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bowzone_mikey said:
I surely dont mean to Piss in anyones kool-aide ... But I really need to ask ....
On a great site and tech forum ..why would there be 7 pages ...eventully more of Snake oil??? BS

ya want 28 MPG .. lift your right foot a bit

Once again if you don't want to do anything but go off about how this won't work then go find somewhere else to post your opinion, we have a few people talking on here who are trying to understand this and a couple of us who are willing to try it out, if it blows my motor up big deal that means stroker time, which it will not do! The TDS stays in the container it is only vapor that is being pulled into the intake, and what came in your cracker jack box is a little bit different than this. One more thing if you could get 28 MPG from lifting your right foot everyone would be doing it, maybe you should try pushing your car or XJ I bet the mileage would be outstanding.

And for the rest of you this tank did get 27.8 mpg but the next one may not, I am not saying that everytank will get this but after about a months worth of fill ups we will be able to get some averages!

My multimeter will not test the resistance across the posts on my cell goodbourbon, but my cousing who is an electrician will be at my house tomorrow with his equipment and I should be able to get those numbers for you. I hope!

If you all would like lets set a few parameters that I will use to test my mileage, I am willing to take input what you would like to see me do. i.e. Same gas pump, only fill in the mornings, things like that. Please we are all on the same side here, thats we love Jeeps, so lets try to keep this on the positive side.
lrainman said:
The TDS stays in the container it is only vapor that is being pulled into the intake, .

That statement right there tells me you have no clue ...

you may work at some water treatment plant .. big deal so do I but I turn said water into steam to make stuff go ... so you dump some floride, clorine into millions of gallons of water ... but you obviously have no idea what gets carried over in vapour

its all snake oil ... hasta
bowzone_mikey said:
That statement right there tells me you have no clue ...

you may work at some water treatment plant .. big deal so do I but I turn said water into steam to make stuff go ... so you dump some floride, clorine into millions of gallons of water ... but you obviously have no idea what gets carried over in vapour

its all snake oil ... hasta

Actually no flouride because its a poison, and no chlorine either its actually Mixed Oxidants for a disinfectant, shall we keep going on what you don't know about water treatment!! LOL Let me guess you make steam to power a turbine generator of some sort, if so that doesn't qualify for water treatment.

Snake oil is what you know most about I'm sure.
You enjoy getting on these forums and trying to demean people? Answer that one,
MR. SNAKE OIL .. I think you need to change your name that would fit you better because you sure refer to it a lot.

By the way no hard feelings..
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bowzone_mikey said:
where does all your dissolved solids go? .... what is your TDS for your feedwater? ... are you using distilled water? soft water? are you using any sort of Amine, phosphate or sulfite water treatment....


There is a reason for using Distilled water, not tap water.
High TDS can result in corrosion of metal equipment and accessories,
high levels - above 3,000 parts per million, Distilled water is around 20 parts per million.

3. Distillation
Distillation involves boiling the water to produce water vapor. The water vapor then rises to a cooled surface where it can condense back into a liquid and be collected. Because the dissolved solids are not normally vaporized, they remain in the boiling solution.
bowzone_mikey said:
That statement right there tells me you have no clue ...

you may work at some water treatment plant .. big deal so do I but I turn said water into steam to make stuff go ... so you dump some floride, clorine into millions of gallons of water ... but you obviously have no idea what gets carried over in vapour

its all snake oil ... hasta
I'm a seventeen year old who sits on his butt all day and I can say that is a stupid comment...

Sodium Bicarbonate? Do you really think that a vapor form of water and Sodium Bicarbonate will harm an engine at all?

NaHC03 (can't put the little 3) only has a real problem with aluminum, and last I checked, the majority of stock parts in a AMC 4.0 are cast iron, excluding the intake manifold, but that probably has a thick enough oil/gasoline coating on the inside that the baking soda will never reach it.

