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I had some friends in college that donated blood for a free STD screening and if they were clean they would sell plasma for beer money....priorities!
sounds like a plan to me, you find out if you have STDs, then get an opportunity to pick some up while rebuilding your plasma with the beer :dunno:

Screw that!
I don't even take Tylenol.
X2, unless there is a real good reason for it, I don't take meds...

got all moved in at vincennes. poorboy87 is my new roomate. got a 12 ft pool at goodwill a few days ago for $20. put it together, filled it, it broke, fixed it, filled it, broke it, bought more duck tape, filled it again, and last night while chillin in it it exploded. it ok, we only dumped 2000 gallons in the street
hahaha, that's awesome except for the water bill.
I had some friends in college that donated blood for a free STD screening and if they were clean they would sell plasma for beer money....priorities!
That's kinda chickenshit in my book. Pay for your own damned test, and there are more than a few economy services that are running for just this. Finding out that a donor wanted an STD test makes blood bankers cranky, and having to answer phone calls when some wants the results of their tests will really irritate them. Among other things, the screening will be scrutinized, and there's a good chance that the drawn unit will be disposed of as a risk. So, now, the donor has wasted the screening tests (staff time, machine time, consumables,) as well as all of the donor supplies like bags, tubing and needles, as well as wasting a phleb's time drawing a worthless unit. BTW, a lot of the tests are pooled now, and individual samples only tested if the pool comes up positive. It's cheaper in the long run, but can make for a fair amount of extra work when a positive shows up.

In case I haven't been clear enough, don't do it.
it was your typical spoiled frat boys that ran out of mommy and daddys money by the end of the month and needed extra money to fuel their binge drinking and blow habits.....you can envision the type I am talking about I am sure...I was not saying it was right, just saying.....

most of them are either now unemployeed or alcoholic divorcees...
Was at Road America again yesterday for the ALMS race, and as always, a loud good time.
it was your typical spoiled frat boys that ran out of mommy and daddys money by the end of the month and needed extra money to fuel their binge drinking and blow habits.....you can envision the type I am talking about I am sure...I was not saying it was right, just saying.....

most of them are either now unemployeed or alcoholic divorcees...
That doesn't surprise me, Tyler. Does kinda irritate me though, and it makes my pro blood banker g/f a little crazy. She's had to run a recall on blood product after exactly this situation.... and try explaining this to a doctor after that suspect unit has already been transfused into a patient.
Good to know.

My first blood donation was a couple months ago, in college me and my friends funded our alcoholic binges by fixing and flipping computer hardware, not selling blood/body parts.
Something else to know/remember about blood donations in the U.S. of A. Any blood drawn for transfusion or manufacture into other productions for transfusion into a human body will absolutely *NOT* be compensated for. Any compensated blood draw will be for other purposes.
That doesn't surprise me, Tyler. Does kinda irritate me though, and it makes my pro blood banker g/f a little crazy. She's had to run a recall on blood product after exactly this situation.... and try explaining this to a doctor after that suspect unit has already been transfused into a patient.

Yeah...this makes me want to throw up.
Doesn't make me want to throw up.... makes me want to see said in-duh-viduals transfused with a unit collected under the same circumstances.
Were there hot chicks in it?

mac 'otherwise i'm afraid to ask how it got broke' gyvr

the hot chicks were on there way over right before it broke. they got to drive through the 2000 gallons in the street. btw, dont build swimming pools drunk. i will say one thing, the gorilla tape we used is well worth the money. just dont use it on pools
the hot chicks were on their way over right before your water broke?


