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Another automaker going in the wrong direction!

Lawn Cher' said:

Not sure of the cost/efficiency ratios exactly. I seem to remember 'pound for pound" NG etc... has much less available energy that good ole petrol.

But, I would have to assume they have done their homework, and figgure there are enough idiots out there that will buy them... same as with those silly hybrids. It all comes down to finding a market share. Seems an appropriate place to sell em. :)

Sure hope they are footing considering the safety implacations for Emergency workers etc... as well. Would suck to be handling a simple structure fire and get surprised by that gizmo going boom. :dunno:
My issue, beyond the obvious safety, liability and cost effectiveness concerns with this gizmo, is that NG is still a non-renewable resource. It has to be pumped from the ground in foreign places and combusting it releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere that was otherwise locked into the earth. BIODIESEL, on the other hand, is domestic, renewable, and is part of a continuous constant carbon cycle. When the plants that BD is made from breathe, they take in CO2, which then gets released in the combustion of BD in a continuous cycle. No prehistoric CO2 gets added to the atmosphere. At the same time local economies are supported, rather than sending the money off to foreign suppliers. With the growth in the world today of resource consuming societies in China & India, it is especially important that the US focus on developing domestic energy resources.

for more information, visit:

That and they can run rigs that have exhaust that smells like McDonals french fries.... good on the enviro, and good for fast food places too. :)

We had a bio diesel delivery thing out here for a while.... never made it. But some of the exhaust odors would sure make ya think of food. :) Not always the case.... but sometimes.

I just do not get why soo many Americans are anti-diesel. The only thing that comes to mind is to blame GM for their crap they put out when they tried to cut corners and put diesels in cars and trucks... the early 350 conversions... and that lack luster 6.2 a tad later. YUCKKKK
Lawn Cher' said:
My issue, beyond the obvious safety, liability and cost effectiveness concerns with this gizmo, is that NG is still a non-renewable resource. It has to be pumped from the ground in foreign places and combusting it releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere that was otherwise locked into the earth. BIODIESEL, on the other hand, is domestic, renewable, and is part of a continuous constant carbon cycle. When the plants that BD is made from breathe, they take in CO2, which then gets released in the combustion of BD in a continuous cycle. No prehistoric CO2 gets added to the atmosphere. At the same time local economies are supported, rather than sending the money off to foreign suppliers. With the growth in the world today of resource consuming societies in China & India, it is especially important that the US focus on developing domestic energy resources.

for more information, visit:

So whats the diff between biodiesel and diesel ? are they interchangable ?
I've heard about the mcdonalds fuel but thats about it.
Lawn Cher' said:
My issue, beyond the obvious safety, liability and cost effectiveness concerns with this gizmo, is that NG is still a non-renewable resource. It has to be pumped from the ground in foreign places and combusting it releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere that was otherwise locked into the earth. BIODIESEL, on the other hand, is domestic, renewable, and is part of a continuous constant carbon cycle. When the plants that BD is made from breathe, they take in CO2, which then gets released in the combustion of BD in a continuous cycle. No prehistoric CO2 gets added to the atmosphere. At the same time local economies are supported, rather than sending the money off to foreign suppliers. With the growth in the world today of resource consuming societies in China & India, it is especially important that the US focus on developing domestic energy resources.

for more information, visit:


I am behind the biodiesel idea 100%... why not power vehicles with an easily renewable source? and how about helping out the American Farmers? Biodiesel could almost be 100% in-country.. as a country I feel we should be trying to be more self-sufficient...my next rig will be diesel.. and I have seen that they have co-ops and such for biodiesel in the area...
RichP said:
So whats the diff between biodiesel and diesel ? are they interchangable ?
I've heard about the mcdonalds fuel but thats about it.