I'm thinking the worst it could do is clean your engine a little... considering it's been proven that NaHCO3 absorbs carbon both in solid and gas form, so lets see... your cylinder walls will be cleaned, and your emissions will be lessoned...

And to the people using "The laws of thermodynamics" AGAINST this, you obviously aren't well versed in the application of thermodynamics; think of this "HHO Helper" like a super or turbo charger, and then you'll see that it works.

Super/turbochargers use the output (in the form of a belt or the exhaust gas) to increase thermodynamic effeciency by injecting more air into the combustion chamber. The engine isn't using any LESS fuel, it just gets more power from the same amount of fuel.

Now, how come this same concept can't be applied to electrolysis? The key difference is that there are no moving parts in this, and that instead of more air, you're getting more efficiently burning air by adding Hydrogen. The combustability of the air increases, and to a point the control system corrects this by decreasing the rate of fuel being injected, but going beyond that point will need an adjustable map to trick the computer further into using less fuel. The more you can control the fuel rate, the more efficient the adding of hydrogen to oxygen gets.

Everything is a function of mechanics, there's no voodoo magic going on here, electrons and atoms move with the same mechanical force as belts, pulleys, and fans.

These guys are definately not creating perpetual motion machines here!

please excuse any typo's, it's a little bit late!

Oh, and I don't know in any way how reverse osmosis works, but is it as clean as distilled water? I'll go try to learn myself up on it anyways...
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Have to chime in for a second.

Super/turbochargers use the output (in the form of a belt or the exhaust gas) to increase thermodynamic effeciency by injecting more air into the combustion chamber. The engine isn't using any LESS fuel, it just gets more power from the same amount of fuel.

Now, how come this same concept can't be applied to electrolysis? The key difference is that there are no moving parts in this, and that instead of more air, you're getting more efficiently burning air by adding Hydrogen. The combustability of the air increases, and to a point the control system corrects this by decreasing the rate of fuel being injected, but going beyond that point will need an adjustable map to trick the computer further into using less fuel. The more you can control the fuel rate, the more efficient the adding of hydrogen to oxygen gets.
Wrong. Super and turbosupercharges add extra air into the same displacement simply so they can inject more fuel in as well. If all they did was add more air with the same amount of fuel, it would run dangerously lean and would explode. This is why they get less fuel mileage, yet more power out of the same displacement. Simply because theyre simualting a larger displacement engine. They do have higher compression which yields greater efficiency, but at the price of running premium fuel.

Also, electrolysis requires the alternator to output power which puts a load on the engine, which requires more fuel to keep at RPM. Now, add in regenerative braking to make hydrogen and.. You got yourself a less efficient means than making regenerative braking to power a battery & motor. The ONLY way to see an actual efficiency and MPG boost is if it either somehow fools the O2 sensor to make the engine run lean, or if it magically makes combustion a shit load more efficient.

Carry on.
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A supercharger generally lowers the overall engine efficiency, while a turbo improves it by using some of the normally wasted exhaust energy. Thermodynamic efficiency is not necessarily directly related to engine efficiency or effective mpg.

So far no one has really done anything with thermodynamics except paraphrase the laws about conservation of energy and such. Nobody has even mentioned the otto cycle or volumetric efficiency. You are the first to mention the term thermal efficiency, although I'm not sure you had it in the right context.

I'm still having difficulty seeing how changes to the volumetric or thermal efficiency, caused by more complete burning or burn rate changes, can explain the mpg improvement claims (some have claimed 30% improvement). I'm not saying it's impossible, just not easily explainable.

I also believe that if this technique were truley viable that manufacturers, airlines, freight companies, etc would have jumped on this already. They would simply have too much to gain to ignore this.
mattbred said:
Have to chime in for a second.

Wrong. Super and turbosupercharges add extra air into the same displacement simply so they can inject more fuel in as well. If all they did was add more air with the same amount of fuel, it would run dangerously lean and would explode. This is why they get less fuel mileage, yet more power out of the same displacement. Simply because theyre simualting a larger displacement engine. They do have higher compression which yields greater efficiency, but at the price of running premium fuel.

