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Art work for chapter decal/logo........

I have a guy local that does hour Club stickers. Let me see what he can do for us.. So far he has been the cheapest and I dont have to order 500.

Who has the original High res of this?
i still fill like old dixie should be on there
1 thats what the south is know for
2 coming for a son of a confederate soldier
3 because everyone is scared that they are going to affened someone is why at this day and age people won"t say MERRY CHRISTMAS
thanks my 2 cents
its not racial its heritage
Re: Art work for chapter decal/logo........ Boost's posts


That flag might symbolize "Heritage" you, but it symbolizes "Racist redneck" to the majority of the civilized world, and to me.

Further, historically it is a symbol of a desire to separate from the Union (the USA). Since you're the "son" of a confederate soldier, you should "remember" that the Confederation attempted to secede from the US, and then LOST the war. If you are loyal to your country, you shouldn't support the display of a symbol like that, one that stood for open revolt against the United States.

And regarding your "that's what the south is" line: that's just BS. The Confederacy is what the South WAS. It is no longer.

For what it's worth -
If S.E. Naxja puts that flag on their decal, I'll take my membership dollars back. I'll not be associated with any group or club that accepts that flag as an 'appropriate' official symbol.
Hey Nixt, Tell us how you really feel? :eyes: Actually, we are (you and I) of the same generation, and sounds like very similar situations, me from Philly originally. I hear what you are saying. I appreciate straight forward comments. Those are very straight forward. I'm hoping we don't start any further controversies. We all do have to remember, our Southeast Chapter does cover a large Geographic area. We do need to look at what's best for the Group, not my state, or some one else's state. We're looking for something that will be acceptable to all, not favoring any particular part of the group. I'd like to thank those who are physically working on this issue, and not see them get any more head ache. We'd all like to have something to show off soon!

PS. what kinda woodworking ya into? :wave:
Re: Art work for chapter decal/logo........ Boost's posts

Nixt said:

but it symbolizes "Racist redneck" to the majority of the civilized world, and to me.

Only to uneducated and uniformed people maybe..... JMHO of course..... I'll tell you what if they put it on there I'll pay your dues If they dont will you pay mine? :wave:
Re: Art work for chapter decal/logo........ Boost's posts

Nixt said:

That flag might symbolize "Heritage" to you, but it's not looked upon favorably by the majority of the civilized world, and to me.
fixed it for ya..... :sunshine:
boost said:
3 because everyone is scared that they are going to affened someone is why at this day and age people won"t say MERRY CHRISTMAS
thanks my 2 cents

No no no no... THAT's because of the ACLU. They got all kinds of stupid things going on. DEFY LIBERALISM AND THE ACLU ! ! ! ! ! Well, only if you want to keep your rights as an American citizen.
Re: Art work for chapter decal/logo........ Confederate Flag

OK, look. This is stupid. It's 2006, not 1865.

My statements in my earlier post stand.
They are absolutely and utterly defensible through a review of history, documented fact, and plain old common sense. If you want me to item by item defend myself, you simply aren't worth the time. You're both grown men, and should be able to read history objectively and assess the accuracy of all of my points on your own. Based on your posts here, it is quite apparent that you are not voicing an informed opinion, but just an opinion. If you don't look into it deeper, your continuing ignorance is of your own doing, and your opinions will remain contemptible and useless to others.

So if y'all want some sort of online verbal battle - sure, you got it.
I'll fire right back at ya...

Ghost and roXJeepr -
You're both southerners, fine. I'm sure some part of your identity is wrapped in that damn flag, yee-fuckin'-haw. I couldn't care less. My German-born friends don't feel compelled to cherish and display the Nazi flag, so why do you feel compelled to cherish and display the Confederate flag?

Don't imply that I'm uneducated or uninformed, you don't know me or my educational level. If you indeed held the 'more informed' or 'more educated' position here, you certainly would not be arguing against me. And no, I won't pay your dues if they don't use that flag...

You are absurd. (need help with that one? http://www.m-w.com/dictionary/absurd )
The ACLU has nothing to do with my opinions or the modern perception of the Confederate flag, though they did participate in attempts to stop its display. Liberalism is, indeed, a term that you could apply to my frame of reference - though I believe that your understanding of 'liberal' is at best sophomoric, and at worst simply absent. And if you really think that liberal points of view OR the ACLU endanger our rights, your state of ignorance is just plain baffling; the ACLU exists for the purpose of defending rights, and liberals (largely) would not willingly sacrifice any existing rights and strive to elect those who would promote the security of those rights. It is 'conservatives' that are currently endangering your rights: the Patriot Act. Go read the fucking thing, and look at who's behind it. It's all public record, and available online at the US government websites.

