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Truly sickening...

Ramsey said:
yeah "stuff" stuff not including getting sick and dying people out and keeping a supply of water.

Get a new news source, or at least one that shows broader stories.
I read this entire thread....many points of view, just about every angle with many valid points. Here is my take on the matter with a little personal history.

When I was 7 years old, our house was flattened by hurricane Donna. But we had prepared. Food and water. Yes we were hot, mosquito bitten, dirty, frustrated, etc, etc. BUT we pulled together and DID something. At some point days after the storm a duece and a half pulled up with food and water...my dad told 'em to save the stuff for someone who needed it.

Last year the eyes of two major storms passed with 20 miles of my house. I was lucky and my house survived. I was without water and electricity for a total of 18 days. Again, I was hot, dirty, frustrated, flooded, etc. But I still found time and energy to help out.

The things that really piss me off today is the moaning about nothing being done. There are two words that come to mind...MOBILIZATION and LOGISTICS. It impossible to mobilize and establish logistics in 2 or 3 days on a vast scale.

Tropical storm 13 is Whirling around in the atlantic. If storm # whatever hits here I may be without a house...but you can bet your sweet ass I'm gonna be prepared. And I don't mean by carring a 44 ounce soda into a shelter and expect someone else to supply me all the niceties of home.

Life is a brutal business...luckily most of us haven't had to look down it's throat. Wanna live in a city below sea level, on the gulf, with a long history of floods and storms, death and destruction...I'm sorry...Here's yer frickin' sign!

And finally...ALL of my relatives live in the affected areas from NO to Gulfport and up to Hattiesburg. I have a couple missing. If they died, I will weep for them. If they lived, they will do as they have always done....start over.

Shoot the snipers and gang bangers...and God bless the many who are trying to help....there damn sure ain't been much of that shown on freakin' CNN.

Thats a little disjointed...but I got it off my chest.
Gil BullyKatz said:
you would feel different if you had an elderly family member...

That couldn't "walk" 2 blocks...

if YOU were laid up in a hospital unable to move on your own...

if you were a 2 year old kid caught in the middle of this...

if your GF or wife was 8 months pregnant and stranded there...

Wake the Fawk up!

This isn't about being poor, educated, young or old, black, brown or WT...

This is about people being left out to hang...

because they trusted in the same system that let them down.

Fawk the looters and idiots that chose to stay that had the means to get out...

The majority of people dying out there...


should not be.

People need to be more responsible for their position in life and their efforts to change their situation...some stuff is just bad luck...stuck in the hospital at the wrong time...but those people arent just abandon to rot in bed...but I havent heard about a ring of police around the city kicking people back into the water when they try to walk out...must have missed that...that is messed up...
I wouldnt stay in the path of a cat3+ hurricane...thats where I personally draw the line...I've been around, near, and through a few, seen what they can do, seen what houses can handle, in general...my family knows the risks about staying and going, we've choosen our habitat/homes with the knowledge of our surrounding neighborhoods/floodzones, I know all my neighbors by name, I know about most of their jobs and even soom medical conditions...we've taken the time to learn how much water you should need in a day, food, etc...I dont believe that there is a master plan to keep me in one place in my life...I can make changes, especially when my life or my families life would be threatened...

But some stuff is just bad luck...not saying that anyone should not be helped nor should help take longer than neccesary...
I'm ashamed that President Bush didn't activate his massive army of robotic fallen tree removers, levee fixers, port and dock rebuilders, ship unsinkers, flood water evaporators, utility infrastructure insta-healers, and dead people bringbacktolifers the morning after the storm passed.

If he would have acted quicker then all of the Red Cross Immedi-aiders, oil platform self-righters, refinery and pipeline activators, standed victim extractors, energy regenerating hovercraft refugee tranporters, instant food and water generators and 3rd generation government reliant welfare recipient self-sufficientizers could have been on-site immediately to whip the Gulf states into a near paradisical state overnight.

Then all that would be left is to have Bob Vila, Steve and the Monster CrackHouse repair team, Ty and the Extreme Post-Katrina Makeover crew park a giant Provost bus on the Northern border of LA and when they moved it Wednesday morning, all the camera could have zoomed in on OZ, a phoenix rising from the swampy ashes of the South.......

