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Truly sickening...

Wolz said:
O.K., I'm not going to freak out on you because you claim to be a member of our armed forces and I respect that. But, isn't that what your paid to do?

And yes I am leaving Kansas City next Tuesday to help at a hospital, plus our 1000 employees are donating all of the tips they make tomorrow and Tuesday to our victims.

Thanks for volunteering. Most dont, and expect someone else to do it. Kind of the "not in my backyard mentality"

If you knew me, you would know exactly what I am. I make no claims. My current job description is to close with and destroy the enemy in close combat using superior technology and overwhelming firepower.

PS where do you work where you have 1000 employees that make tips?
I am surprised there haven't been any terrorist attacks on our soil, we are bleeding out right now.
The hipocrisy reeks more than the entire cesspool that NO is right now...

Congress acted quicker, even holding an emergency session on a sunday...

Waking the President at midnight...

To keep brain dead Terry Shaivo "alive"...

Trying to order a feeding tube to be reinserted..

and we can't drop bags of potato chips and capri-sun coolers on a crowd?


Glad I try to be prepared...
GI-John said:
PS where do you work where you have 1000 employees that make tips?

I work for a nationwide hospitality firm based in Kansas City that provides Valet, patient bellstaff, wheelchair assist, etc. for hospitals in 29 states. We also have Hotels, Casinos (Bally's New Orleans were the proceeds collected will be given to those employees left with nothing), and restaurant districts. We employ more than 1100 nationwide with about 100 in non-tip positions. We hope to raise enough to help the 60+ valet employees at that casino. Our company has started another fund-raiser for the Red-Cross.

Anyone in Alexandria, LA?
GI-John said:
What an amazing analogy. Screw the soldier out of his barracks, and add a huge burden to the already overworked military housing, security, and healthcare system. Thanks.

How about volunteering to help out?

Nothing of the sort. My point was is the barracks should be less full with all bunch of soilders over seas. Also, the military bases are usually setup more like a small town. Yes it would burden them, but supplies would be easier to get in and the sanitary conditions should be better.

If I was closer I wouldn't have a problem helping out and opening my door. Since I'm not I just sent money via the red cross. Not the best, but I felt it was worth it.
Wolz said:
Anyone in Alexandria, LA?

I got a friend there - he reports all is well.

Woody - No I do not always trust the media but some of it isn't an easy spin (I don't really watch news to listen to reporters, more to watch raw footage and see what the local governments are up to). Plus you get the most honest news within the first twenty-four hours of a major domestic disaster, shit that would never fly under normal circumstances.

Gil - I agree, they aren't really doing things great, I also agree that it's assholeish to write off all the people in the area simply because they got twenty-four hours notice to get the fawk out. Those of you who say that must have never lived below the poverty line and known what it's like not to be able to afford food much less gasoline to get out.

One thing that pisses me off is that when the call to evacuate the city was made before that little bitch Katrina came in there should have been busses, planes, trains, and fawking blimps getting people out. Instead they merly cancelled domestic flights :dunno:.

Mark the words - shit storm brewing here, even bigger than XJ Guy vs. the world.

GSequoia said:
Mark the words - shit storm brewing here, even bigger than XJ Guy vs. the world.


Where's the rep points when you need 'em?

:yelclap: :yelclap: :yelclap:
I read Lincoln's post with the same (good) thoughts...

Mil installations are set up to accomodate large #s of folks... I didn't see his idea being uprooting soldiers for refugees... (GI John you know what a PIA it is to secure/inventory a soldier's pers property & barracks room prior to deployment) More that a typical base has capacity to deal with an inflow of personnel... and usually have un/underutilized areas that can serve as temp quarters. Most bases have dozens of wazoo kitchens, lavs, laundry, water purif, medical etc... Sure it would stretch them.

The only drawbacks I can see using mil facilities is that the "guests" present a host of hazards... from medical to criminal. Post 9-11, most bases are semi-closed environments, so 'most' guests wouldn't likely get Holiday Inn treatment.
woody said:
I read Lincoln's post with the same (good) thoughts...

Mil installations are set up to accomodate large #s of folks... I didn't see his idea being uprooting soldiers for refugees... (GI John you know what a PIA it is to secure/inventory a soldier's pers property & barracks room prior to deployment) More that a typical base has capacity to deal with an inflow of personnel... and usually have un/underutilized areas that can serve as temp quarters. Most bases have dozens of wazoo kitchens, lavs, laundry, water purif, medical etc... Sure it would stretch them.

The only drawbacks I can see using mil facilities is that the "guests" present a host of hazards... from medical to criminal. Post 9-11, most bases are semi-closed environments, so 'most' guests wouldn't likely get Holiday Inn treatment.

Not that the 30th AG at Benning ever gave me Holiday Inn treatment....

I bet if I was in that situation the dumpster out back would look like the holiday in.
Seriously though...

Plan what you can do to help these folks... Soon. Don't ignore NO but remember a good chunk of costal and inland MI and LA got whacked...

Also mindgame what you can/will do when shit hits the fan in your neck of the woods... Consider both a stay plan and a go plan... either way, prepare to last awhile.

(weapons/ammo, water, non-perishibles, shelter/seasonal clothing, 1st aid/meds, water purif, cooking & driving fuel etc)

I've been through a blizzard that took AC power for 4 cold days and a 'cane that took it for 5 hot ones, both a PIA but the "stay" plan was solid.
woody said:
Seriously though...

Plan what you can do to help these folks... Soon. Don't ignore NO but remember a good chunk of costal and inland MS and LA got whacked...

Also mindgame what you can/will do when shit hits the fan in your neck of the woods... Consider both a stay plan and a go plan... either way, prepare to last awhile.

(weapons/ammo, water, non-perishibles, shelter/seasonal clothing, 1st aid/meds, water purif, cooking & driving fuel etc)

I've been through a blizzard that took AC power for 4 cold days and a 'cane that took it for 5 hot ones, both a PIA but the "stay" plan was solid.

X your life expectancy...

Also coordinate with like minded friends and family...

We all have XJ/MJ's so we're already a step ahead when it's time to

"Head for the Hills"
Lotta bad stuff going on.

It's hard to armchair quarterback the people down there when we are seeing everything through the media filter. Like it or not even in times like this we need to rely on ourselves and our neighbors first and the government later.

Unfortunately we live in an "entitlement" society full of people that believe that they are responsible for nothing and owed everything by the government.

Hindsight is a great thing but honestly who could have foreseen the problems that they are having down there now?
GI-John said:
What an amazing analogy. Screw the soldier out of his barracks, and add a huge burden to the already overworked military housing, security, and healthcare system. Thanks.

How about volunteering to help out?

then how 'bout get the soldiers back where they're really needed??
its truly hard to believe how the gov can be going in comittees and trying to decide what and how to do it. they cant even damn the damn levees. it truly is sickening and i have yet to find a way to deal with it. why is our nation so quick to give foreign aid but when my own neighbors are living in hell and the government leaves them out to dry...there is just no words for it, at least not any for a public forum