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God built the desire to fight into the human genome to combat world population problems...get used to it. We have always fought, we will always fight. It may not be for good reasons, war has seldom ever started for a "good" reason but it has always been there.

We could go back to the way the spartans fought with rivers of blood pouring down from the cliffs. Honestly I wish more would die in world conflicts, we are way too over populated as it is.
I'm no soldier but I'm glad we are fighting them over there vs. over here.
So what we'll do is ignore it when our allies are invaded, or should we have helped kuwait.
Maybe we should impose sanctions as conditions of a cease fire and sit back and watch for 8 years as they are violated daily, oh wait, we did that. Maybe what we should do is allow our enemies to assemble, train, and build their armies whose sole declared purpose is the destruction of our way of life.

Yeah, war is bad, but isn't it better to meet our enemies head on rather than to wait for them to knock at our doorstep, like they did on 9/11.

We tie the hands of our soldiers with "civilized" rules for combat. The reason Vietnam was the debacle that it was, was because of political games. If we play political games with the current wars, the same outcome can be expected. We must completely and totally dominate our enemy, and must provide our troops the authority, and resources to do so. To sit back home and squabble about reasons for war are counter productive and give some politicians cause to waiver in their support for our troops. If you truly hate war, which you should, you should want it to be over with as soon as possible, in a manner that will remove our enemies ability to make war. To end war while you have the advantage without winning is only postponing the inevitable for an example see Iraq. To leave a county destabilized and without infrastructure after conquering them is irresponsible.

So you feel that we should be irresponsible and abandon a people whom we have removed their ability to protect themselves, and put the other war off until the war is brought to our doorstep and you can actually physically "defend your country". Good for you.

I like to play with trolls. :)

Terrorism isn't only located in Iraq and Afghanistan, it's mobile. Al Qaeda doesn't need a location. Look at the attempted bombing on the airliner in December. There's no way tell who's a terrorist an who isn't without proper intelligence. We're not fighting a country or an army, we're fighting people with a cause. Do you suggest we start a global war to completely eliminate the enemy? I think Iraqi's would be better off without us, all the bombing and chaos is a result of our presence. What's going on now isn't working, and we need to find a better way. I don't have that answer, but someone does.
xjackel, what do you think about the second amendment?

agreed, I like trolls, I am very bored and 200 miles from my XJ that I should be fixing right now

That's one of our given rights and I agree with it. Don't assume I'm a liberal, I hate liberals. I'm a true conservative and I voted for Ron Paul. We need less government and less rules.
Terrorism isn't only located in Iraq and Afghanistan, it's mobile. Al Qaeda doesn't need a location. Look at the attempted bombing on the airliner in December. There's no way tell who's a terrorist an who isn't without proper intelligence. We're not fighting a country or an army, we're fighting people with a cause. Do you suggest we start a global war to completely eliminate the enemy? I think Iraqi's would be better off without us, all the bombing and chaos is a result of our presence. What's going on now isn't working, and we need to find a better way. I don't have that answer, but someone does.

Yes, I do think we should start a global campaign to eliminate the enemy where we find them.

Your answer to the problem is "cut and run, but I don't have the answer" gotcha.

My answer is fight terror with terror. The terrorists themselves don't mind dying, but if we were to hold their families responsible, soak them in pigs blood and sodomize them in the town square with bricks from their own home...I don't think it would be long before mamma starts asking where little johnny terrorist is headed when he leaves the house. Warn them first of course, let them know that they can either be complacent and held responsible for their childrens actions, or get involved and live. Make sure you point out that no one HAS to die, you aren't forcing their children to be murders, only holding the environment that raised them to be such, accountable.
What happened the last time we pulled out of Afgahn.

I'm not your mother.

Initiation and continuation are two completely different things.

