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Badlands Weather Thread

Historical weather data.
Average High Temperature is 45 F
historical range 22 F to 77 F
Average Low Temperature is 28 F
historical range 3 F to 56 F
There is a 0% chance of a Hot Day (temperature over 90°F) (0 days out of 48 in historical record).
Most consecutive days found in historic record: 0
There is a 17% chance of a Warm Day (temperature over 60°F) (8 days out of 48 in historical record).
Most consecutive days found in historic record: 1
There is a 54% chance of a Freezing Day (temperature below 32°F) (26 days out of 48 in historical record).
Most consecutive days found in historic record: 2

Daily Precipitation
Average Daily Precipitation is 0.18
historical range 0.00 to 0.80
There is a 54% chance of a Precipitation Day (26 days out of 48 in historical record).
Most consecutive days found in historic record: 1

Cloud Cover
Average Cloud Cover is partly cloudy

There is a 44% chance of a Cloudy Day (7 days out of 16 in historical record).
Most consecutive days found in historic record: 1

Average Wind is 8 mph
historical range 1 mph to 16 mph
There is a 25% chance of a Windy Day (average wind over 10 mph) (4 days out of 16 in historical record).
Most consecutive days found in historic record: 1
Average High Dew Point is 33 F
historical range 17 F to 56 F
Average Low Dew Point is 20 F
historical range -6 F to 45 F
There is a 0% chance of a Humid Day (dew point over 65°F) (0 days out of 16 in historical record).
Most consecutive days found in historic record: 0
records gathered from 1976
As of 2/22/06 @ post time:

Sat.= Freezing Rain! 15mph winds!
Okie Terry said:
Looks like sunny, so far.
Someone's gonna run topless, without the bikini.......

Ill be sure to bring the beads
Marti Gra Beads you nasty Perve, are you showing up with anal beads or somthing?
I hope you guys aren't going to be whining about the cold. We went to Harlan last weekend, don't think it went above 25* the whole time.