Also, electrolysis requires the alternator to output power which puts a load on the engine, which requires more fuel to keep at RPM. Now, add in regenerative braking to make hydrogen and.. You got yourself a less efficient means than making regenerative braking to power a battery & motor. The ONLY way to see an actual efficiency and MPG boost is if it either somehow fools the O2 sensor to make the engine run lean, or if it magically makes combustion a shit load more efficient.

Carry on.
I was going to correct myself on the first part, but really didn't want to go in to the depth that it required... basically I was going to say that the effeciency of modern turbo systems (almost no average vehicle comes with a super stock) brings the amount of fuel being used to ALMOST the same as a non-turbo motor. Sorry about that.

Did you read how much "Power" is required for electrolysis? about the same as a dome light! It's not like they're magically pulling energy from no where, water has potential energy too!

and I have no clue what you mean with the regenerative braking thing, I mean it makes sense on an electrical/hybrid vehicle, but not here?

Instead of fooling the O2 sensor in order to use this system, they're fooling their MAP, forcing the engine to run lean in order to take advantage of the higher combustability of the Hydrogen/oxygen mix.

And to the guy right above me, I'm probably over using/misplacing thermodynamic efficiency, I was being selective on my terms and should've thought about volumetric too...

I would think the 30% improvement is created by adjusting the MAP to tell the engine to run leaner. It is hard to explain, but if the oxygen is easier to detonate, then it would need less fuel to combust? All modern computer-controlled engines have the capability to adjust fuel rate to accomodate changes in atmospheric pressure/temperature. The AIR at sea level combusts more easily than that at 3,000 feet, etc, so if we increase the combustability by adding hydrogen, less fuel would be needed overall.

and as previously stated, implementing a new, separate system into a typical (and cheap) gas engine may just be/must have been too much of a profit loss for manufacturers to use. If it costs, on average, seventy dollars (for parts and then an adjustable MAP) to set up this system, spread over THOUSANDS of vehicles, the price quickly rises (not to mention who will provide the baking soda/distilled water mix). All this and there is no real POWER gain in the engine. Now as the market is focusing more and more on efficiency, maybe we will see similar systems being integrated into our vehicles!
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lawsoncl said:
A supercharger generally lowers the overall engine efficiency, while a turbo improves it by using some of the normally wasted exhaust energy. Thermodynamic efficiency is not necessarily directly related to engine efficiency or effective mpg.

So far no one has really done anything with thermodynamics except paraphrase the laws about conservation of energy and such. Nobody has even mentioned the otto cycle or volumetric efficiency. You are the first to mention the term thermal efficiency, although I'm not sure you had it in the right context.

I'm still having difficulty seeing how changes to the volumetric or thermal efficiency, caused by more complete burning or burn rate changes, can explain the mpg improvement claims (some have claimed 30% improvement). I'm not saying it's impossible, just not easily explainable.

I also believe that if this technique were truley viable that manufacturers, airlines, freight companies, etc would have jumped on this already. They would simply have too much to gain to ignore this.

You can't ignore the fact that a turbo slows down exhaust, thus lowering efficiency as well. Even so, you make good points.

If it works at all, it's probably because it's fooling the computer into running lean. Would be nice to see some hard data, numbers and statistics. Otherwise the naysayers will keep neighing, and the yaysayers will keep yaying. It will never end, ever.
Mr_Random said:
I was going to correct myself on the first part, but really didn't want to go in to the depth that it required... basically I was going to say that the effeciency of modern turbo systems (almost no average vehicle comes with a super stock) brings the amount of fuel being used to ALMOST the same as a non-turbo motor. Sorry about that.

Did you read how much "Power" is required for electrolysis? about the same as a dome light! It's not like they're magically pulling energy from no where, water has potential energy too!

and I have no clue what you mean with the regenerative braking thing, I mean it makes sense on an electrical/hybrid vehicle, but not here?

