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I went tubing once (in Denver) then I told them how to do it in other places (and it caught on) now they do it everywhere (all over the place). ONe time I went to Denver and I showed someone how to pack a pipe and now everne does it (not just a few people) There are mountains out there and the water flows down them (sometimes the water makes a water fall (that is where water falls) and they are pretty neato) like Niagara Falls. Sometimes I just type for no reason and people have to tell me to stop (I am not the type to just keep typing after someone tells me to stop (some people just keep typing and typing) not me, I stop as soon as I am told to (I only type something when I have something to say.
I went tubing once (in Denver) then I told them how to do it in other places (and it caught on) now they do it everywhere (all over the place). ONe time I went to Denver and I showed someone how to pack a pipe and now everne does it (not just a few people) There are mountains out there and the water flows down them (sometimes the water makes a water fall (that is where water falls) and they are pretty neato) like Niagara Falls. Sometimes I just type for no reason and people have to tell me to stop (I am not the type to just keep typing after someone tells me to stop (some people just keep typing and typing) not me, I stop as soon as I am told to (I only type something when I have something to say.

Well I guess there is no reason for th to come to Denver then, so I just might move here.
You can even go tubing without a river! I can float around in a kiddie pool in my front yard with a case of beer and traumatize the neighbors.

They also make these nifty things called boats that you can use in the water, they have engines and can really expedite your tubing experience.

SeanR hates my username
You can even go tubing without a river! I can float around in a kiddie pool in my front yard with a case of beer and traumatize the neighbors.

They also make these nifty things called boats that you can use in the water, they have engines and can really expedite your tubing experience.

SeanR hates my username

I have a few of these tubes that don't make a full circle. They're just straight. The wife uses them in the pool to float on and catch a tan.
Dang shoulda stayed a few more days, wish I knew he was out here

We're in Cornville, just south of Sedona until Sunday, you can sleep on the couch, and go tubing in Oak Creek.
We're in Cornville, just south of Sedona until Sunday, you can sleep on the couch, and go tubing in Oak Creek.

Damn john wish I would have paid better attention, I easily could have booked my flight for Sunday and rode around in the mountains w you....
You can change your flight most airlines are $100-200 fee
Going to play in the sand.

Flight home got delayed two minutes after dropping keys to rental, 4 hours at airport will equal some expensive drinks
haven't been to an airport in almost 3 months...thats a while for me. ill be back there on monday though. the interview happens on tuesday. i'm ready to just know what we are doing, so it really can't get here fast enough. the upper management at work now knows what is going on and they have been really cool and understanding. they all have families and pretty much everyone of them said if they had the same thing pop up for them, it would be a no brainer. crossing my fingers
Damn john wish I would have paid better attention, I easily could have booked my flight for Sunday and rode around in the mountains w you....

I can't believe Sean didn't tell you all about what a terrible friend I am for going on vacation instead of to the party!