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"The Walking Dead" on AMC

I think that was the most stupid part of the series.
they could have done everything the same except when he said he will call the cops. that tells me he has no idea whats going on. if you are going to go ahead and throw in a character that will only last for minutes then there he should not have a story behind him.
now there is the question how did he not know what was happening and why did he have a house with a dead dog in it???

if they left the dog out and if he had just not said he'll call the cops they would have gotten the same action packed house seen without the confusion.

i feel the writers burped on that part.

I felt he was a person that may have survived BECAUSE he was crazy.. Maybe schizophrenia or some other psychosis in which thought the walkers were intruders, and shot first and asked questions later. Maybe boarding up his house was done BEFORE the apocalypse, and helped him survive this far through it.
They gotta get over this token black character crap, at the beginning of the episode when the two black new comers were entering the jail, me and a friend joked about the black prisoner being a goner....

Sure enough...
WTF? Have a character walk off, you dont have to kill off every god damn character with the same stupid neck bite scream.

As ive allways said, this show isnt good, it only has the potential to become good.

As far as the break, thats how tv shows work. Some series, like hbo stuff, they film all 20 episodes, wait to do post production on all of them, THEN AIR them all in a row. Im glad others film all the episodes, do post on half of them, then air half the season while they do post on the rest... Nature of the beast.

Does it bug anyone else that merle's metal arm looks like a costume a kid made? I dig the bayonette lug, but the arm is so damn long you can tell he's got a hand inside of it...

I guess they should chop his real hand off to make it more authentic huh?

I know you are probably 90 years old, and that special effect wouldve been good for your day, but this is 2012, and that 'special effect' isnt up to snuff. It looks like a costume someone put together for their kid.

Green screen sock over his hand, then digitally erase it in post production. Many youtube reply girls have this technology.

Just venting over what grinds my gears.
Letting something so small and trivial "grind your gears" is childish and kind of pathetic. It's a tv show about zombies. Much bigger things to get upset over.
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They never seem to be able to smell the rotting flesh of the zombies... What's up with that?

Besides, how long does it take for a body to decompose anyway? Walking or not...

Excellent episode. Every time the commercials would come on my wife would grab me and try to get back off the edge of her seat...
Have you read the Zombie Fallout series of books? All that guy talks about is the horrible stench.

I haven't yet. It sounds like its at least politically correct though. Except for the whole skull thing...

The book that I am listening to has a part where they are hiding in a wall of dead bodies.
Ok. I need some help. Due to heavy rain my sat cut out right as the ninja chick found Penny. What happened between then and the next commercial break. Did they kill ninja chick? The next thing I saw was the gov in the medical ward.
Michonne kicked his ass and put a piece of glass in his eye.

He threw down his gun so she wouldn't kill penny and she did anyway. Then he attacked her.
Regarding the smell.. I'd say they dont get showers very often, or at all. I'd say after 10 months of rank stank from your pits and zombie blood all over you.. you'd probably get used to it. Just as in Lord of the Flies, the kids never showered. They just got used to the smell, it no longer fazed them.