Instead of fooling the O2 sensor in order to use this system, they're fooling their MAP, forcing the engine to run lean in order to take advantage of the higher combustability of the Hydrogen/oxygen mix.
A lot of things have potential energy. Converting the potential into useful kinetic energy wont be 100%. You waste more energy splitting water into hydrogen and oxygen than you get from the useful energy made from burning it back together.

Regenerative braking - as in if you were to apply generators for brakes and create ludicrous amounts of hydrogen and oxygen every time you were to brake. The load the generator puts on the wheel, based on your brake pedal, would slow down the vehicle. Then it would inject that as a steady stream into the engine. It could work in theory but the cost of implementing a setup would probably outweigh saving that money for gas.

And a lean engine is a lean engine is a lean engine. How does simply adding hydrogen to the mix make it not explode itself? It certainly won't cool it down. Does it create a higher octane rating for the fuel so it won't ignite under hotter/high compression conditions? Will it actually make enough hydrogen to do this, netting a 30% increase in fuel mileage?
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mattbred said:
A lot of things have potential energy. Converting the potential into useful kinetic energy wont be 100%. You waste more energy splitting water into hydrogen and oxygen than you get from the useful energy made from burning it back together.

Regenerative braking - as in if you were to apply generators for brakes and create ludicrous amounts of hydrogen and oxygen every time you were to brake. The load the generator puts on the wheel, based on your brake pedal, would slow down the vehicle. Then it would inject that as a steady stream into the engine. It could work in theory but the cost of implementing a setup would probably outweigh saving that money for gas.

And a lean engine is a lean engine is a lean engine. How does simply adding hydrogen to the mix make it not explode itself? It certainly won't cool it down. Does it create a higher octane rating for the fuel so it won't ignite under hotter/high compression conditions? Will it actually make enough hydrogen to do this, netting a 30% increase in fuel mileage?

Okay okay, I understand what you mean by regenerative breaking...

well yeah a lean engine is a lean engine, but a lean engine is also a pinging engine unless it's timing is severely retarded (or advanced, can't remember...), so if we start hearing reports of severe pinging/detonation, then the 30% increase is only a function of the engine running leaner.

On the other hand, if these guys continue with this system without any obvious drawbacks, I'd say that adding that hydrogen might actually be helping!

I don't think you can "change" the octane rating on any fuel, just mix in a higher octane fuel. But the hydrogen isn't even going into the FUEL, it's going into the air. I guess it's lowering the flash point of intake air? That's all I can think of at this late hour, there's probably more to it, but I'm too tired to think of anything deeper than that...

and I still think you're assuming that this stuff is dealing with getting more energy out than is being put in. It deals more with converting the energy into something USEABLE, and increasing the efficiency (I think I'm spelling this one wrong) of the gasoline being burned.

It's not a perpetual motion machine, there is still more potential in the gas than is being used (or modern engines wouldn't be more efficient than past one's), this is just a way to boost the efficiency of a LESS modern setup, and I bet that using this on the most modern systems would not see as much gains, seeing as more and more we are getting more mileage/power out of the same gas that's been used since unleaded was invented...
lrainman said:
Now let's get back on topic.
Sounds like a plan. Now lets see, uh, what was the topic anyway? LOL.

OK, before I get started here, I am going ask, and suggest, and request nicely that the loud, obnocktious, naysayers who want to drop in and throw mud at this please take the time to actually read what Irainman and I have posted and said here in this entire thread, first. Never mind the rest ofthe posts. Then if you have a question, or think your see a problem or flaw in what we are doing and or saying, please then ask an inteligent question, or post an inteligent comment like others have done. Please leave out the derogatory, and inflamatory remarks.

Now for some feedback.