I'm willing to bet I'm a lot smarter then you and have a lot more experience on this subject then you.
All you do is watch bs media and let them adjust your mind accordingly

FYI I was for the war until I did a research paper about a year ago. I studied objectively and gather facts, not opinions. Stop assuming things.
Yes, I do think we should start a global campaign to eliminate the enemy where we find them.

Your answer to the problem is "cut and run, but I don't have the answer" gotcha.

My answer is fight terror with terror. The terrorists themselves don't mind dying, but if we were to hold their families responsible, soak them in pigs blood and sodomize them in the town square with bricks from their own home...I don't think it would be long before mamma starts asking where little johnny terrorist is headed when he leaves the house. Warn them first of course, let them know that they can either be complacent and held responsible for their childrens actions, or get involved and live. Make sure you point out that no one HAS to die, you aren't forcing their children to be murders, only holding the environment that raised them to be such, accountable.

God built the desire to fight into the human genome to combat world population problems...get used to it. We have always fought, we will always fight. It may not be for good reasons, war has seldom ever started for a "good" reason but it has always been there.

We could go back to the way the spartans fought with rivers of blood pouring down from the cliffs. Honestly I wish more would die in world conflicts, we are way too over populated as it is.

Then why stop Saddam from harming his people? That way none of our soldiers would have to die.
That's one of our given rights and I agree with it. Don't assume I'm a liberal, I hate liberals. I'm a true conservative and I voted for Ron Paul. We need less government and less rules.
please stop naming names and such, I don't want you anywhere near my side. You give it a bad name.
Yes, I do think we should start a global campaign to eliminate the enemy where we find them.

Your answer to the problem is "cut and run, but I don't have the answer" gotcha.

My answer is fight terror with terror. The terrorists themselves don't mind dying, but if we were to hold their families responsible, soak them in pigs blood and sodomize them in the town square with bricks from their own home...I don't think it would be long before mamma starts asking where little johnny terrorist is headed when he leaves the house. Warn them first of course, let them know that they can either be complacent and held responsible for their childrens actions, or get involved and live. Make sure you point out that no one HAS to die, you aren't forcing their children to be murders, only holding the environment that raised them to be such, accountable.

Then what would be the difference between us and them? They kill us for the environment we live in and the things we believe. Your solution would only anger them more. These people are willing to die for what they believe.
Then what would be the difference between us and them? They kill us for the environment we live in and the things we believe. Your solution would only anger them more. These people are willing to die for what they believe.

The difference is that we would still be free. Instead of us exchanging our freedoms for security. The difference is that we would only react to the offense, not initiate the offense. The difference is that they believe their actions will get them to heaven, our responsibility is to make sure they know they're going to hell, and taking the ones they love with them.

Rank and file armies were no match guerilla tactics, guerilla tactics only further fuel terrorist action. We must make them fear us more than they fear their god, or kill them all. Those are the only ways to win, I am taking the high road by making them fear us instead of killing all of them.
People from all around the world are suffering, born as victims of circumstance. It has always been that way and always will be. I am trying to find a solution, and right now that's bringing our troops home. Instead of defending my freedom by fighting for something I don't believe, I'm exercising my right to have my voice heard. We have so many enemies for a reason, and instead of trying to constantly obliterate them all, we need to find something that will not make so many people hate us. America's a great place when you live here, but a lot of the world thinks we're bullies. People don't think for themselves anymore, they do what their party tells them to.

You're right people are born everyday in messed up countries where the government could care less what happens to them. So how should we help those people? Weapons, aid, invasion? No matter what we do to help another country some other governmet is not going to be happy. Who had the most to lose when we invaded Iraq, Russia, France, China to name a few.

I don't remember anyone, from the EU, complaining when we roled into Bosnia or Kosovo. Should we being doing something about the atrocities that occur everyday in Africa, absolutely, but oil makes te world go round. Whether you like it or not everyone needs oil. If they find oil in Africa I bet we roll in there next.

