rest of it is fabulous and impressive.
Traitor? Who would you have voted for? John Kerry? Sheesh....fuggin' stupid mouthpiece kids without a thought of their own...
It is a nice mural, we have much to be proud of as Americans. The Kennedy quote is brilliant, even Bush's quote was a comfort when we all reeling from 9/11.

I am no fan of most of President Bush's policies; but he is the POTUS and that still means something, and the ass-hat comment will do nothing but piss people off and do nothing for dialog.

That said, jumping this dudes case doesn't do anything for your guys side either. Have you guys ever talked to (not at) someone who doesn't agree with your points? It is amazing what happens, you get heard, you have an opportunity to convince someone your point is the best. But heck, this is the internet, civility doesn't exist here.

See ya on the trails gentlemen.
LOL, it is not like I fell of the turnip truck yesterday. Last week perhaps....

Yeah, I do talk to a lot of people that do not agree with policy. But most of them have the balls to start theor own thread, instead of crapping on a perfectly good one. If they wanna debate, they can. But they can do it in their thread. IMHO.

That being said, I do not have to worry about "my side". Last I looked, America is doing well, thank you. :)
argalaviz said:
That said, jumping this dudes case doesn't do anything for your guys side either. Have you guys ever talked to (not at) someone who doesn't agree with your points? It is amazing what happens, you get heard, you have an opportunity to convince someone your point is the best. But heck, this is the internet, civility doesn't exist here.

See ya on the trails gentlemen.
Glenn said:
That being said, I do not have to worry about "my side". Last I looked, America is doing well, thank you. :)


I hear ya!

Plus the weather is perfect these days 'round here.

Have you been down the Veteran's museum in Chehalis yet?

It's worth the drive.

<end hijack>
For the record, I was invited by the original post to share my comments, and by God I will.

Glenn said:
You would not know a true champion of liberty even if he kcked your ass.

My family have served in three wars for the United States of America, thank you very much.
My great grandfather served as an officer during the Great War.
My grandfather is buried with honors at Arlington Cemetery.
He commanded a submarine in the pacific, and sank a fair number of Japanese subs.
My father, a Marine, served in Korea.
My mother was a nurse during Vietnam.
My cousin served in Korea, and is now a decorated police officer and the head of his unit.

Your misinformed ignorance doesn't bother me. I pity you really.
My family defended this country in times of war and in peace, and that gives me the right to say what ever it is that I want others to hear, as that is my first amendment right. I have learned about honor and truth from my family, and it has served me well.

I know for a fact that anything from Bush's treacherous mouth is a lie, and the American people are waking up to that hard fact.
Bush has created propaganda for an illegal and immoral war that the United States should not be supporting.
It dishonors those that fought for this country to use or brave soldiers in this sick twisted fashion, forcing them to torture and kill prisoners in detention camps. That's a NAZI tactic right out of Ravenbruck prison.

Karl Rove should be rotting in prison, not setting policy.
There is a reason why Novak has had to go back to the grand jury five times (as of this writing - it may be more now).
Rove is going down, one way or another, and Dick Cheney's chief of staff is connected directly to this traitor, which makes him a traitor as well.

We should, instead be fighting the terrorists, which is what Clinton did, and the Brits are doing now.
If you recall the Republicans cried "No war for Monica!" when Clinton sent missles into Afghanistan to kill Osama bin Laden. The U.S. could have killed him then, had Republicans allowed it.
It wouldn't have stopped al Queada cold, but it would have slowed them down dramatically, I believe.
The recent bombings in London and Madrid have proven that Bush is recruiting terrorists, NOT stopping them.
The idea that fighting them there will stop them from coming here is obviously discredited.

This kind of propaganda is seen for what it is.
It's not a tribute. It could have been, but it's not.
It's a propaganda piece for so called Republicans that vote against body armor for the troops, vote against decent food, vote against providing health care, vote against adequate troop levels, and vote to send our troops into harms way without good cause.
Our military men and women are being used for evil, and that is not what this country stands for.
The "coalition" has crumbled, and even the Brits will be out of Iraq by the end of September. It's over. The Iraq war is already lost, as is the "war on terror".

We have men in the white house who has perpetrated the high crime of treason. They should be impeached and jailed for their many criminal acts.

Glenn said:
The best you can do is try to start some crap on a Jeep Club forum. Bugger off.

This thread was not started by me.
The request for comments was not written by me.
The first post of dissent was also not mine.
You apparently didn't read the thread very well.
I pity your lack of intellect. It's truly sad.

No, the best that I can do is what I am already doing.
I am a political activist. I became one when Dubya deliberately ignored national security briefings that said "Bin Laden Determined to Attack the United States". Reading _My Pet Goat_ and doing a photo op while people died was more important than giving an order to shoot down planes.
That's when I became involved. I was outraged by extremists who are trying to destroy the democratic experiment that my family fought so hard for.