Goodburbon and Irainman,

Regarding the post to post resistance reading question. The sodium carbonate (Na2(CO3)) disolves in the Deionized or distilled water, which creates a highly conductive electrolyte solution. I would need to read up a little on this to refresh my memory, but IIRC, I think the resistance, or perhaps I should call it impedance, of the cell changes as the voltage potential crosses the threshold (meaning the gap between the two electrodes) and builds up to the point where the water begins to split into hydrogen and oxygen. Some of that water splitting forms H+ and OH- molecules that increase the electrolyte conductivity. A number of other complex species form in the water electrolyte solution, but that would take a text book to go into that. As the gasses (O2 and H2) form on the electrode surfaces they reduce the surface area and thus reduce the conductivity of the cell. Some of the electrical energy going through the cell is lost to heat, which raises the electrolyte temperature. Changes in temperature of the electrolyte definately change the electrical conductivity of the cell. Note that resistance is equal to 1/ conductivity, and conductivity is 1/resistance. Then some of the metal in the electrodes can disolve in the electrolyte, and plate out on the other electrode, but during that time they adding to the electrolyte and are changing the conductivity of the cell. Finally the electrode surface area can be changing over time as the water heats up and expands, the volume changes and the exposed surface area changes. So the point I am trying to make is these cells have a very dynamic chemistry going on in them that changes the cell resistance at 12 volts, compared to what a high impedance ohm meter might read using a 1.5 volt battery to test with. I am not sure he can get an accurate ohm meter reading on a cold, non active cell. I think he should be able to get a reading that will be in the neighborhood, but it could easily be different from the active cells resistance by 300 or 400%.

Have you ever charged a battery that sat up for a long time, and at first it only pulls a few amps, then it doubles and triples, charges for a long while at high current then slowly drops back off to just a trickle. That is sort of what I am talking about.

I have worked with electrolysis and electrolytic plating since 1973, and I have a new electrolytic battery patent pending right now, and an electrolytic hazardous waste destructuion patent that the US DOE sponsored, that was issued in 1997, patent number 5,593,598, Jan. 14, 1997. Furthermore, I have a Chemical Engineering degree from the University of Houston. So I am pretty familiar with this stuff. I have no problem believing they are pulling at least a few amps at 12 volts with these glass jar gadgets, or even more amps if they go to larger surface areas and closer plate spacing in a bigger unit.

Sorry if I overdid that answer, but I was also trying to quell some of the we don't now what the Fock we are talking about rhetoric from several others while commenting on the resistance of the cell question. The resistance of the cell question was a legitamit and fair question.

Irainman and I have no problem with hard, inteligent, probing questions, in fact we invite them.

Now while ChrisTX is in my court on thisso to speak, He posted the following a while back, and a lot of it just wrong. Not his fault, he admitted he is not a chemist, and he is just paroting what he has read.

So I quote from ChrisTX

"There is a problem with these devices. I'm not a chemist by any stretch of the imagination, so I'll explain it as best I know how. You are essentially electrolyzing the water into a gaseous state, which is pulled into your engine."

We are OK so far her.

"You're not really splitting atoms here."

Not sure what he ment. We are not spliting individual atoms, but we are separating atoms from molecules and recombining them into other molecules.

"Since you're turning the water into a gaseous state, the water lasts a very long time. Simple principle used by firefighters. Poke a hole in the roof to expose the fire itself, put the water on the flame, and the water will expand. You can make your water go further by turning it into water vapor, but were going further and turning it into gas. The HHO makes the combustion cycle more effecient, almost like running a higher octane, but with a cleaner burning fuel, so that tiny bit of extra drag on the alternator is miniscule, and almost irrelevant."

Somebody already Knocked (LOL) the higher octane comparison and well I am going to leave that alone for now, except to say that the math I see and hear so far indicates they are using about 1 gallon of distilled or deionised water, in 500 miles. At 20 MPG, they using 25 gallons of gasoline. That is one 25 gallons of gasoline to one gallon of water , or 4%, or a 25:1 ratio. Even 1 quart of water in 500 miles is still a 1% feed ratio to the gasoline feed. If the 1 to 5% feed of hydrogen to hydrocarbon fuel does improve the ICE (Internal Combustion Engine) output by 20% as reported the US DOE in 1978, then the math and some of the claims seem to have a basis.

