For all official

trail rides and events, all participants (both members and guests) are expected to abide by our code of conduct which is outlined in our ByLaws which are found here:
Of particular note, please be aware of the following rules:
Section 2: Event Regulations
Each Attendee is ultimately responsible for his or her own safety. Safety concerns shall be brought up to the Trail Master or an attending Director immediately.
e. Should the Trail Master or any attending Director determine that any Guest or member is posing a risk to safety, or simply to the enjoyment of the Event itself, that Guest or member may be asked to leave via escort provided it is deemed safe to do so by the attending ranking Director and/or Trail Master.
f. All participants shall be defined as an Attendee, either Member or Guest. At no time will any other vehicle be allowed to join any Event. The Trail Master and/or attending Director shall enforce this policy without exception.
g. Attendees shall notify the Trail Master or an attending Director prior to leaving the group for any reason. While

Directors cannot physically restrain any Attendee to prevent them from leaving, a safety assessment shall be made prior to approving any such action.
Attendees shall adhere to Tread Lightly principles at all times. This includes the environment and also the Attendee’s vehicle. Attendees shall not put their vehicles at undue risk of damage that would potentially delay the progress of an Event. The Trail Master and/or attending Directors shall monitor Tread Lightly principles, and failure to comply may result in an Attendee being dismissed from an Event.
Alcoholic beverages and other controlled substances are prohibited while driving on or off-road. This includes consumption prior to an Event. Failure to comply will result in dismissal from the Event and shall constitute grounds for termination of Membership.
j. Attendees bringing pets shall control them at all times.
Attendees shall exercise discretion in the use of vulgar, profane, and/or potentially offensive language during the course of all Events. In the event of a complaint regarding language, the determination of the Trail Master or attending Director shall be final and binding, and shall be rendered impartially.
l. All attendees shall be required to sign the “

Rules and Waiver of Liability and Indemnity Agreement” upon arrival at a sanctioned event. Furthermore, the secretary of said chapter should retain completed agreements for a term of no less than two(2) years.
Section 3: Required Equipment for Event Participation

VERY HIGHLY recommends that all event participants have a CB Radio or FRS radio at the discretion of the Trail Master/Director.

requires all listed items to be present, and available for use, for a vehicle to be permitted to participate in a event. Participants are expected to stow equipment and all other items within their vehicle in a safe manner, conscious of the effects of OHV use and possible shifting of items.

Safety Inspectors (appointed by the Trial Master/Director in charge of the event) will use the equipment list in the bylaws for safety inspections prior to any event. The Safety Inspector has final say in approval or rejection of any vehicle for event participation and may at anytime defer to a second event or club officer for additional ruling. The event Safety Inspector may deviate from this list as he or she deems acceptable.

expects each event participant to carry insurance and registration sufficient to meet the legal requirements of their vehicle state of residence and for the roads and trails traveled for the event.

is not responsible for assuring an entrant's vehicle is legal for the roads and trails traveled in the event.
Equipment List
a. Visibly charged fire extinguisher (BC or ABC)
b. First aid kit
c. Adequate spare tire, jack and lug wrench or appropriate alternative means (plug kit/on board air.)
d. Safety belts for driver and any current passenger
e. Adequate attachment points in the front and rear of the vehicle:
...........1. Acceptable forms of attachment points: (All Items must be mounted in a manner to provide adequate strength and integrity)
...........2. Tow hooks of OEM or greater integrity
...........3. D-Rings
...........4. Shackle/Clevis
...........5. Any deviation from this list MUST be approved by the Trial Master/Director.
f. 20ft 10,000lb snatch strap without any metal hook
If you have any questions the ByLaws do not address, please do not hesitate to reach out to a member of the BOD and we will assist you in any way we can.
Thank you.