good to know about the gorilla tape though.
finally made it out to Kentucky...I can honsetly say that in all my years of flying that the first connecting flight was the WORST I have ever been on. Crying baby behind me, teenage kid with rotten ass smelling tennis shoes on to my left and a fat bastard to my right that was so big that his fat rolls literally came over the arm rest and were pressed against me. I asked the stewardess about being moved to another seat and she told me too bad since it was a full flight. I can honestly see why some airlines charge "people of size" for 2 seats...this guy took 1/3 of mine with me in it!!!!!!! OK, rant off.
finally made it out to Kentucky...I can honsetly say that in all my years of flying that the first connecting flight was the WORST I have ever been on. Crying baby behind me, teenage kid with rotten ass smelling tennis shoes on to my left and a fat bastard to my right that was so big that his fat rolls literally came over the arm rest and were pressed against me. I asked the stewardess about being moved to another seat and she told me too bad since it was a full flight. I can honestly see why some airlines charge "people of size" for 2 seats...this guy took 1/3 of mine with me in it!!!!!!! OK, rant off.

I used to fly fairly often, few times a month.
I bought a pair of Bose headphones. The best investment evah!

as far as the fat guy, that sucks! nothing you can do about it.

flying sucks period.

in the time it took for me to drive to the airport, take 2 flights and a taxi to the hotel I could have drove myself out here and saved Uncle Sam some $$$$ but that was not really an option b/c it made sense :D
That doesn't surprise me, Tyler. Does kinda irritate me though, and it makes my pro blood banker g/f a little crazy. She's had to run a recall on blood product after exactly this situation.... and try explaining this to a doctor after that suspect unit has already been transfused into a patient.

I wanted to find out my blood type and the nurse at my drs office said they could not do it, but to donate blood and they would tell me. I never did, but makes no sense to me. Btw I am very phobic about needles.

Huh? I'll mention this to my g/f tonight, I have a funny feeling that she'll have some rather less than pleasant words about that nurse. Donating for any reason other than the donation itself has caused her some serious heartburn in the past.

As far as the needles go, I hate 'em, too. I get stuck 2-4 times a year for blood tests alone, I'm not interested in going for the full service oil change. There's also a huge difference in phlebotomists, some of them can carry on a conversation, get you to glance away, and by the time you look back, you're already stuck and running. Others..... best left unsaid how bad it can get.
I wanted to find out my blood type and the nurse at my drs office said they could not do it, but to donate blood and they would tell me. I never did, but makes no sense to me. Btw I am very phobic about needles.

This is one reason I went to donate, but not the only reason. I know I have no STDs, I know I have no other diseases that would cause a problem with the donation, I didn't know my blood type, and I like to help out whenever I can especially when it can save a life. They want me to do platelet phoresis now because apparently I'm a good donor for that kind of thing or something... will probably be doing it next time we have a blood drive at work, and now I know what blood type I am so I can tell them.

I told the nurse I had no idea what blood type I was when I showed up for the first time, she said that would not be a problem.

Huh? I'll mention this to my g/f tonight, I have a funny feeling that she'll have some rather less than pleasant words about that nurse. Donating for any reason other than the donation itself has caused her some serious heartburn in the past.

As far as the needles go, I hate 'em, too. I get stuck 2-4 times a year for blood tests alone, I'm not interested in going for the full service oil change. There's also a huge difference in phlebotomists, some of them can carry on a conversation, get you to glance away, and by the time you look back, you're already stuck and running. Others..... best left unsaid how bad it can get.
Needles don't really bug me at all, after my first trip to the ER for stitches costing me 1300 dollars I said never again, and have stitched myself up a couple times since then... I usually watch while they stick me though the big-ass needle they use for blood donations is a little uncomfortable just from the size, it feels a bit odd sitting there in my arm.
I wanted to find out my blood type and the nurse at my drs office said they could not do it, but to donate blood and they would tell me. I never did, but makes no sense to me. Btw I am very phobic about needles.


I always tell them that I'm allergic to stainless steel. That gets them every time! :laugh2:

I'm getting contacted all the time for blood donations. I'm a "Type O hero".....O negative. Wyfie is O negative too.

Can you guess what the kids are?:D
Gee, O negative? :D

It's the only possible outcome...

I'm O positive.