"When you inject the HHO (sort of a play on words, not really a scientific term) into your engine, you will be burning the hydrogen, and the oxygen will be the byproduct coming out of the exhaust. Since the engine expects a certain level of oxygen to come out, what is actually coming out is a lot cleaner, and it will sense a lean condition, and automatically richen the fuel mixture. We don't want this, because we are adding an alternative, or supplemental fuel, to the mix. If we had a rich fuel mixture, on top of the HHO, it would decrease the mileage."

Sorry ChrisTX, but even though your siding with me on the overall topic, some of that info is just plane wrong. Yes we are burning hydrogen. No oxygen is not a byproduct, it is the oxidizer, and it is also consumed. The oxygen recombines with the hydrogen releasing energy, and reforms to make water.

I have yet to figure why the HHO guys are messing with their O2 sensors. So far I think they have just been missled, missguided, and gotten confused by the miss information that seems to be rampant out there on this topic.

I do suspect, as I said before that they are trying to overcome an OBD-II problem presented by mass air flow sensors seeing the extra gas flow from the HHO generators, and the computer thinking it is air, with 21% oxygen, starts compensating for it with extra fuel, thus lowering the mileage.

Anybody know what year the MAF sensors were added?

Irainmans is a 95, pre OBD-II.

"Other ways people are trying is by putting spacers in the O2 sensors to get them further out of the exhaust stream. Another thing I've heard is people putting foil on the O2 sensor to heat them up, but I'm not even remotely sure how that works. They're just dirt cheap mods. Most MAP sensor enhancers are about $40 to $50. The O2 sensor enhancers are $70 or so. If you have two O2 sensors, you need a dual sensor enhancer, or one that will plug to both sensors."

As far as I am concerned all the O2 sensor mods I have read on the HHO pages are pure BS. None of them know what are they doing yet, or how to do what they want to do. The foil, the antifouler plugs, the spaces are all BS in my opinion.

There are guys on Naxja using adjustable MAP sensors.

4x4 Station Wagon,

You said it worked at first then dropped off, I suggest you look for possible gas leaks in your plumbing. Try a fresh batch of water and sodium carbonate.

WAIT!!!!!! DING, DING, DING! You guys are not using sodium carbonate, you are using sodium bicarbonate. That is NaHCO3, one sodium, one hydrogen and one CO3 molecule! You may be losing the hydrogen and the CO3 to gas as H2, CO and O2, and leaving some Na and CO3 behind as sodium carbonate which is 2 sodiums, Na2 and 1 carbonate CO3. Na2CO3

So let me reprase that, try a fresh batch of sodium bicarbonate otherwise known as baking soda and DI or distilled water and see if the performance returns! You also might try in a seperate test swapping the wires on the posts, and reversing the polarity of the cell. That would help clean (strip, the reverse of plating) any oxidation or scale that may have plated onto one of the electrodes.
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lrainman said:
Actually no flouride because its a poison, and no chlorine either its actually Mixed Oxidants for a disinfectant, shall we keep going on what you don't know about water treatment!! LOL Let me guess you make steam to power a turbine generator of some sort, if so that doesn't qualify for water treatment.

Snake oil is what you know most about I'm sure.
You enjoy getting on these forums and trying to demean people? Answer that one,
MR. SNAKE OIL .. I think you need to change your name that would fit you better because you sure refer to it a lot.

By the way no hard feelings..

No hard feelings at all .. I am asking IMO legit questions .. and untill 2 posts below this one I quoted i didnt get a straight anser ....