Will you put an end to this 'use/don't use' the confederate flag thing? This is supposed to be an inclusive organization where the only real requirement for membership is interest in XJs and 4wheeling - what if some black guy owns an XJ in the SE area and wants to join (or is already a member)? Do we ask him to put THAT flag on HIS rig? I think not...
Make a policy statement or something. Pro-flag or Anti-flag - Either way you go satisfies me, as it will END this BS.

Sorry. I know you had hoped that this wouldn't become a big deal. I just can't ethically let it slide.

You can all certainly do what you'd like. Its a free country, and the club is what its members want it to be. If you all decide to use it, I'll leave, and you won't have this 'liberal' voice to deal with any more. Just don't attempt to paint me as ignorant or imply that I am somehow disrespectful of our country or its constitution and bill of rights, for I am neither of those things.
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Re: Art work for chapter decal/logo........ Confederate Flag

AS to the use of the "FLAG" on anything NAXJA is NO...Okay I have made this statement before...We are a International CLub and must act like one...

AND I don't want to hear another word about it...from anyone...I will start deleting post
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Re: Art work for chapter decal/logo........ Confederate Flag

Kudzu said:
AND I don't want to hear another word about it...from anyone...I will start deleting post
Yo! You go girl! Done. Next topic... any word on the progress of the art work, tshirts, stickers etc. I've got cash...and you better hurry, cause I need some more armor/parts! :sunshine: Discretionary cash doesn't last long in this house!
Re: Art work for chapter decal/logo........ Confederate Flag

Nixt said:
Ghost and roXJeepr -
You're both southerners, fine. I'm sure some part of your identity is wrapped in that damn flag, yee-fuckin'-haw. I couldn't care less. My German-born friends don't feel compelled to cherish and display the Nazi flag, so why do you feel compelled to cherish and display the Confederate flag?

You are absurd. (need help with that one? http://www.m-w.com/dictionary/absurd )
The ACLU has nothing to do with my opinions or the modern perception of the Confederate flag, though they did participate in attempts to stop its display. Liberalism is, indeed, a term that you could apply to my frame of reference - though I believe that your understanding of 'liberal' is at best sophomoric, and at worst simply absent. And if you really think that liberal points of view OR the ACLU endanger our rights, your state of ignorance is just plain baffling; the ACLU exists for the purpose of defending rights, and liberals (largely) would not willingly sacrifice any existing rights and strive to elect those who would promote the security of those rights. It is 'conservatives' that are currently endangering your rights: the Patriot Act. Go read the fucking thing, and look at who's behind it. It's all public record, and available online at the US government websites.

Okay, GREAT... it's been put to rest!!! No flag!! And wow nixt, are you quick to point fingers. I wasn't even talking to you NOR did I state that my "identity is wrapped in that damn flag". I'm not political, just ANTI-LIBERAL and ANTI-ACLU. I do NOT support the Patriot Act. At least we agree on something. Thanks for the link for the dictionary... I got a good laugh out of that one. I admit I don't know everything about politics like you apparently do, however I know enough to form MY opinion. If that makes me an "absurd" hillbilly sister fawker redneck, then whatever dude. So legalize abortions, let woman marry woman and men marry men, in 3 generations there will be no more liberals to try to take my guns and my land use rights or whatever rights I still have. Since when does the minority rule???? Welcome to pussi-fied America! Rant over... mods you can delete this if you want, I really don't give a F!!* NOW, let's go wheelin, which is pretty much a Redneck sport if I recall. Oh, and for your 'german friends' comment... think about it. Our forefathers didn't try to wipe out an entire race. Not that I'm condoning slavery. Apples/oranges.
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Re: Art work for chapter decal/logo........ Confederate Flag

Okay so how is this Design...I had a friend work on it and I hope you guys like.
Edit here to give a some credit...DJ aka 91JeepProject worked this up last ngiht and a Big Thanks
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ahem... (looks around nervously...) I really like that one! It will look great on windows, fenders, tool boxes, skid plates - well, you get the idea.

Is it possible to put .org anywhere and perhaps the words "North American XJ Association" somewhere?

Round stickers are the greatest!! Seriously!

I'll go back to my room now... ;)
honestly i can't see them ever having a logo/sticker...they pick it to death.

although without a logo the chapter cannot be broadcast to respective members thus increasing money for meets and the such.

i cannot believe something isn't already in place..sounds like a bunch of yahoos to me.