Not sure if this would have fixed things fast enough though, perhaps he should have set the GW Time Traveller 5000 for 1983 and gone back to destroy the blueprints for the Jeep XJ, which we all know created the SUV craze, a plague upon this earth that has single handedly accelerated global warming, thus causing giant hurricanes to repetatively smash our coastal cities to toothpicks.

Yup, it's a shame.......but look on the bright side.....now all the news reporters don't have to travel to the Middle East to assign blame and spew contentious rhetoric, they get to stay right here in the good ol USA and kick our President in the crotch.
OMG!!!! I love that! That was absolutely top notch! I am seriously (really...) LOL. Good one.

I'm ashamed that President Bush didn't activate his massive army of robotic fallen tree removers, levee fixers, port and dock rebuilders, ship unsinkers, flood water evaporators, utility infrastructure insta-healers, and dead people bringbacktolifers the morning after the storm passed.

If he would have acted quicker then all of the Red Cross Immedi-aiders, oil platform self-righters, refinery and pipeline activators, standed victim extractors, energy regenerating hovercraft refugee tranporters, instant food and water generators and 3rd generation government reliant welfare recipient self-sufficientizers could have been on-site immediately to whip the Gulf states into a near paradisical state overnight.

Then all that would be left is to have Bob Vila, Steve and the Monster CrackHouse repair team, Ty and the Extreme Post-Katrina Makeover crew park a giant Provost bus on the Northern border of LA and when they moved it Wednesday morning, all the camera could have zoomed in on OZ, a phoenix rising from the swampy ashes of the South.......

Not sure if this would have fixed things fast enough though, perhaps he should have set the GW Time Traveller 5000 for 1983 and gone back to destroy the blueprints for the Jeep XJ, which we all know created the SUV craze, a plague upon this earth that has single handedly accelerated global warming, thus causing giant hurricanes to repetatively smash our coastal cities to toothpicks.

Yup, it's a shame.......but look on the bright side.....now all the news reporters don't have to travel to the Middle East to assign blame and spew contentious rhetoric, they get to stay right here in the good ol USA and kick our President in the crotch.
I'm ashamed that President Bush didn't activate his massive army of robotic fallen tree removers, levee fixers, port and dock rebuilders, ship unsinkers, flood water evaporators, utility infrastructure insta-healers, and dead people bringbacktolifers the morning after the storm passed.

If he would have acted quicker then all of the Red Cross Immedi-aiders, oil platform self-righters, refinery and pipeline activators, standed victim extractors, energy regenerating hovercraft refugee tranporters, instant food and water generators and 3rd generation government reliant welfare recipient self-sufficientizers could have been on-site immediately to whip the Gulf states into a near paradisical state overnight.

Then all that would be left is to have Bob Vila, Steve and the Monster CrackHouse repair team, Ty and the Extreme Post-Katrina Makeover crew park a giant Provost bus on the Northern border of LA and when they moved it Wednesday morning, all the camera could have zoomed in on OZ, a phoenix rising from the swampy ashes of the South.......

Not sure if this would have fixed things fast enough though, perhaps he should have set the GW Time Traveller 5000 for 1983 and gone back to destroy the blueprints for the Jeep XJ, which we all know created the SUV craze, a plague upon this earth that has single handedly accelerated global warming, thus causing giant hurricanes to repetatively smash our coastal cities to toothpicks.

Yup, it's a shame.......but look on the bright side.....now all the news reporters don't have to travel to the Middle East to assign blame and spew contentious rhetoric, they get to stay right here in the good ol USA and kick our President in the crotch.

I love that! That was absolutely top notch! I am seriously (really...) LOL. Good one.
Thank you very little.......

Why very little? I thought it was very creative. Made me laugh today
I'm ashamed that President Bush didn't activate his massive army of robotic fallen tree removers, levee fixers, port and dock rebuilders, ship unsinkers, flood water evaporators, utility infrastructure insta-healers, and dead people bringbacktolifers the morning after the storm passed.