Here in Canada Floride is injected into the potable water supply in low lev, like 3PPM ..and so is CL ... some of the newer treatment plants use UV to get rid of Biologics instead of CL ....For the record I am a steam plant operator for a major medical facility, water treatment is everything ... Canada has way stricter regulations than the USA when it comes steam generation (by that I actually mean Canada has regulations ... there is education involved ... not just being able to push a broom)

anyrate back ..

OK so distilled water is used that ansers alot ... How often do you have to fill you wide mouth mason jar ? how much H is actually produced ....

I can see this system working ... just not the small bit that is being produced would have much of an impact ....

not only the intake is alum but the head gasket, as are other seal parts ...That is my biggest concern ....
With gas prices like they are (I'm paying 4.12/gal here) :cry: I HOPE that this hydrogen generator works. (Works with the result of significant gains in fuel economy).
Because any kind of flare up in the Middle East and we'll be doubly screwed at the pumps. But, I keep thinking back to the Acetone thing....

If this HHO thing does prove dependable and repeatable and sustainable, please would someone in the know post a write up with picts on how to build one with a materials list, so those of us technically challenged won't blow ourselves up!:explosion
bowzone_mikey said:
OK so distilled water is used that ansers alot ... How often do you have to fill you wide mouth mason jar ? how much H is actually produced ....

I can see this system working ... just not the small bit that is being produced would have much of an impact ....

not only the intake is alum but the head gasket, as are other seal parts ...That is my biggest concern ....

I haven't ran this but for 250 miles now, that has been two fill ups, the water level may have dropped a quarter of an inch now. I have pictures of my system on this post, they are on page six, mine are the ones in a pvc container. I ran my system into a coffee can of water and it puts out 1.5 bubbles per second, timed for 60 seconds. I do not think I am even reaching 5% HHO to 95% gasoline. I believe that what makes this work is the boost in efficiency of the motor, hydrogen and the extra oxygen make the combustion stroke way more explosive burning every bit of fuel that is introduced into the cylinder. I am watching my oil and other fluids closely, just to make sure there is no change. I plan on making this a long term test for everyones benefit.
Ecomike said:
There are guys on Naxja using adjustable MAP sensors.

4x4 Station Wagon,

You said it worked at first then dropped off, I suggest you look for possible gas leaks in your plumbing. Try a fresh batch of water and sodium carbonate.

WAIT!!!!!! DING, DING, DING! You guys are not using sodium carbonate, you are using sodium bicarbonate. That is NaHCO3, one sodium, one hydrogen and one CO3 molecule! You may be losing the hydrogen and the CO3 to gas as H2, CO and O2, and leaving some Na and CO3 behind as sodium carbonate which is 2 sodiums, Na2 and 1 carbonate CO3. Na2CO3

So let me reprase that, try a fresh batch of sodium bicarbonate otherwise known as baking soda and DI or distilled water and see if the performance returns! You also might try in a seperate test swapping the wires on the posts, and reversing the polarity of the cell. That would help clean (strip, the reverse of plating) any oxidation or scale that may have plated onto one of the electrodes.
Wait, what was the NaHCO3 versus Na2CO3 thing about? What are you trying to say by this?

I'm going to go back and read those links that were posted involving building the electrolysis cells, but I want to understand the chemistry here first.

I know that ELECTROlytes conduct electricity and provide an easier path for the electrons to flow from the anode to the cathode throught the water, but do they themselves split to aid in hydrogen production?

Basically Sodium Bicarbonate, or Baking Soda is a salt or electrolyte, so theoretically any salt would work? The only reason that table salt, or Sodium Chloride isn't being used (seeing as it's just as or more plentiful) is because the Chlorine attacks Ferrous materials, especially one's that are being electrified.

Maybe NaHCO3 is especially helpful because it contains one molecule of hydrogen, which can split off and aid Hydrogen production itself, but that reduces the NaHCO3 to Na2CO3, which isn't as an effective electrolyte as NaHCO3, so over time the mixture will have to be refreshed?

