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I guessing college freshman who just had his first humanities class.

Before you start it with worthless statistics about how this war has cost more lives than "x", keep in mind that the military has lost more soldiers in Motorcycle accidents per year than they have in the wars you are trolling about.

I can't find those statistics anywhere. Can you post a link please?
To serve by dying for political motivations? We invaded Iraq because of WMDs, while Kim Jong Il builds them right in front of us and threatens to use them on us. I care about this country greatly, and I hate to see Americans dying for nothing. Our "War on Terrorism" has cost more American lives than 9/11, and what have we accomplished? If we put the same resources into protecting this country here at home as we did in the middle east, we would be so much safer. Maybe people hate us because we don't mind our own business. Dick Cheney was former CEO of Halliburton, still gets paid 150,000 salary from them and has 430,000+ stock shares in the company. Guess who got rich from the war? Halliburton has received billions in government contracts and is flourishing.

Kinda blew your load with this post, didn't ya? At least get to spreading the points out and lead everyone on.

I won't begin to point out how clueless these points are because you're an obvious troll. :D
Its not so much the trolling that matters to me, its just that you don't need to be so obvious about it. Ecksjay was right, you gotta stretch it out some.
I posted in this forum b/c it's off topic. If you don't like it then don't reply. I am not trolling, all I want is to have an intelligent conversation.
Have you given any reasons why we should not be at war in either place? I saw you spout something about haliburton, and a comment about WMD's that makes me think that you really do believe that Iraq never had any.
Have you given any reasons why we should not be at war in either place? I saw you spout something about haliburton, and a comment about WMD's that makes me think that you really do believe that Iraq never had any.

If Iraq had WMD's, why invade there? Kim Jong Il has brainwashed an entire nation and has nuclear weapons. In my opinion they are way more dangerous. Also, our presence in Iraq is only creating more terrorist. Innocent civilians have died, and that makes everyone angry. Terrorism is not in two countries, it's everywhere. It's been almost 9 years in Afghanistan, so what prevented these terrorist from going elsewhere? We need to focus on securing our borders and our land. I believe that the war is counter-productive and it's only giving terrorist more motivation. War should be the last option not the first.
Iraq's Chem and Bio weapons are more dangerous to the world than N Korea's nukes. Iraq had the ability to destabilize an entire region that is vital to the world economy with no mitigating powers in the area to slow them down. N Korea Is surrounded by nuclear powers with larger armies.

How would you secure our borders and land? I see you subscribe to the nanny state philosophy. If we put all the troops in a big circle around the United states, shut down interstate commerce and inspected everything, would that help?

Face it, the troops in Iraq and Afghanistan are an extremely well armed and trained anti-american target. And they have no bag limit. Every terrorist who is any terrorist wants to get them, the washovers we get here are the guys who can only manage to blow their pecker off.

"War should be the last option, not the first" please lay down the doobie and step into the real world. The enemies of America are not trying to take anything, they are not trying to conquer anything, they are trying to eliminate us. The best way to convince a wanna be Martyr that his cause is wrong is to tell him with two to the chest and one to the head. Warheads on Foreheads.

We are not fighting terror with terror, we are fighting it with well armed, well trained, uniformed troops, who are being observed by accredited world media.
XJackel I gotta give it to you, we called you out as a AE troll on page one and you're still getting people to bite.

come to the dark side, I discovered that it is more fun to feed the trolls. Any old argument will do. Besides I have not added useless posts to my count in a while.
Hey! I've got an idea... Let's discuss abortion! No? How about religion? Aww you're no fun...

I believe postnatal abortion should be legal. Especially in cases such as the OP.
I support abortion through the 400th trimester or so, later under certain circumstances.
I don't see why not. It's never to late to correct a mistake.
I was wondering "What the hell does war have to do with Jeeps?" and then it came to me... "Duh, Jeeps were developed for the Army and the Army goes to war, so... I think I'll go and get another beer."