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Weekend is over...what did you get done?

Today: Phone starts working again this morning with sporadic hiccups through out the day. Got the new battery in this morning also and so far I haven't noticed any difference. Had mom go over to the store back home in Winston where we bought the phones from this evening which she was told that only one of our phones (we have the same one) were eligible for a upgrade, and the other was eligible for one 2 months before the orig. 2-year contract is up. We were told when we bought them that we were eligible for an upgrade at 1 year, then again at 2 years (so every year)....Lie #2

I'm calling major bull on Lie #2...currently looking for my contract to see where it specifically states that only one phone is eligible for the upgrade.

If it's the same sort of policy as Verizon, then with accounts having 2 phones (I think this is true)...only one can be upgraded every 2 years. It's a shady deal and I could be (hopefully am) wrong about it. Good luck. I've had Verizon for a while now. I get around just about everywhere in the country and rarely have dropped calls and usually great service (phone signal not customer)
Started having problems with my Nextel phone last week..would restart at random times for no reason, freeze up at random times for no reason, and then dropped every call after about a minute of use no matter where I was.

mine was doing that as well, but its a samsung. first call that it dropped...i dropped the phone. after that it started working again :cheers:
If it's the same sort of policy as Verizon, then with accounts having 2 phones (I think this is true)...only one can be upgraded every 2 years. It's a shady deal and I could be (hopefully am) wrong about it. Good luck. I've had Verizon for a while now. I get around just about everywhere in the country and rarely have dropped calls and usually great service (phone signal not customer)

We might be switching to Verizon when the time comes. We switched to Sprint/Nextel after Cingular lied to us for over a year about when our contract was going to expire. Up until now we've been pleased with Sprint/Nextel's customer service..that is until the consecutive lies.
cell phones are the downfall of civilization, and possibly humanity itself. most people that get a cell phone almost immediately lose any desire to solve their own problems.
i know several people that in the past would change out a blown tire for the spare, and now would rather call a tow truck. i have no room to talk, though. i have one, and it is pretty much jb welded to the side of my head...
anybody ever see the movie idiocracy? yeah... that...
The cheap verizon phones may suck. But blackberries are good (the pearl does suck and everyone knows that). My issue is the customer service desk in...about every store I've went to. Maybe it's just my sunny personality.

And I'll never call a tow truck unless I'm broke down!
no cell here. Is there a type of plan that will give you the ability to make a call and bill you for it, but charge you nothing unless you use the phone? I like the idea of having one for emergencies on the road, but I can't, for the life of me, understand how or wht people can talk on those things constantly. Maybe I just don't like anyone enough to want to hear from them 24hrs a day...
no cell here. Is there a type of plan that will give you the ability to make a call and bill you for it, but charge you nothing unless you use the phone? I like the idea of having one for emergencies on the road, but I can't, for the life of me, understand how or wht people can talk on those things constantly. Maybe I just don't like anyone enough to want to hear from them 24hrs a day...

Look into a pay as you go plan...I know Cingluar offers one, but I don't remember offhand if Verizon or Sprint do as well. From my understanding, it is what it sounds like...you pay for the minutes you use and that's it. I don't know of the rates and what not...i've been meaning to do some research into is as my dad is the same as you...doesn't own a cell phone, really has no desire to own one, but I think is realizing that having one for an emergency situation would be handy. For example, when he wrecked his dirt bike in July 3 hours away in W.V. and had a concussion so bad he couldn't remember any phone numbers. Had he had a phone with him, the people who stopped to help him could have looked up my number and called me...rather than me finding out 5 hours later through a long chain of phone tags between about 10 people.
yuk.... thats some nasty shit dan who you been wrestlin?

Brazilian jujitsu son, managed to wrestle my whole life and not get it. But the dudes I train with are some rough sob's. My trainer was an undercard in the last UFC.
Brazilian jujitsu son, managed to wrestle my whole life and not get it. But the dudes I train with are some rough sob's. My trainer was an undercard in the last UFC.
i did some Brazillian jujitsu in high school, and did some tournaments in judo. i got in trouble a lot for doing stuff i learned in jujitsu....
yeah i was hoping i wouldnt have to grind out another set :rof:ive got some d44 setup bearings but i dont have a puller to get the old 30 bearings off.... on a side note how much is bobby long charging to cryo those gears.... i forgot how weenie d30 gears are...

Its only $45 plus shipping to him. Good insurance in my opinion. By the way, this is Tyler, Im on Jarrads computer LOL.
Look into a pay as you go plan...I know Cingluar offers one, but I don't remember offhand if Verizon or Sprint do as well. From my understanding, it is what it sounds like...you pay for the minutes you use and that's it. I don't know of the rates and what not...i've been meaning to do some research into is as my dad is the same as you...doesn't own a cell phone, really has no desire to own one, but I think is realizing that having one for an emergency situation would be handy. For example, when he wrecked his dirt bike in July 3 hours away in W.V. and had a concussion so bad he couldn't remember any phone numbers. Had he had a phone with him, the people who stopped to help him could have looked up my number and called me...rather than me finding out 5 hours later through a long chain of phone tags between about 10 people.

I had a pay as you go when I was in Italy. It's a better system. BUT I think the fact that the companies here in the US like tacking on a lot of extra shit makes that system less than ideal for phone like blackberry and iphone. I'd like blackberry on the pay to play program. It's so much better
I had a pay as you go when I was in Italy. It's a better system. BUT I think the fact that the companies here in the US like tacking on a lot of extra shit makes that system less than ideal for phone like blackberry and iphone. I'd like blackberry on the pay to play program. It's so much better

That would be very cool...but for people like my dad, who barely can send an e-mail and run a regular desktop PC, a phone that sophisticated would be totally unnecessary lol.
i did some Brazillian jujitsu in high school, and did some tournaments in judo. i got in trouble a lot for doing stuff i learned in jujitsu....

Its definitely its own sport, even coming from wrestling it was tricky transition. In wrestling you are trying to stay off your back at all cost, in bjj if you give up your back to someone they'll choke you blind. I'm planning on competing in the TN state tournament in a couple weeks so we'll see what happens, TN's got alot of tough dudes in it.
That would be very cool...but for people like my dad, who barely can send an e-mail and run a regular desktop PC, a phone that sophisticated would be totally unnecessary lol.

you just described me to a tee!
I'm really not a Luddite and I've never intentionally avoided technology, but I grew up when making dinner meant turning on an oven and making a phone call involved turning a round thing with holes in it to "dial" the number. Feedback carburetors were "high tech" and electronic ignition was still a "black science" to most mechanics.

The little missus, on the other hand (six years my junior), had computer labs in H.S. (something that barely existed for me in College) and has had a cell phone as long as I've known her. I guess in that sense, I've got a cell phone (pay for one, anyway) but I've never made a call on it and it's never with me if I need it....