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Weekend is over...what did you get done?

Poor pup. Parvo is a mean disease. I spent a summer a few years ago working at a vet with my sister....seeing all the sick dogs (especially those with parvo) was too much for me to handle.
Yeah, it had to be tough on her. One day she was her normal perky bouncey self. The next day I didn't see her in the yard when i went to work. She wasn't there when I got home either. I went looking for her and found her curled up under a tree in the back yard. I called her and she didn't even want to get up. It took every once of energy for her to move. She spent the next 2 days laying in the same spot.
Well damn. My dog died last night. She's been sick for the last 2 days. She stopped eating and drinking. Vet seems to think she contracted Parvo.

Poor Blue is only 6 months old:

Sorry man, never easy, particularly when there are kids involved....
Yeah, I told the kids what happened when I got home. The oldest shed a few tears and was OK. She occupied her mind trying to comfort the youngest who was a giant MESS! I'm surprised she's not dehydrated from crying.

This pup was turned into the special one because she was the last to come out. I was hoping that we would have a blue one and we didn't. We were keeping count of the pups. We were up to ten. She seemed to still be in labor but it had been 2 hours since she had a pup. So, we figured she was done. I went outside with the family to smoke a cigarette. Came back in 20 minutes later and noticed one of the black ones had wandered away from the group. I picked it up and put it back in the pile and walked back outside. April, my wife, went back inside and came running back out and said something along the lines of "Where the hell did the eleventh puppy come from?!" I went back inside and it turns out that the black one that was away from the group wasn't actually black. It was still damp from being born. Once it had dried off it was the last born Blue puppy. We gave all the others away and kept her.

I'll tell ya. I've never had a dog that was as loving as her. She also listened very well. By far better than any other dog I've had. She wouldn't jump on you. She'd get excited when you got home and sit on the ground outside the door and fidget her but all over the ground. lol

Hopefully when the kids are ready for another one we can find one as well behaved and loving.
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Hey my gf does dog rescue tell me when ur ready for a new one
Sorry btw ..........my dogs are basically my kids
It's amazing how dogs (or any pet really) becomes so much a part of the family.

My boxer mix is getting old and starting to show signs of it, and i'm dreading the day already. Been down that road once already with my old Greyhound and it's never easy...
Speaking of getting old... My dad has a black mid-sized poodle. He's 18 years old...

That dog IS my dad's kid. In the past 5 years or so his hair has thined to a point that he has to wear a sweater almost all the time. What's hilarious is that under that sweater there is no hair left. It looks like he has a farmers tan! lol I'll have to get a picture of him.

18 years old and still has plenty energy. His barker sure isn't broke. He still goes ape shit over a tennis ball. He's missing a few teeth, half his hair, can't half hear and his eyes look back but it seems that he can see half way decent. He sure doesn't have a problem tracking down that tennis ball mid flight in time to make a catch.
My dog is my son. Since my wife can't have kids our dogs are our kids.
Those who have wheeled with me know the Cocker "Rubicon" follows me everywhere.. this year out of no where he lost sight in his good eye. Blind as can be. Hitting his head in doors, falling down stairs, falling all over him self. When i moved to AL i left him in SC and my wife said he was depressed, to the point he'd just lay there on his bed and barely even go out only to go potty. She was wondering if it was healthy and was concerned he may have just given up. We considered putting him down, til i drove up to Columbia, opened the door and he can running toward me! it was like he wasn't blind or anything. My wife was shocked, told me he hasn't moved much since i left, would wait by the door on occasions. When i drove back to AL, i took him with me, the roommate loves him, he follows my voice commands, knows when i say No for when he goes too far, comes back to the sound of my voice. The 1st day he couldnt find the stairs, i took his paws and walked him up the stairs. Now days i open the door.. He walks down the stairs, comes up no problem. Its amazing what this blind dog can do. He still follows me with out a leash, waits for me to get back from work and sleeps next to me every night.
I'm so attached to him. He's only 8 years old so i hope to have him for many more years.
any way..just wanted to share my dog story with you all after being sadden by Andys dog dieing.
I finished installing my rock lights. I only had one installed for the Flog so I thought I'd better install the others. I need to get on the trail at night and see how they do.
I just ordered some LED lights that I got the link for on pirate. Supposed to be 20 lights on a 12v string, with 4 LED's per light. Cost 26 bucks on one of those slow boat from china websites.

I'll have to find the link.
What do you intend to use these lights for?

Rock lights. I think it was halogrinder that had the thread. He said he's only using 8 of them and they light things up pretty well.

I'm thinking of sticking two more inside my camper shell on a three position switch so I can turn one or both on.

I'll post the pirate link up when I get a chance. It's not working for me right now.
So, went to a mud bog last night. As usual, I parked my junk on the side of the mud pit and sat on the hood to watch. You wouldn't believe how many times people tried to convince me to run thru it...

Seems like everytime I go I end up stuck on the end right were brilliant people in their 2wd trucks try to drive around to the back side which requires driving thru a spot that's slick as owl shit. I pulled 6 vehicles out of this spot last night.


(Yes, the guy on the right in the hat really is that tall) 7'7"ish

I really didn't see anything special... There was a Cherokee that was beat to hell, had a PVC snorkle straight up the center of the windshield and had ditch witch tires on it.

The truck that one was an extremely under powered, over geared truck jacked way up in the air with skinny tractor tires on it. I have a video of this if it would ever load...

The only thing I saw that was even remotely interesting was the Bug body on some full sized truck frame on 48s. Sittin in this picture it looks pretty cool from 100 yards away... Get closer it it's just funny. This thing seems to be held together with scrap yard parts and bubble gum. On the bright side, it did have full hydro steering instead of the typical Z shaped drag link...
I got to see this thing go thru the mud hole. Needless to say, it was rather dissapointing. Several of the trucks in the 33" class went farther than this pile of shit. I have a video I'm trying to load of this one too.


Got to see a full sized dodge catch fire and see about 40 wasted old farts attempt to put it out. No pics of that.

Got home by 9 and passed out since I had to be at work at 5am this Sunday morning. Blows!

Then, I saw this when I went to grab some breakfast. WTF?


As you can see, my camera doesn't take very good low light or zoomed in pictures... But does fairly well with close ups.
I just ordered some LED lights that I got the link for on pirate. Supposed to be 20 lights on a 12v string, with 4 LED's per light. Cost 26 bucks on one of those slow boat from china websites.

I'll have to find the link.

Hey Josh. Let us know how these lights work. I'm using some of the 4" round rubber housed utility lights I had laying around. They are ok at best but I wanted to get some LED's.
Hey Josh. Let us know how these lights work. I'm using some of the 4" round rubber housed utility lights I had laying around. They are ok at best but I wanted to get some LED's.

My fault, it was USMCDoc that posted the link. This is the thread, with some pictures:


This is the link to the lights:


Like I said, it's slow boat from china, so if you want them quick, you might want to look elsewhere. If you can wait, $26 seems like a pretty good deal. You get 20, so when you wreck one, just swap it out with another one.
That's a good deal. Thanks for the link.
Took the driver door off cut the pin and replaced it with a .25 grade 8 bolt. Removed the pasanger door. Will do the hinge some time this week. One of those damn torx button head bolts stripped so I spent most of today grinding the head off with a die grinder and compressor that can bairly inflate my tires. FML!