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Sopa Internet strike

Nice one !

Lets Be A Dick because someone disagrees instead of trying to sway them with reason..

P.S. the name Godsmack never won an argument unless it was about who Blows Goats (its ok if you like em though ) <--good example of how being a dick doesn't really help

I do like the little cartoon though :)

Also I am AGAINST this and basically all forms of goverment encroachment into anything non goverment to subjugate the people or otherwise further their circle of influence.
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Thanx Big Alpha i read through the first 2 And its About exactly the kind of crap i thought i would be, It never ceases to amaze me how power hungry our gov. seems to be.

ill look into the RIAA to educate myself but It sounds like the process in place of requesting a page be taken down makes a lot more sense than shutting whole sites down because of some possibly inadvertantly allowed copywritten content posted by a user.

Does America really need to be the World Police online now too ? It seems like we should have bigger issues to deal with.

I bet China LOVES this after all the Smack talking about their censorship of their own country (albeit extreme). Makes us look like hypocrites
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Obama said he wouldnt support the bill in its current form. So, they are going to replace this Orwellian bill with one just slightly less Orwellian so it looks tame in comparison and your average Joe on the street is happy because he thinks the government did the right thing, when they really didnt.
Nice one !

Well I had a fun time doing it and if you knew how Urban yan acts you would realize there's no point.


I have the right to speak-up for/against anything that affects me. Grow a pair and deal with it.
Write your congressman and let me know how that turns out, oh wait.
Dang, some of this stuff is funny. I'm enjoying the debacle between bandit and yan.

I will have to say that I think yan is the only one I have read about being for these bills. If you're going to be an artist or record company piracy is always going to be around and you can't stop it. Seems to me like all the singers/performers/rappers are doing just fine. On the flip side there are those small guys who aren't doing well and I am sure they blame piracy for them not doing well rather than come to the actualization that they probably aren't popular and thus aren't going to make 'bank'. Conclusion, if you are a good artist/performer piracy won't affect you, however, if you are a mediocre singer/performer you will probably cry about piracy.
Well he went from applauding it and backed down to not wanting blanket solutions but happy it brought attention.

As a content provider (music label), I applaud anything that gives copyright laws some teeth. I understand that sopa's vague in some regards -- in need of certain revisions -- however, the current online atmosphere is comparable to the wild west (without a sheriff in sight), and the latest generation needs to understand there's an actual dollar value producing media content. It’s not free.

I may not agree with everything in SOPA (nobody wants big gov/ blanket solutions that hurt legitimate sites/ innovation), but I welcome the attention it brought to the problems facing content providers.
Godsmack make a very good point... too bad they suck like you.

Because you were -- and still are -- being a dick.

Sometimes you need to polarize an issue in order to motivate folks to find proper solutions to genuine problems.

I find it ironic, that based on previous "discussions" we have had, that your comments are in perfect alignment with Marxist Saul Alinsky "tactics of taking; how the Have-Nots can take power away from the Haves." p.126 Rules for Radicals

Rules for Radicals:

Rule #5 Ridicule is man's most potent weapon. It is almost impossible to counteract ridicule. Also it infuriates the opposition, which then reacts to your advantage.

You really need to develop some critical thinking skills......your statements "you're a dick and you suck" fail to lend any credibility to your opinion.

Rule #13 Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.

Before men can act an issue must be polarized. Men will act when they are convinced that their cause is 100 per cent on the side of the angels and that the opposition are 100 per cent on the side of the devil... There can be no action until issues are polarized to this degree.

Your polarization comment also made me think of something else I read a while back:

It is a common tactic for leaders, as well as individuals, to create and make use of polarization for their own political ends. If we want to make wise decisions about such leaders and their claims, and avoid being manipulated, we must recognize such tactics and resist becoming polarized.
A good policy is to never regard negative claims or inferences about a person or group as at all meaningful unless we get the information from a neutral source and we have given people from the opposing side a fair opportunity to explain their position.

Things like negative campaign ads (and probably all campaign ads) should be completely ignored since anyone with the money to produce and air such advertising can invariably find ways to make their opponent look bad. By paying attention to such material we are unlikely to improve our decision making and we allow the advertiser to buy our vote.

As a more general rule, we should always be suspicious of any person or group that tries to get our support by inciting anger towards another person or group.

If your goal is to discredit and alienate yourself in every thread you post in..............as you were.
Dang, some of this stuff is funny. I'm enjoying the debacle between bandit and yan.

I will have to say that I think yan is the only one I have read about being for these bills. If you're going to be an artist or record company piracy is always going to be around and you can't stop it. Seems to me like all the singers/performers/rappers are doing just fine. On the flip side there are those small guys who aren't doing well and I am sure they blame piracy for them not doing well rather than come to the actualization that they probably aren't popular and thus aren't going to make 'bank'. Conclusion, if you are a good artist/performer piracy won't affect you, however, if you are a mediocre singer/performer you will probably cry about piracy.

Unless Your Metallica and then you Whine anyway!
Watching a rerun of Inside Westcoast Customs the other night where they were building a car for the lead singer of Korn.

He was all upset because he couldn't afford the set of wheels he wanted which cost $25,000 and instead had to settle for wheels only costing $17,000. Seems the damn pirates were robbing him blind.