If he would have acted quicker then all of the Red Cross Immedi-aiders, oil platform self-righters, refinery and pipeline activators, standed victim extractors, energy regenerating hovercraft refugee tranporters, instant food and water generators and 3rd generation government reliant welfare recipient self-sufficientizers could have been on-site immediately to whip the Gulf states into a near paradisical state overnight.

Then all that would be left is to have Bob Vila, Steve and the Monster CrackHouse repair team, Ty and the Extreme Post-Katrina Makeover crew park a giant Provost bus on the Northern border of LA and when they moved it Wednesday morning, all the camera could have zoomed in on OZ, a phoenix rising from the swampy ashes of the South.......

Not sure if this would have fixed things fast enough though, perhaps he should have set the GW Time Traveller 5000 for 1983 and gone back to destroy the blueprints for the Jeep XJ, which we all know created the SUV craze, a plague upon this earth that has single handedly accelerated global warming, thus causing giant hurricanes to repetatively smash our coastal cities to toothpicks.

Yup, it's a shame.......but look on the bright side.....now all the news reporters don't have to travel to the Middle East to assign blame and spew contentious rhetoric, they get to stay right here in the good ol USA and kick our President in the crotch.

Aw c'mon....

The feds are always on the spearpoint of restoring order...

Witness the Govt. raiding a "dangerous" rave in Utah:


Not afraid of a couple of teens doing extacy in the desert but aprehensive about a couple of armed thugs in swampsville?

Gil BullyKatz said:
Aw c'mon....

The feds are always on the spearpoint of restoring order...

Witness the Govt. raiding a "dangerous" rave in Utah:


Not afraid of a couple of teens doing extacy in the desert but aprehensive about a couple of armed thugs in swampsville?


Yeah, I read the releases on that. Sorry, IMHO the kids were wrong and the cops were mostly right... But I guess it depends what news you read eh? I don't remember em being Feds though? But would have to look... and really too tired to care about that crap anyhow.
Glenn said:
Yeah, I read the releases on that. Sorry, IMHO the kids were wrong and the cops were mostly right... But I guess it depends what news you read eh? I don't remember em being Feds though? But would have to look... and really too tired to care about that crap anyhow.

I don't know much about it either...

The cops prolly were right...

I don't even know if they were feds...

It was meant as an example of use of tactical gear and weapons to shut down a bunch o' kids dancing in the desert...

But the unwillingness or hesitation to drop the hammer on GTA fans in NO...

We're the most powerful and resource wealthy country in the world...

and we allowed a roach problem to get out of hand in our own house...

President Bush acknowledged the government's failure to stop lawlessness and help desperate people in New Orleans. "The results are not acceptable," Bush said Friday in the face of mounting complaints from Republicans and Democrats alike.

Glad someone finally got off their ass and got those people out...

Kudos to whomever they are...
Lincoln said:
Maybe I think to highly of people, but I think the looters are very few. Does anyone know the statistics on prison inmates and felons vs. the population? Cram 25,000 desperate people in a hole and your bad people in there. Then the only ones that brought weapons were the bad ones because the rest planned on support. Then to top it off they got to look at a row of busses for three days waiting for them to come get them. How about we do a test? I'll stop eating for three days and then you can put a fat guy in front of me eating a sandwich. I give him 30 seconds. Extreme comparison but not to far off.

As Hinkley and ? stated this is one of the poorest places in the nation. Many of those homes that are under water were built there for the poor because it was cheap. Look up and down the Mississippi and you will probably find that the areas that are prone to flooding also are poor populations. Basically the other side of the tracks in todays world.

The same numbers are taught in many courses from management to anthropology.

Three percent of the population would kill you for your bubble gum. might even like to, if they thought they could get away with it, and are pretty much incapably of remorse. Actually are prone to damage and/or kill there neighbors.
Fifteen percent would walk on your back to keep there shoes clean. They have little or no conscience, little or no empathy for others.
Sixty some percent are the majority and are in various degrees, sometimes trustworthy, sometimes not. Your basic citizen.
Fifteen percent are somewhat depressed and often the victims of the psychopaths and sociopaths. Often the people that get left behind, in school, the workplace, most everywhere.
Three percent are non functional. dmther people inSbpable ~g feeling mtch ~m anyth9kg or incapable of dealing with the imput.

