Well, it's going to be hard to find a time that most who are interested can get together. Like I've said already, and Mark brought up again, we don't need a physical meeting to organize and start a chapter. I posted the requirements but they got lost in the crash, so I need to post them again. I'm pretty familiar with the process and will gladly answer any questions. I wouldn't mind doing a chat if it's a time that I'm available, but that would be almost impossible for me until after March 1st. If you all want to talk and throw out all the questions you have, I'll post answers as soon as I can. I'll also start another post with a list of the requirements.
If we all want to meet, I'd like to be there, but if I can't that's just the way it is. The only days I could do it would be Sunday March 2nd, April 12-13 during our JV run, or on Sunday April 27 after the Santiago event. I have a 30th anniversary trip in March, and also a family wedding with a whole crowd of out of town guests staying at my house the last weekend in March, and I work every other weekend. A run can still be planned for fun and those who can make it can talk about the chapter, and we can discuss the chapter with whoever makes it out to JV in April, and then do the final business on the web.
Richard G