Diesel is made from petroleum... biodiesel is made from a variety of natural sources such as vegetable and animal fats. Many diesels can be run on straight vegetable oil (SVO) but it is more viscous and does not flow well in cold weather, which is why most SVO conversion kits use a 2nd fuel tank and a selector valve to start up and shut down the engine on petroleum diesel and then switch over to SVO. Biodiesel solves this problem by performing a trans-esterification process to the oil so that it flows more like petroleum diesel, and thus does not require modification to the vehicle. Biodiesel is blendable with petroleum diesel, and is commonly sold in varying concentrations (B5 for 5% bio, B20 for 20%, etc.) although it can be run in full B100 concentration if you can get enough of it. Supply does not yet meet demand, and it may not unless the government gets behind it. It becomes a complicated socio-economic political issue between farmers, agricultural conglomerates, oil companies, government and conscientious consumers. The bottom line is it is better for the environment, better for the machinery, better for people, better for our economy and better for our national security. Information is all over the web, I urge you to become an informed consumer.
Glenn said:
I just do not get why soo many Americans are anti-diesel.

Not that I am against it but alot of people feel that standard Deisel stinks.. when you fill up at the pump your hand that touched the nozzle stinks like diesel for hours even if you wash it..

Some of the sounds a Diesel motor makes when it's working fine sound like a Gas motor dieing a horrible death..

Diesels blow a blackish smoke unlike Gas powered cars and I've heard it contains more carbon and soot..

those are some of the complaints I heard after dating a first time diesel owner for about 4 years... and her VW TDI was very friendly for a diesel. Come to think of it I loved that car and would love that motor for myself in a Sami or an early GTI.... the power delivery was very exciting even with all that extra weight.`
Toilets stink too, but we still use them. Right?

You bring up points that are mostly from the past. Modern diesels are quiter, more efficent, less smelly, etc....

If you hate the noise, you are overly sensative IMHO.

Fuel on the hands? Yeah, long ago when people were slobs, you could manage to get diesel on your hands. Most every single fuel station these days has lil disposable plastic gloves you can wear.... no smell... no fuss. etc..

If you are worried about the smell, germs must terrify you? Since you are grabbing nozzles thousands of people leave their germs on... and the smell is your worry?

Citat3962 said:
Not that I am against it but alot of people feel that standard Deisel stinks.. when you fill up at the pump your hand that touched the nozzle stinks like diesel for hours even if you wash it..

Some of the sounds a Diesel motor makes when it's working fine sound like a Gas motor dieing a horrible death..

Diesels blow a blackish smoke unlike Gas powered cars and I've heard it contains more carbon and soot..

those are some of the complaints I heard after dating a first time diesel owner for about 4 years... and her VW TDI was very friendly for a diesel. Come to think of it I loved that car and would love that motor for myself in a Sami or an early GTI.... the power delivery was very exciting even with all that extra weight.`
Citat3962 said:
Not that I am against it but alot of people feel that standard Deisel stinks.. when you fill up at the pump your hand that touched the nozzle stinks like diesel for hours even if you wash it..

Some of the sounds a Diesel motor makes when it's working fine sound like a Gas motor dieing a horrible death..

Diesels blow a blackish smoke unlike Gas powered cars and I've heard it contains more carbon and soot..

those are some of the complaints I heard after dating a first time diesel owner for about 4 years... and her VW TDI was very friendly for a diesel. Come to think of it I loved that car and would love that motor for myself in a Sami or an early GTI.... the power delivery was very exciting even with all that extra weight.`

Biodiesel is much friendlier... it makes the engine run smoother due to better lubricity, it reduces particulate emissions (the black soot,) has no stink (from the sulfur in petroleum diesel) and is biodegradeable. The new VW's and the MB E320 are fine examples of how a modern diesel can be integrated into a comfortable user friendly package.
You can drink biodiesel. Not that I'd want to.

Try that with petrol.
Glenn said:
If you are worried about the smell, germs must terrify you? Since you are grabbing nozzles thousands of people leave their germs on... and the smell is your worry?

Dude did you even read past the things I said some of the general public don't like about diesel?? I personally think that's all silly but they are valid points even with the latest and greatest diesel motors..

I know you see an arguement against you and jump at the chance to call me a pussy.. but at least read the whole post before you go crazy.. I wasn't even talking about myself.. I'm not a neat freak... duhh... I work on my own vehicles and I don't mind being covered from head to toe in petroleum crap and road grime if it gets the job done.. Not a hypochondriac either.. Germs don't scare me!!