It´s a bell curve, the absoluteàmumberspgre blubyed at $he ddger+somewhQw,by demographics, regional trends etc.. But the general numbers have been around forever. Thtq sometYnes bre0k dnwn $be basic curve,pinto sub categories, psychopath, sociopath, depressed, manic depresrive`mtc. anô)refine@he numrcrs somt,
Last edited:
C.diesel said:
Just a couple of thoughts...

I do feel very bad for all of the people that evacuated the cities when they were ordered to and now see the pictures on the news and realize that they have nothing left. I am sorry for the people that could not get out of the area because they did not have the means or transportation to do so.

Now, with that being said...

1. If you live on the coast in that part of the country then you have to accept the fact that there are going to be hurricanes and eventually you are going to get a major one. If you are going to gamble with that sort of thing then you need to be willing to accept the risks. This is not a situation where there was a 8.0 magnitude earthquake in Kansas City. This is a forseeable event. It is not like anyone forced these people to live in New Orleans or on the coast. I have read at least one article a year for the last five years saying that if a major hurricane ever hit New Orleans the city was going to be screwed. If you live on the coast in a toliet bowl that sits below sea level, it does not take a lot of brains to figure out that you are betting on some bad odds.

2. When the evacuations were called there were a lot of people that stayed. I think that it is reasonable to assume that many (the great majority) of those people could have gotten out of places like New Orleans but stayed. I watched the pictures of the people that waited in line to get into the Superdome before the storm hit and let me tell you that I did not see a lot of elderly people that looked unable to get transportation in those lines. What I saw was a lot of people in their 20s and 30s who looked like they should have been able to get out of town. From my view, I saw a lot of people that did not make the effort to try to get out of town and took what they thought would be the easy option that was provided by the city. Please understand that I AM NOT talking about the people that truely could not get out. However, common sence would tell you that the majority of the people that could not get out of town (elderly and people without any means of transportation) probably would not get to the Superdome anyway.

3. I watched interviews with the mayor of New Orleans and the Gov of La. before the hurricane hit and BOTH of them said that THEY WERE NOT CONCERNED ABOUT LOOTING AFTER THE STORM. They said that the people of New Orleans and La. were not capable of doing something like that in a situation like this. Well, that is about the same time where they should have been preparing for the situation that is occuring right now. Anyone with any common sence could have told you that there was going to be mass looting in New Orleans. Look at the demographics of the city and the crime rates there on a yearly basis for a clue. It would have been easier to contain the situation if the Gov and the Mayor would have prepared for the eventuality and were not in denial until Tuesday.

4. I also heard an interview with the mayor of New Orleans this morning where he critisized the government for not doing more to get the people out of the Superdome with the horrible conditions that have developed there. This from the same guy that four days ago was asked by a guy on the national news if they had thought through what was going to happen when the piping and sewer system in the Superdome backed up under the load from all of the poeple there. THE MAYOR SAID... WE REALLY HAVEN'T THOUGHT ABOUT THAT AT THIS POINT, BUT WE DON'T CONSIDER IT A MAJOR CONCERN. I really don't think that this guy has any right to be critisizing a national government that is trying to help his city out of this mess.

This will happen again if they go back in and rebuild this city. The city never should have been built there in the first place. We can thank the French for starting that one. However, if you have any brains and common sence you would not subject yourself and your family to those kind of odds. If New Orleans was a building it would have been condemed long ago. It is not a safe place to have a city. They should distribute the insurance money, donations and federal funds to the people and companies affected by this and tell them to move somewhere else. That city should not be rebuilt, it is just asking for another disaster down the road.

You're obviously too caught up in logic and reason:laugh3:.......I think you've nailed it directly. Good call.
Gil BullyKatz said:
Aw c'mon....

The feds are always on the spearpoint of restoring order...

Witness the Govt. raiding a "dangerous" rave in Utah:


Not afraid of a couple of teens doing extacy in the desert but aprehensive about a couple of armed thugs in swampsville?


Hurricane completely destroys New Orleans and folks aren't immediatly fed, clothed, and housed by the Man.

In Utah, a private rave party is raided by local SWAT team due to various violations. Some attendees claim rights violations because they were combative with officers, resisted arrest, their drugs were confiscated and they were charged with possession or distribution.

