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New Ebay Lift, This looks scary

Definition: class action suit

A lawsuit brought by one party on behalf of a group of individuals all having the same grievance.

NH, have you been slamming multiple lifts from multiple companies?

If not, this "class-action" lawsuit is total BS.
XJack said:
Definition: class action suit

A lawsuit brought by one party on behalf of a group of individuals all having the same grievance.

NH, have you been slamming multiple lifts from multiple companies?

If not, this "class-action" lawsuit is total BS.

Yep he is 100% right i only took one law class in college but it was recent, i pay attention to legal stuff in the news class action suits are a group of consumers sueing a company for a coverup, or a group of patients sueing a hospital for negligence, a group of employees sueing an employers for age discrimination etc. It is by definition a multitude of people filing a single suite against another party. Billet dude can't have a "class action" suite against anyone person.
So who on this forum has actually bought and installed one of these fine lifts? anyone? does anyone have the parts so they can be tested? Im very curious
5 pages on this worthless "billet" POS?


(yes jeepguy97 - this is a worthless comment)
Lawn Cher' said:
As a degreed and practicing mechanical engineer, I would like to say that any engineer in their right mind would not deem this product as safe for the intended purpose.
He only said they have a "certified engineer" but didn't say what type...

MCSE? Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer perhaps?
Maybe a Sanitation Engineer?
Maybe some certifiably crazy guy who is an Electrical Engineer?

I luv this drama....
XJ_ranger said:
5 pages on this worthless "billet" POS?


(yes jeepguy97 - this is a worthless comment)

Point was obviously taken. He stopped selling them for XJs, right?

Move on and find another cause.
xjnation said:
nope he is still selling them for xj's grands adn tj's just saw them a few minutes ago
Then he obviously doesn't care.
The folks of NAXJA know not to buy the shit. What more can be gained from repeating the same blather over and over on one thread?

I think I saw someone selling imitation Dale Earnhart wall clocks.
With a concerted effort, we should be able to teach them a lesson too.
the point is these things are unsafe for any vechicle.....I know I'm not the only one who cares if someone dies from this POS. We are trying to resolve the the situation.

If you don't care about it don't read it, simple as that.
Plus beyond the safety factor is the overall impact that a poorly designed lift can have on all of us.

For example, Jack E. buys this kit to lift his MJ. Works fine for a month or so till he goes to pick up a load of bricks for his new patio. He's on his way home doing the speed limit when both blocks shift to the left putting his bed into the LR tire and causing him to swerve 2 feet into oncoming traffic. The 19 year old girl in the car he hits head on, who happens to be the senators neice, dies instantly. Crash reconstruction determines that the poorly designed lift is 100% at fault, sucks for Jerry & Myrtle but it doesn't end there...Two weeks later the Governor of OK, under knee-jerk pressure from his constituents, has fast tracked a statewide ban on ALL lifted vehicles and ordered law enforcement agencies to institute a zero tolerance policy on policing it.

I know that's a kind of kooky and unlikely story, but my point is that things like this (unsafe lifts) are exactly the ammunition that greens and politicians use when it comes time for new legislation regarding altered vehicle height rules.
A thread like this has a lot more power then you give it credit, just ask Mark's Motors in AZ what kind of power the internet has to force a business to act responsibley.
TekkaMaki said:
please ignore the fact that the blocks would actually lower Jack E.'s stock MJ :doh:
Dang - I was all ready to give you some kudos except for that fact. :D You're dead-on accurate with the impact (pun not intended) of crappy lifts and their dangers to our hobby. The doobie-inspired booger welds and scary steering setups we laugh at are the same dangerous things that cause the states to ban lifted vehicles.
Sorry to just jump on this now, don't want to read all the pages, but here are some replies I got from them at the end of January:

It is held in by the down force from the coil spring. It's not a thin wall spacer. It is 1/4 inch thick (6061) T6 aliminum. Each spacer is strength tested to hold over 12,000lbs. If you haven't looked already this link might help answer your questions a little better.

I have been installing these on new vehicles for years at a north Fl Jeep Chrysler dealer and they are warranted by the dealer. If you aren't confident in them I wouldn't purchase them. Thanks for the comments even though they were only negative.
Looks like he has a some competition. At least this guy uses steel, and paints them a snazy yellow!