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There was a bridge over a river near my moms house that they wouldn't work on due to a rare breed of bats living under it. There were two bridges that they shut down to one lane because the structure wasn't strong enough for two.

There is a bridge south of me over the Rock River that was replaced 20 years ago. They had to cut a big hill out but someone found a rare plant in the way. so instead of a cut with sloping sides they had to build a 50 tall 500 foot long retaining wall.
It was a million dollar change order. Well after they started moving the dirt they (we) discovered that the stupid plant, which was fenced off with orange snow fence, was still two feet into the cut because no one thought about having to over dig the excavation to build the wall. So a few unnamed soles went to the site at night, took down the fence, dug up the stupid plant, moved it 5 feet west and put the fence back up.
We were building a damn once and one of the guys found what looked like a fossil. He showed it to the boss and he took it and threw it as far as he could into the fill area. Last time someone found a fossil on site, they shut it down for three month so they could sift the dirt with children's sand box toys and paint brushes.
I need a/c in my shop bad. Was working on a palpation cage yesterday n decided to take off my shirt bc it was drenched......stupid me tack welded a few items and just decided to finish welding them. Welder burn.....cheaper than a tanning bed, and way more manly. I'm going to fry bacon naked this morning.

Welder tan is the manliest tan I ever got...

mac 'tho my shirt stayed on' gyvr
So im trying to think of a good place to go for a wheeling/roadtrip. I have 2 weeks oaid vacation and im saving one for christmas. Its too late to catch CoFest, and id like to go before school starts. Any ideas? Preferably within a days drive of chicago
I bought another truck to part out today because why not? When you wake up at 5am on a Sunday and lay in bed surfing Craigslist, you find some good stuff.
Sand, even fat tow pigs can play.

Buy it so I can buy it off you when you sell it...

At the airport...Iowa here I come

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I could buy it, plaster it with skateboard and extreme sports stickers, wear a flat bill hat and live by the river........and then sell it to you, flat bill cap included :D

I was thinking it would make a good tool/supply hauler for my fencing stuff.

It is also a good start to a divorce if I drug it home..............