Maybe I'm blabbering... but yeah, I hope it makes sense?

and to Bowzone_Mikey, I'm highly doubting that, over 250 miles, with a quarter inch of the 1L H2O to 1Tbsp NaHCO3 evaporating into the system, anything will harm the engine... I mean, my engine probably sees more crap from driving in the dusty desert over 250 miles than it would EVER see from a little Sodium Bicarbonate getting into it (a very mild salt anyways).
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goodburbon said:
Allow me to clarify for the scientifically challenged.

If I have a HHO molecule it is bonded together with force.
It will require just as much energy to break that force and release the H as you will get out of it when it combusts and re-attaches that H.

As far as I'm aware, HHO isn't actually molecule at all. HHO simply means H2 gas and O2 gas mixed together in a 2:1 ratio (same ratio as water, just different composition).

When current is applied to liquid water, the H2O Molecule is broken down into its constituent parts: H2 and O. Well O isn't happy all by itself, so what ends up happening in your generator is 2 water molecules will break down, resulting in 2-H2 + 1-O2. Breaking down water takes a lot of energy, far more than most people expect. Therefore, when the H2 is combusted and turns back into H2O, a relatively large amount of energy is released.

Here is where it gets tricky: you are correct, you will get the same amount of energy back from combustion as you had to put in to break the water apart in the first place. However, the water is broken down to H2 and O2 at a rate of about 1L/min (according to the links). Thats quicker than I'd have thought, but think about this: Given one tiny spark, how long does it take that 1L of HHO to combust? A few thousandths of a second maybe? That same amount of energy that you applied for a whole minute was just returned to you in a violent explosion in a fraction of a second.

Basic explanation: You are correct that the energy put in and the energy retreived will be equal. What you didn't take into account was that two very very different types of chemical reactions are being used. One is a slow reaction that requires us to put energy into the system, the other is a very fast reaction yielding the same amount of gross energy into a system that allows us to obtain a better net result.

I hope all that makes some sense.. sometimes I have difficulty putting stuff like this into words and getting all the meaning across..
Ecomike said:
You said it worked at first then dropped off, I suggest you look for possible gas leaks in your plumbing. Try a fresh batch of water and sodium carbonate.

WAIT!!!!!! DING, DING, DING! You guys are not using sodium carbonate, you are using sodium bicarbonate. That is NaHCO3, one sodium, one hydrogen and one CO3 molecule! You may be losing the hydrogen and the CO3 to gas as H2, CO and O2, and leaving some Na and CO3 behind as sodium carbonate which is 2 sodiums, Na2 and 1 carbonate CO3. Na2CO3

So let me reprase that, try a fresh batch of sodium bicarbonate otherwise known as baking soda and DI or distilled water and see if the performance returns! You also might try in a seperate test swapping the wires on the posts, and reversing the polarity of the cell. That would help clean (strip, the reverse of plating) any oxidation or scale that may have plated onto one of the electrodes.

I think you must be distracted by something else, because I'm sure you know that there is no difference between sodium carb and sodium bicarb: in solution they will interchange depending on the pH.

Bicarb will make a more basic solution than carbonate.

But a carbonate solution of any kind will very readily produce CO2 directly, without any electrolysis. There's a natural balance between dissolved CO2 in solution and CO3-, and it will interconvert. One of the ways to accelerate this, for example to deplete the carbonate by creating CO2, is to change the pH (I think raising it is usually the best way to do this).

But if people are really serious about trying this, why on earth bother with electrolysis units? Wouldn't the tests be far easier to conduct with compressed gas tanks? You can monitor the consumption, the flow, vary the H2/O2 ratio (or not use O2 at all)...

By using electrolysis you're just making everything that much more complicated to get reliable data, as well as proving ammunition for naysayers.

As an aside, if you really must use electrolysis, drop the voltage down, since it only takes a tiny amount (<2V, IIRC, but I can calculate it if anyone really wants to know), and the higher the voltage the more unwanted side reactions you'll make possible.