This story is only half true but I'm sure the car they really were building him cost more than most people will make in the next ten years.
I find it ironic, that based on previous "discussions" we have had, that your comments are in perfect alignment with Marxist Saul Alinsky "tactics of taking; how the Have-Nots can take power away from the Haves." p.126 Rules for Radicals

Rules for Radicals:

Rule #5 Ridicule is man's most potent weapon. It is almost impossible to counteract ridicule. Also it infuriates the opposition, which then reacts to your advantage.

You really need to develop some critical thinking skills......your statements "you're a dick and you suck" fail to lend any credibility to your opinion.

Rule #13 Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.

Before men can act an issue must be polarized. Men will act when they are convinced that their cause is 100 per cent on the side of the angels and that the opposition are 100 per cent on the side of the devil... There can be no action until issues are polarized to this degree.

Your polarization comment also made me think of something else I read a while back:

It is a common tactic for leaders, as well as individuals, to create and make use of polarization for their own political ends. If we want to make wise decisions about such leaders and their claims, and avoid being manipulated, we must recognize such tactics and resist becoming polarized.
A good policy is to never regard negative claims or inferences about a person or group as at all meaningful unless we get the information from a neutral source and we have given people from the opposing side a fair opportunity to explain their position.

Things like negative campaign ads (and probably all campaign ads) should be completely ignored since anyone with the money to produce and air such advertising can invariably find ways to make their opponent look bad. By paying attention to such material we are unlikely to improve our decision making and we allow the advertiser to buy our vote.

As a more general rule, we should always be suspicious of any person or group that tries to get our support by inciting anger towards another person or group.

If your goal is to discredit and alienate yourself in every thread you post in..............as you were.

The biggest problem is that the Government has no place in regulating the internet. they have a terrible history as far as common sense and being flexible in adapting to anything. I see it as a step in controlling what they see as "dissent". It is labeled as stopping piracy but its a chess game and is intended to give power to a bunch of self-empowered beurocrats who think it's their job to make as many decisions for us as they see fit.

they claim it's for anti-piracy, but its all about power. After the whole wikileaks deal they want the power to shut down websites immediately not just the "war of attrition" that they currently have the power for.

this is not a piracy issue, it's a freedom of speech issue and I'm disappointed that it's not being represented as such.

btw, this hit top center front page on nytimes, cnn, and fox this morning. both fox and cnn are owned by some of the biggest supporters of these bills.

foxnews.com said:
The shutdown adds to a very vocal body of critics who are speaking out against the legislation. But the bill's many supporters -- including the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA), the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA), the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and News Corp., the parent company of FoxNews.com -- argue that those critics simply misunderstand the bill.
Facebook could have made the biggest impact. Imagine if they shut down for the day. I can't understand how someone can support this bill. Due process is a fundamental aspect of our criminal justice system and this bill laughs in the face of due process.
Dang, some of this stuff is funny. I'm enjoying the debacle between bandit and yan.

I will have to say that I think yan is the only one I have read about being for these bills. If you're going to be an artist or record company piracy is always going to be around and you can't stop it. Seems to me like all the singers/performers/rappers are doing just fine. On the flip side there are those small guys who aren't doing well and I am sure they blame piracy for them not doing well rather than come to the actualization that they probably aren't popular and thus aren't going to make 'bank'. Conclusion, if you are a good artist/performer piracy won't affect you, however, if you are a mediocre singer/performer you will probably cry about piracy.
The thing is, it's not that easy. There might be some really good bands out there, but they are just starting out. No matter how good you are, you gotta start somewhere. If you're trying to get your music out there and it's being stolen, you don't make enough money to get by on and you end up quitting. Every good band was once a nobody struggling to get by. Popularity is no measure of greatness...look how popular Godsmack and Nickelback once were...:D
I find it ironic, that based on previous "discussions" we have had, that your comments are in perfect alignment with Marxist Saul Alinsky "tactics of taking; how the Have-Nots can take power away from the Haves." p.126 Rules for Radicals

Rules for Radicals:

Rule #5 Ridicule is man's most potent weapon. It is almost impossible to counteract ridicule. Also it infuriates the opposition, which then reacts to your advantage.

You really need to develop some critical thinking skills......your statements "you're a dick and you suck" fail to lend any credibility to your opinion.

Rule #13 Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.

Before men can act an issue must be polarized. Men will act when they are convinced that their cause is 100 per cent on the side of the angels and that the opposition are 100 per cent on the side of the devil... There can be no action until issues are polarized to this degree.

Your polarization comment also made me think of something else I read a while back:

It is a common tactic for leaders, as well as individuals, to create and make use of polarization for their own political ends. If we want to make wise decisions about such leaders and their claims, and avoid being manipulated, we must recognize such tactics and resist becoming polarized.
A good policy is to never regard negative claims or inferences about a person or group as at all meaningful unless we get the information from a neutral source and we have given people from the opposing side a fair opportunity to explain their position.

Things like negative campaign ads (and probably all campaign ads) should be completely ignored since anyone with the money to produce and air such advertising can invariably find ways to make their opponent look bad. By paying attention to such material we are unlikely to improve our decision making and we allow the advertiser to buy our vote.

As a more general rule, we should always be suspicious of any person or group that tries to get our support by inciting anger towards another person or group.

If your goal is to discredit and alienate yourself in every thread you post in..............as you were.
What's funny is that you chose to hit yan for this when he was responding to an attack from AIBandit. Who started the ridicule? Mr Bandit is apparently a radical following Saul Alinsky as well, but he happens to agree with you so it's all good. Back off on the Red Scare Sen McCarthy...