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THe NAC Lots-O-BFG KO2 Thread

Re: THe NAC Lots-O-Post Thread aka North America Home Owners Association Thread

got asked to work late tomorrow, of couse I said yes, not looking forward to 15 hr day
Re: THe NAC Lots-O-Post Thread aka North America Home Owners Association Thread

Re: THe NAC Lots-O-Post Thread aka North America Home Owners Association Thread

Re: THe NAC Lots-O-Post Thread aka North America Home Owners Association Thread

THe NAC Lots-O-Post Thread aka North America Home Owners Association Thread

HDD just kicked in one of my 8 Dell SX280s from 2003. I wonder how fast the rest of them will go... And yes, I'm still running 11 year old boxes in some of the smaller rooms :-(
Re: THe NAC Lots-O-Post Thread aka North America Home Owners Association Thread

HDD just kicked in one of my 8 Dell SX280s from 2003. I wonder how fast the rest of them will go... And yes, I'm still running 11 year old boxes in some of the smaller rooms :-(

amazon has some great deals on sdd right now ordered a 240GB drive for $100 last night
THe NAC Lots-O-Post Thread aka North America Home Owners Association Thread

amazon has some great deals on sdd right now ordered a 240GB drive for $100 last night

Lol like I'm going to replace a drive on a Pentium 4 machine. I'm waiting on campus to stop dragging their feet and give me the Mac minis that they ordered for these classrooms.
Re: THe NAC Lots-O-Post Thread aka North America Home Owners Association Thread

Lol like I'm going to replace a drive on a Pentium 4 machine. I'm waiting on campus to stop dragging their feet and give me the Mac minis that they ordered for these classrooms.

but its sunch a pain to get roller coaster tycoon to run on win7
Re: THe NAC Lots-O-Post Thread aka North America Home Owners Association Thread

Do you play that for hours with cheetos crumbs all over your excessive belly hair? Because me too.

i launch guests into a lake to burn then drown all day every day with my carpal tunnel wrist band on

Re: THe NAC Lots-O-Post Thread aka North America Home Owners Association Thread

does anyone know someone with ~5 years mech/manufacturing engineering experience that is fluent in english and mandarin

I finish my classes in one week for a degree in Mech with a minor in Manufacturing and certified by SME as manufacturing engineer bitch. 1.5 yrs experience and no interest in working for your company probably :thumbup:
Re: THe NAC Lots-O-Post Thread aka North America Home Owners Association Thread

I finish my classes in one week for a degree in Mech with a minor in Manufacturing and certified by SME as manufacturing engineer bitch. 1.5 yrs experience and no interest in working for your company probably :thumbup:

Your pants are too tight for daily trips to the Chinese buffet anyway.
Re: THe NAC Lots-O-Post Thread aka North America Home Owners Association Thread

Your pants are too tight for daily trips to the Chinese buffet anyway.

I went to the gym once and did 3 squats then had to buy all new pants.
Re: THe NAC Lots-O-Post Thread aka North America Home Owners Association Thread

I finish my classes in one week for a degree in Mech with a minor in Manufacturing and certified by SME as manufacturing engineer bitch. 1.5 yrs experience and no interest in working for your company probably :thumbup:

good i won't want to work with you anyway
Re: THe NAC Lots-O-Post Thread aka North America Home Owners Association Thread

So I am reading the back of this granola bar that is according to the front "Preservative, Chemical & Pesticide Free. All Natural"

Ingredients: Corn Syrup, Granola, Oats, Sugar, Corn syrup solids, Maltodextrin, HFCS, Honey, Salt, Molasses...

Ok, so some of those are fine, but aren't 5 of those (underlined) different names for the same darn thing (sugar)? At least the honey and molasses are natural.
Re: THe NAC Lots-O-Post Thread aka North America Home Owners Association Thread

What's wrong with sugar, Sugar?