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Truly sickening...

yellowxj said:
You know the government is damned every way they try to handle this...go in guns blazing...trouble...air drop food/water and let the crowds fight over it...trouble...dont forget all the made up stuff...government blowing up the levees...your watching (mostly) the low end of the economic/social ladder, who werent inspired or educated enough to vacate ahead of a cat 4/5 hurricane...refugee's all over the world hoist their junk and hoof it through whole countries to get away from trouble or die trying...americans are just too soft...would rather sit and rot...if a bus can drive in, a majority could walk out...15 miles in a day wouldnt be that bad, how about 10 miles, walk for 5 hours...how far from the edge of the water would they be then?

I know its hard times but thats just it...hard times...would rather wait for hand outs...
Spoken like a true Asshat. They must all just be stupid and waiting for hand outs. I wish you could be stuck on a roof for 4 or 5 days and see what you would be saying then. Geez dude have a heart.
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boise49ers said:
blah blah Asshat blah blah... Geez dude have a heart.

Have a heart? Have a brain. Hell, have a half a brain.

Anybody that can climb up onto the damn roof could have walked (because none of the 100k that stayed in the city apparently had cars) to the Superdome, where the buses were lined up last Sat and Sun for the MANDATORY EVACUATION. They all left town empty because nobody'd get on em.

Now they want the government, the president, the military, the national guard, the red cross, SOMEbody to come bail their butts out, and what the hell's takin so long!

Yeah, hard times happen. My house could be hit by a tornado tomorrow. What would I do? I'd use some of my SAVINGS to rent a car and a motel room, then call NATIONWIDE -- who I pay $50 a month to cover me in such a situation -- and say "Cut me a check."

These yahoos couldn't even get flood insurance because, duh, THEY LIVE IN A BOWL! Rather than take that as a sign that it might be a bad place to live, they planned on what? FEMA grants to rebuild (which they'll most certainly get). FEMA grants = free money from the govt = HANDOUTS, just like yella said...

woody said:
Seriously though...

Plan what you can do to help these folks... Soon. Don't ignore NO but remember a good chunk of costal and inland MI and LA got whacked...

Also mindgame what you can/will do when shit hits the fan in your neck of the woods... Consider both a stay plan and a go plan... either way, prepare to last awhile.

(weapons/ammo, water, non-perishibles, shelter/seasonal clothing, 1st aid/meds, water purif, cooking & driving fuel etc)

I've been through a blizzard that took AC power for 4 cold days and a 'cane that took it for 5 hot ones, both a PIA but the "stay" plan was solid.
Don't forget the XJ because it goes where the rest of these vehicles can't.
BlackSport96 said:
Shut up. I'm sorry, but this isn't exactly the place to complain about that...Besides all the soldiers in the world wouldn't have stopped this hurricane from comin ashore and wreaking havoc...
Yeah lets not question our commander in cheifs ability to make intelligent choices. This is a public forum and this is the place to voice your discontent. I totally agree. We are rebuilding Iraq and now we can't find the resources to help out our own folks. It isn't right and the sooner people start making more noise the better. So don't shut up and exercise your right to free speech. We went into Iraq under false pretense and the whole world knows it. Our soldiers are doing a wonderful job, but I bet they would much rather help their Brothers in America then some peoples who have been lopping off heads for 10,000 years.
All those choppers and trucks would provide a lot more assistance, and they are bought with taxpayers money.
Just an Opinion and you may tell me to shut up and if so ( kiss my *** ).
I_1BADXJ_I said:
Have a heart? Have a brain. Hell, have a half a brain.

Anybody that can climb up onto the damn roof could have walked (because none of the 100k that stayed in the city apparently had cars) to the Superdome, where the buses were lined up last Sat and Sun for the MANDATORY EVACUATION. They all left town empty because nobody'd get on em.

Now they want the government, the president, the military, the national guard, the red cross, SOMEbody to come bail their butts out, and what the hell's takin so long!

Yeah, hard times happen. My house could be hit by a tornado tomorrow. What would I do? I'd use some of my SAVINGS to rent a car and a motel room, then call NATIONWIDE -- who I pay $50 a month to cover me in such a situation -- and say "Cut me a check."

These yahoos couldn't even get flood insurance because, duh, THEY LIVE IN A BOWL! Rather than take that as a sign that it might be a bad place to live, they planned on what? FEMA grants to rebuild (which they'll most certainly get). FEMA grants = free money from the govt = HANDOUTS, just like yella said...


You guys with this FU attitude never mention the kids, the elderly the handicapped. A lot of them don't have any means to do what you suggest they should of done. Every body is a POS unless they are as LUCKY as you.
All about number one isn't it ? ? ? This new worlds order is getting kind of scary. If we don't agree with your veiws we have half a brain too. Yeah OK !
We know who didn't get the other half.
Estimates are that 100,00 people refused to leave the city. Approx 25% of the population. There is no way that 25% of any city is elderly and handicapped. Had the able-bodied got out when they could, it would have made it a whole lot easier to help the remaining 2%.

Besides, I wasn't arguing that it wasn't a tragedy. You don't even need half a brain to see that.

I was arguing that for at least a quarter of New Orleans, their idea of "emergency planning" is saying "The government will bail me out, with no responsibility or contribution on my part."

That they did, as yellowxj stated and you denied, expect a handout.

I had a taste in the early seventies when I was with the L.A. County Fire Reserve (L.A. brush fires). Between the procrastinators, the I´m Mr. Bigsh#t and I give the orders around here and the people that say Huh, what fire. It´s always about 20% that don´t get with the program. I got so I wouldn't even talk to them, other than point the way out, give them a minute to get moving then push there car off the road, with the fire truck.
Somebody was always saying we should have done this or done that, saved this house while we were trying to set back fires.
The last Division sized movement I was a part of (in the military), (a from peace to war type thing), it took three days to get a couple of hundred miles and get completely set up. And we were already uploaded and kind of half expecting it.
Helicopters really aren't worth a darn, without there maintenance crews, spare parts and fuel. Not to mention the logistics for the maintenance and crews.
You go charging into a situation without a plan and it turns into a cluster funk. Emergencies rarely happen, when and were you expect them. Getting the (major) assets to the problem, with a plan and support, just isn't gonna happen instantaneously.
Though I got to admit a few ration and water drops to the Super Dome and Convention Center, probably would have quieted down the News people some. Of course New Orleans wasn't the only area affected. If they would have rushed in there first, somebody else probably would have been neglected.
I guess the most pressing problem is whatever the News people say it is. Though from the objective way they format the news, I sure don´t know if I´d want them prioritizing the response.
Yes your right about the logistics and scope of the disaster. I do think the News does play a part in outraging the public by the film images we see. I just see all the old and young people and it is tragic. People are going to react when they see this stuff. Me being one of them odviously. Sorry for being so abrasive.
I do know what you are talking about with you being a firefighter too. My Father was one thru the civil rights era in the Bay Area and I trained to be one thru the same period. It is very frustrating dealing with the public that refuses to obey commands for their own safety.
My wife is pregnant and she considers it a “truly sickening” experience.
:puke: :puke: :puke:

P.S. I like the policy of my grandfather’s organization – the Lions club:
No politics and No religious discussions in their meetings.
boise49ers said:
Blah blah blah.... It isn't right and the sooner people start making more noise the better. Blah blah blah
Why did you have to bring the Sooner people into this?
We have enough problems after losing to TCU.
Okie Terry said:
Why did you have to bring the Sooner people into this?
We have enough problems after losing to TCU.

What type of noise do Sooner people make? :passgas:?