Keeping "trying" to find a solution, but maybe we should just step into the real worldfrom time to time and see what is really going on. Talk is cheap
The difference is that we would still be free. Instead of us exchanging our freedoms for security. The difference is that we would only react to the offense, not initiate the offense. The difference is that they believe their actions will get them to heaven, our responsibility is to make sure they know they're going to hell, and taking the ones they love with them.

Rank and file armies were no match guerilla tactics, guerilla tactics only further fuel terrorist action. We must make them fear us more than they fear their god, or kill them all. Those are the only ways to win, I am taking the high road by making them fear us instead of killing all of them.

Islamic people aren't terrorist. Jim Jones claimed to be a Christian but he was an evil person. The same goes with Al Qaeda. They are radicals and a small portion of the Islamic faith. No where in the Qua'ran does it say that killing yourself with take you to heaven where forty virgins are waiting. There have been Christians that have done terrible things, but that doesn't make the Christian faith evil. There are over a billion Muslims in the world, and compare that to the number of them that are terrorist and they are nothing more than a crazy cult. For some reason Hitler hated jews and they were evil in his opinion, but that didn't make the Holocaust okay.
I totally agree he was a horrible person and the world is better without him. Those events that you mentioned took place before the gulf war though. After it was over an agreement was made that Iraq was to disarm an be overseen by UNSCOM. That didn't work out so great and ended in 1998. In 2003 the department of defense sent in the Iraq Survey Group, which concluded that there was no evidence that Saddam Hussein had produced or stockpiled any wmds since the U.N. sanctions in 91'. I think a better option would have been to continue inspections and make sure that Saddam was disarmed.

So basically you're wondering why we didn't take him out in the Gulf War if he was so bad before then?

I have two answers for you - Uday and Qusay

And really, do you think they are going to make public what happened to the WMDs that were removed from Iraq just before we rolled in there?

You can't continue inspections when the inspectors are being threatened, thrown out or not allowed access to everything. Sanctioning a country that produces a lot of oil doesn't make for a good economic practice either...especially when we're one of the only countries that can refine Iraq's generally sour crude oil.
Islamic people aren't terrorist. Jim Jones claimed to be a Christian but he was an evil person. The same goes with Al Qaeda. They are radicals and a small portion of the Islamic faith. No where in the Qua'ran does it say that killing yourself with take you to heaven where forty virgins are waiting. There have been Christians that have done terrible things, but that doesn't make the Christian faith evil. There are over a billion Muslims in the world, and compare that to the number of them that are terrorist and they are nothing more than a crazy cult. For some reason Hitler hated jews and they were evil in his opinion, but that didn't make the Holocaust okay.

Show me how you can tell the difference between a radical Muslim and a non-radical Muslim - just by looking at him.

And no, don't say "the radical one is the one with the bomb strapped to his chest" ;)

You're right people are born everyday in messed up countries where the government could care less what happens to them. So how should we help those people? Weapons, aid, invasion? No matter what we do to help another country some other governmet is not going to be happy. Who had the most to lose when we invaded Iraq, Russia, France, China to name a few.

I don't remember anyone, from the EU, complaining when we roled into Bosnia or Kosovo. Should we being doing something about the atrocities that occur everyday in Africa, absolutely, but oil makes te world go round. Whether you like it or not everyone needs oil. If they find oil in Africa I bet we roll in there next.

Keeping "trying" to find a solution, but maybe we should just step into the real worldfrom time to time and see what is really going on. Talk is cheap

Plenty of oil in Africa, especially Sudan - we're just waiting for them to all kill each other before we roll in there ;)

What do I think we're doing over there? causing problems
I never said we should pull out tomorrow, but if we did what do you think would happen.

The "war on terror" would continue, but they'd bring the fight to us. Also, the Taliban would roll right back into Kabul and take over the government. Again. Opium fields would once again run rampant, once again funding their jihad. Do you even know why they're against us? Maybe something to do with radical Islam wanting to eliminate the "Zionist empire" in Israel and create a worldwide Islamic state?
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