However <[(SHE)]> Was a pizza delivery driver and had concerns about handing people their food and them getting a whiff of Diesel and complaining.. believe me the idiots who complain to pizza hut will find any reason.. plus I'm not a big fan of the smell... no need to smell like it if its not nessisary.. I think it has something to do with the resin quality of the diesel making the residue stick to the nozzle... The plastic gloves aren't as common here but there are paper towels to serve the same purpose...

You can make me back pedal by calling me a wus because I'm partly in your camp... try to do that to a potential car buyer when selling a diesel car on the lot and you'll find yourself selling NO diesel cars.. it's a real concern when the consumer purchases a vehicle.. and definately a downside that would turn away potential soccer mom buyers..


and if the bitch hadn't cheated on me I'd be looking at turbo upgrades intercoolers and biodiesel for it.... my recommendation was the reason she chose to buy it

It Was a NEW TDI, 2003...and she still had those complaints..

personally I loved the puttering rumble of the TDI... it made a very cool sound...

I wasn't fond of the fuel residue on my hands but the exhaust wasn't bad... Truely I think diesel is a cool technology.. the TDI is a rockin motor.. reliable.. tough.. good power output.. awesome milage.. upgradable.. the fuel is a little more expensive than regular unleaded..

if Biodiesel reduces the fuel smell and the soot output it might just be the perfect answer

would the same motor run on bio diesel and regular diesel produce the same horse power?
No, I did not research all of the previous posts you may have made in regards to diesel fuel.

You claiming I called you a (name that has no need to be posted in public) is odd. Sorry to see you going right for the insluting names.... rather than the facts of the topic.

Citat3962 said:
Dude did you even read past the things I said some of the general public don't like about diesel?? I personally think that's all silly but they are valid points even with the latest and greatest diesel motors..

I know you see an arguement against you and jump at the chance to call me a pussy.. but at least read the whole post before you go crazy.. I wasn't even talking about myself.. I'm not a neat freak... I don't mind being covered from head to toe in petroleum crap and road grime Germs don't scare me!!

However <[(SHE)]> Was a pizza delivery driver


and if the bitch hadn't cheated on me I'd be looking at turbo upgrades intercoolers and biodiesel for it.... my recommendation was the reason she chose to buy it

I wasn't fond of the fuel residue on my hands but the exhaust wasn't bad... Truely I think diesel is a cool
Citat3962 said:
would the same motor run on bio diesel and regular diesel produce the same horse power?

There is a negligible drop in power/economy with biodiesel, not noticable to the average driver.
Citat3962 said:
those are some of the complaints I heard after dating a first time diesel owner for about 4 years... and her VW TDI was very friendly for a diesel. Come to think of it I loved that car and would love that motor for myself in a Sami or an early GTI.... the power delivery was very exciting even with all that extra weight.

These would be the first.. 2nd and third post I'd ever made about Diesel on NAXJA.org ever...

your research would have consisted of ACTUALLY reading my post before posting yourself...

I'll keep the pillow talk where it belongs.. I'm not offended as long as you arent :)
Citat3962 said:
These would be the first.. 2nd and third post I'd ever made about Diesel on NAXJA.org ever...

your research would have consisted of ACTUALLY reading my post before posting yourself...

I'll keep the pillow talk where it belongs.. I'm not offended as long as you arent :)

I am not offended. I actually use the lil free plastic gloves the make available... keeps the smell off of you. But each to their own.. :D
RichP said:
So whats the diff between biodiesel and diesel ? are they interchangable ?
I've heard about the mcdonalds fuel but thats about it.

Citat3962 said:
would the same motor run on bio diesel and regular diesel produce the same horse power?[\QUOTE]

To add to Lawn Cher's response, most diesel vehicles out right now can run even straight biodiesel without modification. Some of the older ones (like the 80's-vintage MBs, VWs, and so forth) might require replacement of rubber or rubber-like parts (biodiesel is a very aggressive solvent, and does attack some types of rubber), but newer models like the 1999-2003 TDIs need no modifications whatsoever for biodiesel.

For SVO, (a.k.a. WVO, "waste vegetable oil"), a kit is required, like Mark said. Check out http://www.greasel.com for an example.

Even the manufacturers are starting to take notice finally - VW of America just recently announced that B5 (5% bio, 95% petro) is acceptable in all their diesel models in NA, and they are now studying B20.