I am for verifiable voting systems, and for defending democracy.
Extremists do NOT want fair and accurate voting, and they have proven that.
It took Democrats in Colorado to pass bills protecting people from vote fraud, thanks in small part to my efforts.
I have been an election judge in two elections, and I (along with many others) have gotten rid of touch screen voting in my county.
I march in parades, and attend rallies against the so called PATRIOT ACT.
I also talk with voters, LOTS of voters, and as a result, we turned Colorado bright blue, taking back the house and senate of Colorado for liberals.
I work with the local college campus organizers, and I contribute money to campaigns, and provide any help that I can, including logistical support.
We will take away the fascist Wayne Allard's senate seat in 2008, and we will take away Musgrave and Beuprez's seats in 2006.
Republican rule of Colorado is at an END, and then, when that job is done, I will move on, and do it all over again in another state.
See, I HAVE done my homework, and it's working.
The people are starting to see the truth, and most have stoped believing Republican lies. Recent polls reflect that fact. That, and they cannot ignore that Bush is a traitor to this wonderful country through his outing of CIA operative Valerie Plame Wilson.

Your personal insults have only inspired me to redouble my efforts,
so I thank you.

Glenn said:
Go back home and do your homework, you have summer school in the morning kid.

Personal insults are all you have. You have no facts to suport you.
Please, waste your time attacking me personally.
It helps my cause. :D

"Even though I'm a tranquil guy now at this stage of my life, I have nothing but contempt and anger for those who betray the trust by exposing the name of our [CIA] sources. They are, in my view, the most insidious of traitors."
-- George H.W. Bush, talking about his son, April 26, 1999
Reindeer said:
My family have served in three wars for the United States of America, thank you very much.
My great grandfather served as an officer during the Great War.
My grandfather is buried with honors at Arlington Cemetery.
He commanded a submarine in the pacific, and sank a fair number of Japanese subs.
My father, a Marine, served in Korea.
My mother was a nurse during Vietnam.
My cousin served in Korea, and is now a decorated police officer and the head of his unit.

Your misinformed ignorance doesn't bother me. I pity you really.
My family defended this country in times of war and in peace, and that gives me the right to say what ever it is that I want others to hear, as that is my first amendment right. I have learned about honor and truth from my family, and it has served me well.
What have YOU done? Your family should be ashamed if they served with all the honor you imply. Riding someone else's coattails...typical Boulderite Democrat way...
very good point yucca man.

The recent bombings in London and Madrid have proven that Bush is recruiting terrorists, NOT stopping them.

care to explain this one for me as i'm a bit slow
Politics aside.....if you personally have not fought to defend this country and it's way of life.....like so many of us have.....please do not say you have a right to spout off stuff just because your dad did. Hey if my father did something great and nobel......that does not make me great and nobel.
Yucca-Man said:
What have YOU done? Your family should be ashamed if they served with all the honor you imply. Riding someone else's coattails...typical Boulderite Democrat way...

My family is very proud of my work. Thanks for asking. :D
My father is someone who is a moderate who is very upset with the extremists in office because he is a trial lawyer who has worked for the poor doing amazing work helping people, and he has been vilified and maligned by those that are busy destroying the Medicare program that he relies on, now that he has cancer.
It has made him very angry with the righties who use personal attacks instead of real arguments on the issues of the day.
My family is tired of the divisiveness of Republicans who use partisan politics to usurp power while doing nothing about national security.

Since you neglected to read my previous resume brief, here's more:
Thanks in part to me, my area voted %92 Democratic. Previously the Democrats only voted about 64%. That's a huge spike, and it's going to continue in that direction across Colorado.
The radical fascist agenda of the extremists who call themselves Republicans have inspired lots of moderate folks who would otherwise not be involved to work against them, and work hard. My story is not unique.

My mother uses Working Assets long distance service, thanks to my suggestion. She votes Democratic, as does my entire family.
My father is a former Reaganite Republican who hates Bush because of Bush's lack of national security, and the fact that Bush was AWOL while he and so many others served and sacrificed. Bush is a disgrace to the honor of military families like mine. Colin Powell's lies to the UN and the world are also troubling, as Powell vowed never to repeat the wrongs done in Vietnam, and he has done just that. Donald Rumsfeld shook hands with Saddam Hussein AFTER Hussein had gassed the Kurds. The evils of the Nixon administration are being eclipsed by the Bushies. Nixon was evil and corrupt and a flaming racist, but at least he didn't expose the identities of covert operatives working for the United States.
Bush and Cheney are worse than Aldrich Ames in my opinion.

My family donates to the Democrats, and writes to their representatives on issues like women's rights, the environment, and a host of other issues.
My resume of work is more than enough for one person, and it takes up a good chunk of my dwindling spare time. I have educated as many as possible through my writings, my teaching, and everyday life.
I concentrate on local politics, and it's been VERY successful.

Too bad your feeble attempt at yet another personal attack has failed.
You didn't address a single fact that I presented, including the fact that the rock artwork is propaganda when it includes the words of a known traitor.
You wouldn't put quotes from Benedict Arnold on a tribute to American soldiers, and this is exactly what has been done. It's a defacement of an otherwise wonderful work of art.

