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- MilkyWay Galaxy
I recently discovered that lead acid batteries have doubled in price AGAIN recently, and Autozone and O'Reilys have reduced their 7 year warranties to just 2 years on their best, most expensive batteries after doubling prices yet again. They first doubled them back in 2009 when China shut down all their renegade lead operations due to environmental issues, and China cut exports of lead and many precious metals in 2009.
I have not had to time to shop around further, not yet, like Walmart, to see if all the majors have done the same or not. But the batteries I was buying for $35 five years ago with 5-7 year warranties are now $120 with a 2 year warranty. With 7 vehicles (5 jeeps) in my family fleet, and some sitting around as spares, back ups, this is now an issue I will be paying much closer attention to for cost reasons!!! Price, warranty, and quality.
At one time I use to keep the spares vehicles charged with trickle charges using solar changes, so I did not need to start them frequently to keep the batteries from going bad.
I know many here use the hyper expensive Optimas, so they must have gone into orbit price wise?
This thread is for discussion of possible options, and ways to deal with this.
I have not had to time to shop around further, not yet, like Walmart, to see if all the majors have done the same or not. But the batteries I was buying for $35 five years ago with 5-7 year warranties are now $120 with a 2 year warranty. With 7 vehicles (5 jeeps) in my family fleet, and some sitting around as spares, back ups, this is now an issue I will be paying much closer attention to for cost reasons!!! Price, warranty, and quality.
At one time I use to keep the spares vehicles charged with trickle charges using solar changes, so I did not need to start them frequently to keep the batteries from going bad.
I know many here use the hyper expensive Optimas, so they must have gone into orbit price wise?
This thread is for discussion of possible options, and ways to deal with this.