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Show off your garage

What kind of floor coating did you go with? I'm back and forth on a coating vs commercial grade vinyl peal and stick.

Your garage is tops.
What kind of floor coating did you go with? I'm back and forth on a coating vs commercial grade vinyl peal and stick.

Your garage is tops.

Thanks, The product I decided to use isn't sold in retail stores, you can order it at:


If your not covering new cement you must first clean it with a good grease remover. Once that is done than both new and old clean cement must be followed up with their etching agent, then their two part primer and finally, the 2 part epoxy. The whole process takes a few days and is kind of pricy, but in the long run you have a quality lasting surface.

Explorer 1
more progress..........................

Closer to having this half done, the floor should be hard enough by tomorrow to drive a vehicle on.

Time to move all the tools in.


Explorer 1
Looks bright enough to be a paint booth! Seriously, as we age, there's no substitute for bright light. It's great when you can actually see what you're working on.
Amazing garages in this thread! I live in on-post housing and working on vehichles is frowned upon but I do it anyway. here is me hanging up a storage shelf I made.
the shop at my new house. heated, floors plumbed for in floor heat. room for a lift on the one car bay. full attic on the two car bay side. serves me well so far.
This thread is inspiring.
Haha it is a very nice workspace. I teach there now so it is where all my personal work happens after hours plus all of the summer and winter break...
Part two of the new shop.....

My attention has been on part two, getting it insulated, dry-walled and painted more recently:


And due to my getting older, I've decided to add heat and a/c for those cooler winter evening and hot summer days:


Tonight with the help of 5 friends will hoist the stairs up for easier attic access ( the metal box in the middle of the floor.

My plan were to have the entire shop done by Christmas, guess I'll need to readjust.

Explorer 1
Very nice Fred! Definitely jealous.
More progress..................

Now that the holidays are past I can dedicate more time to completing the new shop. My original goal was Christmas, so now I'm shooting for the end of February (we'll see).

Here are two of the four colors of Epoxy applied to the metal working side of the shop. tomorrow I'll apply the silver gray and once the black arrives the tape will come off and we'll very carefully stripe it all.



I also was able to get the stairs to the attic installed, it took 5 friends to lift them into place.



Explorer 1
Hey Fred, was that your smb I saw in bishop last week? Looked the same but I didn't notice the plate.
Hey Fred, was that your smb I saw in bishop last week? Looked the same but I didn't notice the plate.

Nope, sorry not me. Last trip I was in the SMB was 2nd week of December when I had to drive out to Ludlow on I-40 to drag my sick XJ back.

I imagine there are lots of SMB that look like mine. It's one of those things about getting a new vehicle and thinking it's so unique until you have it a while and then notice so many on the road just like it.

Explorer 1,2 & now 3

(Explorer 3 is the JK in the picture above)
so im going to start off with, I hate u all :cheers:
lol well heres my garage. unforchantly its not insulated so these upstate new York winters tend to make it hard to work on the jeep comfortably. I also have a slit water leak when it rains. I haven't been able to figure put the source thou.


but sometimes ill get to snag one if not both of the spaces in the garage that's is on the house. its just a regular 2 car garage.
