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Phrases/Words that bother you. Opinions?

Not so much a verbal thing, but eating/chewing noisily bothers me.
One more of those fawking hard candies and I may have to force-feed a geologist his laptop!
Not so much a verbal thing, but eating/chewing noisily bothers me.
One more of those fawking hard candies and I may have to force-feed a geologist his laptop!

Sure he's not eatin hard rock candy? hahhahha...

Maybe he's stoned?
Irregardless - what kind of a word is this?
"Regardless" means without regard to.
The prefix "ir" means "not."
"Irregardless" must mean "not without regard to."
The double negative causes it to mean "with regard to" - which is the opposite of the way most people use the word.

In writing, I am confounded by authors who don't know the difference between "bare" and "bear." I have stopped reading novels after the author describes something the protagonist did with his "bear hands."
Irregardless - what kind of a word is this?
"Regardless" means without regard to.
The prefix "ir" means "not."
"Irregardless" must mean "not without regard to."
The double negative causes it to mean "with regard to" - which is the opposite of the way most people use the word.

Irregardless is not a word, plain and simple.

In writing, I am confounded by authors who don't know the difference between "bare" and "bear." I have stopped reading novels after the author describes something the protagonist did with his "bear hands."

Maybe the protagonist had fury hands and needed a nail clipping?

Along those lines, I find it very difficult to read any 4x4 magazine. The spelling and grammar is atrocious. All it does is make me angry, kind of like the watching the news does.
I have stopped reading novels after the author describes something the protagonist did with his "bear hands."

perhaps the protagonist is a firm believer in the bill of rights?

Another bear-related error I've seen way too often is the failure to differentiate between "grisly" and "grizzly." I would expect a grizzly murder to refer to something quite different than a grisly murder, ie a bear being killed vs. a human being killed in a gruesome way.
When your looking at an add and it says " XXXXX is broken, but is a easy or cheap fix" Well if it is such a easy or cheap fix why not do it, you lazy sob
When your looking at an add and it says " XXXXX is broken, but is a easy or cheap fix" Well if it is such a easy or cheap fix why not do it, you lazy sob

Especially when it's something ridiculous, for example I saw an ad for a Taurus the other day that said the automatic transmission "wouldn't work in 1st or reverse, easy fix, and you can drive it by starting in 2nd." Yeah right, when 1st and reverse go out on a Ford AX4E you're looking at a $2500+ rebuild.
it drives me nuts when i tell someone something, and they reply with "oh, really?"

no i was kidding just then, haha, fooled you :rolleyes:
Another bear-related error I've seen way too often is the failure to differentiate between "grisly" and "grizzly." I would expect a grizzly murder to refer to something quite different than a grisly murder, ie a bear being killed vs. a human being killed in a gruesome way.

Same guy, different book?