:dunno:Gil, not seeing the parallel of your prime rib.........
Aren't raves illegal in a lot of places? I don't really see what the big deal is, to either side. So the kids wanna dance to techno, oh well. But then on the other side, so the gov't won't let you dance to techno music in the desert because of the large occurrence of drug use at raves...ecstasy's a lot more dangerous than most people realize. Its usually cut with other, stronger drugs. Mix X with coke or meth and you got something that's very easy to OD on...
BlackSport96 said:
Aren't raves illegal in a lot of places? I don't really see what the big deal is, to either side. So the kids wanna dance to techno, oh well. But then on the other side, so the gov't won't let you dance to techno music in the desert because of the large occurrence of drug use at raves...ecstasy's a lot more dangerous than most people realize. Its usually cut with other, stronger drugs. Mix X with coke or meth and you got something that's very easy to OD on...

A "rave" is not illegal in any Utah jurisdiction so long as proper licenses are attained beforehand by the promoters. This didn't happen in the case above and that along with previous other incidents at these raves (drugs, firearms, alcohol) forced local authorities (not Feds :) )to step in. Just making it clear.

It saddens me to watch the coverage in New Orleans. I look at the news coverage from 2-3 days ago and it initially struck me as coverage you might see coming out of Somalia or something. Major news channels seem to only focus on the worst of the situation. It saddens me that those still working trying to save lives and restore order, Police, firemen, guard, military, red cross volunteers, are receiving almost no attention and are in fact being berated for not doing enough.
Luckily, there are those of us who can see past the one-sided media.
ACE said:
A "rave" is not illegal in any Utah jurisdiction so long as proper licenses are attained beforehand by the promoters. This didn't happen in the case above and that along with previous other incidents at these raves (drugs, firearms, alcohol) forced local authorities (not Feds :) )to step in. Just making it clear.

It saddens me to watch the coverage in New Orleans. I look at the news coverage from 2-3 days ago and it initially struck me as coverage you might see coming out of Somalia or something. Major news channels seem to only focus on the worst of the situation. It saddens me that those still working trying to save lives and restore order, Police, firemen, guard, military, red cross volunteers, are receiving almost no attention and are in fact being berated for not doing enough.
Luckily, there are those of us who can see past the one-sided media.

That's because the feds were praticipants. Come'awn admit it.

Also I haven't haven't seen to many people complain about the Police, firemen, and red cross. From my understanding the reason the military wasn't there was because FEMA was downplaying the situation including Mississippi and Alabama. Can't ignore the local National Guard and Coast Guard either. They were in there busting butt right after trying to get people out. I just don't think they had the numbers they needed. I couldn't believe when they said they had already (early last week) picked up 1000 people. One at a time that's a great accomplishment.

I did notice that after Bush made his second trip and say that much wasn't being done that everything started moving. They packed up the C130's here and were gone by that afternoon. I will give Bush (or whoever) credit for that but it definately wasn't FEMA. I just wished for it sooner.

I haven't watched or read much news since Friday or so, but from the glimpses I've gotten it looks like it's in full swing and it's getting done. Someone should have a dirty shoe from Brown already, that guy is a joke. Everyone seemed to know what was going on but him.
For all those complaining about where nawlings is at and shouldn't be. Think about the earthquakes, volcanos, fires, tornado's, etc. I'm sure you live near or in a place that could fall because of a natural disaster, it is almost unavoidable.

I agree that they should use this opportunity to build inland. From the maps I looked at only about 50% of the city is under sea level and close to that flooded. Rebuild that 50% on higher ground. The French may have started it, but they built on some of the highest ground around. That infrastructure has to be trashed so it shouldn't cost a whole lot more to move it the opposite direction.

For those complaining about the media. Yes they have a tendency to only focus on the worst. In this case imagine how quickly things would have moved if they didn't. I believe the public outcry was partially responsible in getting it going.

I'm curious to see how this plays out. A lot of those families were dirt poor and personally I don't think they will go back. I bet many didn't own theyir own home, didn't have insurance, and have nothing left. Where ever they get moved temporarily they will stay.