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Knucklehead's blog

Anything you sell will be worth losing to save Jax. Sounds like he's coming along well. It's amazing how well dogs heal and/or cope from some serious damage. Keep the updates coming. We're all wishing you guys the best.
yup. its worth it. had a couple guys look at one of my tractors today & have another guy coming tomorrow to look at one of my bulldozers that i am selling. still need to find more cash in my couch to pay off the vet bill.
had another couple look at our house Saturday, hopefully we can sell it soon, although moving will be a massive pain in the ass, but i did like my old fun factory better than my current shop.
Sorry to hear the news Tim. Glad he's doing well, haven't been on the forum much lately and I tried to thumb through the posts on here, but why don't you set up a PayPal donation thingy? I'd donate. I love my Shepherd so I can under stand the lengths people go to save pets.
Sorry to hear the news Tim. Glad he's doing well, haven't been on the forum much lately and I tried to thumb through the posts on here, but why don't you set up a PayPal donation thingy? I'd donate. I love my Shepherd so I can under stand the lengths people go to save pets.

i had not thought of that as i tend to want to help others rather than ask for help. i am just glad that we were able to save him since he is such a great dog. if anyone wanted to help it would be greatly appreciated! my paypal is [email protected]

i also highly recommend insurance for your dogs. after Bruno's emergency surgery last year we upped their coverage from 3,500 to 5,000 max per incident thinking it would help. when this policy expires we will raise it to 10k each. every year their insurance has paid back more than double the cost of the premiums.
What pet insurance company do you have? Would you recommend them? We actually need to look into this for our pooch.
What pet insurance company do you have? Would you recommend them? We actually need to look into this for our pooch.

pretty sure we are with pet first currently, but I think Diane wants to switch to a different co when the policy is up. not sure why unless it is better coverage/lower deductibles.
feel free to call me & i can get her on the phone to tell you how it works as she handles all our paperwork.
pet insurance has paid at least double the cost of the premium every single year we have had it. i don't know how they stay in business, but am sure glad they do. it is an excellent investment.
Thanks, Tim. I'll check those both out with the wifey and give you a call if we have any questions. Sent over a few bucks via PayPal a few days ago. You do so much for Jeep guys that it's only fair to try and pay you back some how.
Thanks, Tim. I'll check those both out with the wifey and give you a call if we have any questions. Sent over a few bucks via PayPal a few days ago. You do so much for Jeep guys that it's only fair to try and pay you back some how.

thank you very much, that was very kind of you (and AlexE also!!!)
Diane thinks she may switch to trupanion or pets best next time as they do not have lifetime limits.
Ben H, Thank You very much for helping on the Jax fund.
I can't believe how great my NAXJA friends are!
saturday Mr. Ed & I invaded hollister with my RZR & got to test out the new roll cage at the top of fremontia (white rock) trail.
we flopped pretty hard & had to climb out carefully so it didn't continue to roll down the hill. got to use the winch to pull it back & with both of us pushing while winching we got it back on the tires. bent & dented the new cage but we didnt get hurt.
we both had a blast & were laughing most of the day.
i think i need to find a new co-pilot though. the only times i have ever rolled were at hollister & both times Mr. Ed was strapped into the co-pilot seat. I am starting to see a pattern here...
When Mr. Ed & I got back to my place we got the news that the vet had called with bad news from Jax's visit friday.
The x-rays look bad & his shoulder is very swolen again. He is getting worse, not better.
We met with the surgeon this morning & he is scheduled for surgery this afternoon to amputate his front leg at the shoulder. They say that since he is so strong & has been walking on 3 legs for the last month or so that he will adapt very quickly to life on 3 legs. They said that the pain should all go away with the bad leg & he will only be sore from the surgery, which they can easily manage with medication. Jax will have another load of staples for 2 weeks, after that they said he should be back to normal.
The surgeon stunned us by saying that he was going to cover 100% of the costs of the surgery & all followup work needed! That was amazing as the paperwork we had to sign showed the costs to be nearly $6,000 crossed out with a no charge written on the bottom. They said they are all very fond of Jax & want to make sure he gets the best care possible so he can have a long healthy life. It sounded like he would only be in the hospital for a day, possibly 2, then he can come home to start healing. Only time will thell if he wil be strong enough to ride in the jeep ever again, but I hope so.
WOW. That is great news they are covering it. So sorry to hear he has to lose that leg.
Excellent about the funds!! Sorry to hear about his leg... Better to have Jax on 3 legs though
Sorry to hear Jax has to lose his leg. But it's great that they will cover the bill for you. It just goes to show that there really are good people out there. Good luck and hoping for a quick recovery for Jax (and his mom & dad too, haha)
Just got word that Jax is in recovery now & the surgery went fine.
His leg bone was badly splintered & would never have healed they said, so there was no choice other than amputation. The bacteria infection weakened it beyond repair.
We will go visit him tomorrow morning to see how he is doing.
i think i need to find a new co-pilot though. the only times i have ever rolled were at hollister & both times Mr. Ed was strapped into the co-pilot seat. I am starting to see a pattern here...

It's only because I don't scream like a little girl when we're getting a little squirrelly....... :shiver:

too much schenker?

There is never too much Schenker. :guitar:

Tim, I hope everything went well with the surgery today. You guys are in my thoughts.