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Iraq's Chem and Bio weapons are more dangerous to the world than N Korea's nukes. Iraq had the ability to destabilize an entire region that is vital to the world economy with no mitigating powers in the area to slow them down. N Korea Is surrounded by nuclear powers with larger armies.

How would you secure our borders and land? I see you subscribe to the nanny state philosophy. If we put all the troops in a big circle around the United states, shut down interstate commerce and inspected everything, would that help?

Face it, the troops in Iraq and Afghanistan are an extremely well armed and trained anti-american target. And they have no bag limit. Every terrorist who is any terrorist wants to get them, the washovers we get here are the guys who can only manage to blow their pecker off.

"War should be the last option, not the first" please lay down the doobie and step into the real world. The enemies of America are not trying to take anything, they are not trying to conquer anything, they are trying to eliminate us. The best way to convince a wanna be Martyr that his cause is wrong is to tell him with two to the chest and one to the head. Warheads on Foreheads.

We are not fighting terror with terror, we are fighting it with well armed, well trained, uniformed troops, who are being observed by accredited world media.

First, the middle east is already an unstable region. George Bush said his biggest regret as a president was the intelligence failure in Iraq. Do you remember in 2008 when the Senate Intelligence Committee found that his administration misrepresented the intelligence and the threat from Iraq?
Mmmm Special K is delicious. I really like the strawberry kind.
I beg to differ. The flies land on your food after being on a body. Not very appealing at all still tastes decent though.
First, the middle east is already an unstable region. George Bush said his biggest regret as a president was the intelligence failure in Iraq. Do you remember in 2008 when the Senate Intelligence Committee found that his administration misrepresented the intelligence and the threat from Iraq?

Do you recall the war of agression that Saddam started with his neighbor, then the other war of agression he started with a different neighbor? Or His threats to yeat another neighbor? What about the wholesale murder using poison gas committed against the people to the north?

Yea, I can live without that guy.
I beg to differ. The flies land on your food after being on a body. Not very appealing at all still tastes decent though.

actually, if you set your perch up right, you can seemlessly swivel from the rifle to the bowl and take them at 1000 yds. It takes more talent in the jet since it does not really have a good bowl holder.
To serve by dying for political motivations? We invaded Iraq because of WMDs, while Kim Jong Il builds them right in front of us and threatens to use them on us. I care about this country greatly, and I hate to see Americans dying for nothing. Our "War on Terrorism" has cost more American lives than 9/11, and what have we accomplished? If we put the same resources into protecting this country here at home as we did in the middle east, we would be so much safer. Maybe people hate us because we don't mind our own business. Dick Cheney was former CEO of Halliburton, still gets paid 150,000 salary from them and has 430,000+ stock shares in the company. Guess who got rich from the war? Halliburton has received billions in government contracts and is flourishing.

If you can't beat them, join them.

I applied for a job with Haliburton. I applied for jobs at oil companies too.
Do you recall the war of agression that Saddam started with his neighbor, then the other war of agression he started with a different neighbor? Or His threats to yeat another neighbor? What about the wholesale murder using poison gas committed against the people to the north?

Yea, I can live without that guy.

I totally agree he was a horrible person and the world is better without him. Those events that you mentioned took place before the gulf war though. After it was over an agreement was made that Iraq was to disarm an be overseen by UNSCOM. That didn't work out so great and ended in 1998. In 2003 the department of defense sent in the Iraq Survey Group, which concluded that there was no evidence that Saddam Hussein had produced or stockpiled any wmds since the U.N. sanctions in 91'. I think a better option would have been to continue inspections and make sure that Saddam was disarmed.
Maybe you should get some first hand knowledge first then come back and make your argument. You don't have to join the military. How about a non-government agency, you could deliver aid supplies and medicine to the poor Iraqis.
Instead of complaining about a situation find a solution. Help the people you claim we are terrorizing.
Maybe you should get some first hand knowledge first then come back and make your argument. You don't have to join the military. How about a non-government agency, you could deliver aid supplies and medicine to the poor Iraqis.
Instead of complaining about a situation find a solution. Help the people you claim we are terrorizing.

People from all around the world are suffering, born as victims of circumstance. It has always been that way and always will be. I am trying to find a solution, and right now that's bringing our troops home. Instead of defending my freedom by fighting for something I don't believe, I'm exercising my right to have my voice heard. We have so many enemies for a reason, and instead of trying to constantly obliterate them all, we need to find something that will not make so many people hate us. America's a great place when you live here, but a lot of the world thinks we're bullies. People don't think for themselves anymore, they do what their party tells them to.
Your a tard. Do you know what will happen if we pull out without finishing our mission?

What do you think we're doing over there? hanging out keeping it real?
You have no clue what you're talking about.

I can't blame you for your ignorance. You watch your MSNBC and now thing you're a tactical genius. It's alright it happens to the worst of us.
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Your a tard. Do you know what will happen if we pull out without finishing our mission?

What do you think we're doing over there? hanging out keeping it real?
You have no clue what you're talking about.

I can't blame you for your ignorance. You watch your MSNBC and now thing you're a tactical genius. It's alright it happens to the worst of us.

What do I think we're doing over there? causing problems
I never said we should pull out tomorrow, but if we did what do you think would happen. Have you heard about Vietnam? We had to leave but things were okay for us. You need the grow the f**k up and stop with the childish name calling. Why don't you tell me why I'm so wrong if you have the answer. President Bush admits it was a mistake and I'm willing to bet he's a lot smarter than you.
So what we'll do is ignore it when our allies are invaded, or should we have helped kuwait.
Maybe we should impose sanctions as conditions of a cease fire and sit back and watch for 8 years as they are violated daily, oh wait, we did that. Maybe what we should do is allow our enemies to assemble, train, and build their armies whose sole declared purpose is the destruction of our way of life.

Yeah, war is bad, but isn't it better to meet our enemies head on rather than to wait for them to knock at our doorstep, like they did on 9/11.

We tie the hands of our soldiers with "civilized" rules for combat. The reason Vietnam was the debacle that it was, was because of political games. If we play political games with the current wars, the same outcome can be expected. We must completely and totally dominate our enemy, and must provide our troops the authority, and resources to do so. To sit back home and squabble about reasons for war are counter productive and give some politicians cause to waiver in their support for our troops. If you truly hate war, which you should, you should want it to be over with as soon as possible, in a manner that will remove our enemies ability to make war. To end war while you have the advantage without winning is only postponing the inevitable for an example see Iraq. To leave a county destabilized and without infrastructure after conquering them is irresponsible.

So you feel that we should be irresponsible and abandon a people whom we have removed their ability to protect themselves, and put the other war off until the war is brought to our doorstep and you can actually physically "defend your country". Good for you.

I like to play with trolls. :)
xjackel, what do you think about the second amendment?

agreed, I like trolls, I am very bored and 200 miles from my XJ that I should be fixing right now
but if we did what do you think would happen.
What happened the last time we pulled out of Afgahn.

Why don't you tell me why I'm so wrong if you have the answer
I'm not your mother.
President Bush admits it was a mistake
Initiation and continuation are two completely different things.
I'm willing to bet he's a lot smarter than you.
I'm willing to bet I'm a lot smarter then you and have a lot more experience on this subject then you.
All you do is watch bs media and let them adjust your mind accordingly