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Weekend is over...what did you get done?


NAXJA Forum User
Murfreesboro, TN
So what did you guys get knocked out this weekend?

Trail Rate This came over and we swapped my rear axle out from the parts jeep. Cleand up and started swapping out gaskets on the replacment motor. The wife was kind enough to treat us to wings, dogs, and beer:cheers:. What else does a man need: good food, good family, good friends and workin on my jeep.
dang sounds fun. wish i had ppl like that. i ended up swapping my rear axle this weekend also but i was by myself. had my dad help me with swapping the e-brake cables and help bleed the brakes.

first post aye? Welcome to NAXJA
I picked up my nused 2.5 for my play Jeep. Now I just need to get it in and running.
I spent the weekend wheeling in Moab, UT. Spent most of the day on Saturday doing the Metal Masher trail. Loved it. Another successful trip with no damage or breaks!
I worked...much like I do most weekends....military sucketh right now.
I spent the weekend fishing with my boys and riding my honda atc till she would not start. Then we went fishing and shooting. :yelclap:
Worked 2nd shift at my 2nd job and dreamed some more about the new lift i'll be getting in the next couple of weeks.
I put on a new serp belt, and dreamed of the day when I no longer live in an apartment so I can do what ever I want on my Jeep and not worry about getting fined for making a "mess".
xpanicax said:
I put on a new serp belt, and dreamed of the day when I no longer live in an apartment so I can do what ever I want on my Jeep and not worry about getting fined for making a "mess".
I hear you on that one. We just bought our first house 4 months ago and I love having my own driveway/garage.
Replaced water pump, upper and lower radiator hoses, and heater hoses. :wierd:

Washed the XJ, pretty, and the wife's Mustang. :thumbup:

Took the family to see "Indiana Jones". :05of5:
i took a bunch of pics at the W.E. Rock competion in Dayton, TN this weekend. i'll post up a thread with some of the pictures sometime soon...
Bought my Honda Accord Finaly, worked saturday, and found an apartment to live in Greensboro
Mr.Shrek said:
Well I got a whole bunch of nothing done this weekend as far as the Jeep is concerned. I made a special weekend for the wife and I. How about you guys?

Looked for parts to make a Chrysler Differential Bearing Preload Wrench for my 4:56 gear install tomorrow. Got real close. I have to go to Fastenal(sp?) in the morning to get a couple of missing parts, then off to the shop.

I'm excited to see what it will be like driving my XJ with the 4:56 gears.
Made it to work and back successfully both Saturday and Sunday without the heep breaking. Next weekend provided all my stuff gets here this week, the new lift and SYE are going on :)