I find it sad, because it could have been a great tribute to those that fought so hard for freedoms that Republicans now want to take away.
Your kind has managed to take a moderate like me and turn them into a fighting (and winning) liberal, and there are many like me. Good job.
Keep up the good work "catapulting the propaganda", as it helps my cause when moderates realize that the right wing is lying and stealing. No one likes a liar and a thief, and the American public is not as stupid as Republicans would have everyone believe.

Oh, and BTW, I'm not a typical Boulder resident, as I don't live in Boulder, and I'm not from Boulder. That is yet another thing that you got wrong.
You need to be more careful about mindlessly stereotyping people. because it makes you look like a complete fool.
Politics aside.....if you personally have not fought to defend this country and it's way of life.....like so many of us have.....please do not say you have a right to spout off stuff just because your dad did. Hey if my father did something great and nobel......that does not make me great and nobel.

You argue that only soldiers should have the right to the First Amendment.
That's laughable, and shows a glaring ignorance of civil rights that have been paid for in blood.
What is the point of having soldiers fight for freedoms that only soldiers can have? Soldiers make up only a fraction of society.
Are you telling me that you don't want me to be free to speak?
You advocate for subjugation and domination, not a free society.

Thomas Jefferson said that "Dissent is the highest form of patriotism."
Don't like my dissent? How unfortunate for you. :D
DrMoab said:
Why should we even listen to you? You have already proven to all of us you are a total liar in a previous post.

Again, another mindless personal attack, instead of a real argument based on facts. I have accurately represented everything that I wrote about, and I can back it up with facts. You only have ad hominem attacks, which makes you look petty and ignorant. I feel sorry for you.
Reindeer said:
You argue that only soldiers should have the right to the First Amendment.
That's laughable, and shows a glaring ignorance of civil rights that have been paid for in blood.
What is the point of having soldiers fight for freedoms that only soldiers can have? Soldiers make up only a fraction of society.
Are you telling me that you don't want me to be free to speak?
You advocate for subjugation and domination, not a free society.

However, you have based much of your claims for your right to speak out because of your military family. you're not militay, when you want to "use fact" dont say that "my father was in the military", that doesnt give you the "OK". you do have your political career, which is what your basis for your comments should have been all along, not what you family has done.

also, you may not have started this thread, and you indeed "commented" on this thread, but I feel that as much as you are claiming people for igonorance, I feel that is what you have accomplished. I dont think it is too difficult to look at my initial post and realize that this post was intended to be patriotic. I feel that your ignorance, and your insatiable desire to have your opinions heard defaced what I had intended to be a patriotic and uplifting post. I guess I should have clarified what I meant by "please comment", but I was under the impression that people here would have some common sense and realize what I was trying to accomplish.
It is a shame to see how some react, but thanks for your original post. Some people react this way because they are sore losers, or just cannot stand to see people enjoy patriotism. Either way, thanks for posting the rock.

ucilxj said:
However, you have based much of your claims for your right to speak out because of your military family. you're not militay, when you want to "use fact" dont say that "my father was in the military", that doesnt give you the "OK". you do have your political career, which is what your basis for your comments should have been all along, not what you family has done.

also, you may not have started this thread, and you indeed "commented" on this thread, but I feel that as much as you are claiming people for igonorance, I feel that is what you have accomplished. I dont think it is too difficult to look at my initial post and realize that this post was intended to be patriotic. I feel that your ignorance, and your insatiable desire to have your opinions heard defaced what I had intended to be a patriotic and uplifting post. I guess I should have clarified what I meant by "please comment", but I was under the impression that people here would have some common sense and realize what I was trying to accomplish.
Reindeer said:
Again, another mindless personal attack, instead of a real argument based on facts. I have accurately represented everything that I wrote about, and I can back it up with facts. You only have ad hominem attacks, which makes you look petty and ignorant. I feel sorry for you.
Actually...As much as I want to gag reading your comments. And even more after going back and reading your posts...I have to apolgize to you. I thought you were the guy who was spouting off about how great he was and how he was in Vietnam. Then we find out he wasn't old enough...I thought this was you...its not.

I just found out that in 53 or so posts almost everyone of them have been about how much you hate bush.

So why don't you take your idealistic BS over to a military forum....I think Glenn can give you some links :D and spout off to them. It seems you are far more interested in Arguing and bashing our president then actually talking about what this forum is about.

I'm sure they would eat you alive!

So...again I am sorry I thought you were an outspoken POS lying bastard. That was wrong of me...
I will just retract the lying bastard part to be fair. :D
Did You Take Some Pictures....for Those Of Us Who Can Not Visit It.

Yup...but no way to host them now. It looks exactlly as it does on the site:


As long as you are clicking links, check this one:


Pay extra attention to the groups they fund and to the activism links. Nice to see there are groups out there determined to end public access to the wilds, increase lawsuits against legal buisness, and increase fuel prices.
