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Sopa Internet strike


NAXJA Forum User
NAXJA Member
Chico, CA
A lot of major sites will be participating in the blackout.
including google wikipedia reddit flicker mozilla
As a content provider (music label), I applaud anything that gives copyright laws some teeth. I understand that sopa's vague in some regards -- in need of certain revisions -- however, the current online atmosphere is comparable to the wild west (without a sheriff in sight), and the latest generation needs to understand there's an actual dollar value producing media content. It’s not free.
As a content provider (music label), I applaud anything that gives copyright laws some teeth. I understand that sopa's vague in some regards -- in need of certain revisions -- however, the current online atmosphere is comparable to the wild west (without a sheriff in sight), and the latest generation needs to understand there's an actual dollar value producing media content. It’s not free.

Guess what you're Canadian I don't care about your "label" and I assure you I still wont buy your Crap even with SOPA.
DMCA has already been used to shutdown companies unrelated to piracy/copyright infringement.
Guess what you're Canadian I don't care about your "label" and I assure you I still wont buy your Crap even with SOPA.
DMCA has already been used to shutdown companies unrelated to piracy/copyright infringement.

LOL :laugh2:
Even Godsmack is against SOPA/PIPA and I'm sure they get pirated more than your "label" every day.

Godsmack said:
‎Tell Congress: Don’t censor the Web

Fighting online piracy is important. The most effective way to shut down pirate websites is through targeted legislation that cuts off their funding. There’s no need to make American social networks, blogs and search engines censor the Internet or undermine the existing laws that have enabled the Web to thrive, creating millions of U.S. jobs.

Too much is at stake – please vote NO on PIPA and SOPA
everything ███ █████ is ██ ████ fine ████ ███ █ ██████ trust. █████ ███████ ███ your █████ ████ government.
Guess what you're Canadian I don't care about your "label" and I assure you I still wont buy your Crap even with SOPA.
DMCA has already been used to shutdown companies unrelated to piracy/copyright infringement.

We apply DMCA take down notices on a regular basis. They work most of the time, but sometimes we run into people with your dickish demeanor. Personally, I have a difficult time writing cheques amounting to large amounts only to see our content on foreign file sharing sites earn ad revenue from Google collected via PayPal while we’re still recouping our expenses. If you still find little value in my “Crap” than that’s fine with me. Perhaps I find little value in your “Crap” as well.

BTW, contrary to that YouTube video, we’re not part of some stereotypical corporation who takes pride in going after regular folks, we’re not proponents of corporate censorship, we’re not a bunch of old farts desperately holding onto prehistoric marketing models, we don’t want to put any legitimate site out of business, or single-handedly destroy innovation. We simply want to protect our artist’s interests, and we would like to see some improved laws to help us achieve that goal. You need to ask yourself if you think it’s normal for a musician to spill their guts on a record, and bare a huge expense at the recording studio only to have their content sold on some foreign site collecting revenue via MasterCard, Visa or PayPal with none of that revenue going back to the artist. Would you take kindly to some Chinese firm stealing Lockheed Martin blueprints so they can manufacture their own model for resale? Would you take kindly if MasterCard was the payment provider for those transactions? Would you take kindly if there were no laws at your disposal to correct this problem? That’s what's at stake to us, and I wager you watch movies and listen to music more often than you blow shit up, so maybe there’s some value to what we provide afterall.
I find little value in your “Crap” as well.

Then why bother? This is an American bill for the American people to be concerned about. If you had half a brain you would be concerned about it as well because it WILL negatively effect you as well.

This is far beyond piracy and your "Cheques"
we’re we’re we’re we We we

That's a whole lot of "we"s for not applying to you at all.

If AMERICAN companies need more protection this is not the way they need to get it.

Like I said Godsmack even disproves and they lost more than one of your "cheques" to pirates while I was writing this.

You know why they don't like it? They thought logically about the effects of this bill instead of acting like self righteous douche bags.
Even Godsmack is against SOPA/PIPA and I'm sure they get pirated more than your "label" every day.
Godsmack make a very good point... too bad they suck like you.

Then why bother?
Because you were -- and still are -- being a dick.

This is an American bill for the American people to be concerned about. If you had half a brain you would be concerned about it as well because it WILL negatively effect you as well.

This is far beyond piracy and your "Cheques "

Wait, What? First, you tell me to mind my business because this is an American Bill for American people; than you say it's going to affect Canucks like me. Whose running on half a brain now? If my rights are at stake than it's my right to speak up.
Where did I contradict myself? Yes it will negatively effect you. Yes it is an American bill for Americans in which case you have no right to speak up.
When did we start letting Canadians vote?
Because you were -- and still are -- being a dick.

I'm sorry did I offend the Canadian :bawl:
Where did I contradict myself? Yes it will negatively effect you. Yes it is an American bill for Americans in which case you have no right to speak up.


This is an American bill for the American people to be concerned about. If you had half a brain you would be concerned about it as well because it WILL negatively effect you as well.
I have the right to speak-up for/against anything that affects me. Grow a pair and deal with it.

I'm sorry did I offend the Canadian :bawl:
bah, it will take allot more to offend me than some weak trash talk and a poorly conceived argument.

I may not agree with everything in SOPA (nobody wants big gov/ blanket solutions that hurt legitimate sites/ innovation), but I welcome the attention it brought to the problems facing content providers. I doubt anyone gave two-$hits about copyright laws prior to SOPA/ these web black-outs, and I doubt anyone was willing to entertain conciliatory measures like those proposed by GodSmack. Sometimes you need to polarize an issue in order to motivate folks to find proper solutions to genuine problems.

Google blacked out their logo. Boy arent they just standing up with THAT move. They will still make just as much money with a blacked out logo. Kind of like putting a bumper sticker on your car.
I dont like this new monarchy that is being built in D.C. and the power they have appointed to themselves. If they weren't already running wild i wouldnt be as worried about anything they do like this.
The biggest problem is that the Government has no place in regulating the internet. they have a terrible history as far as common sense and being flexible in adapting to anything. I see it as a step in controlling what they see as "dissent". It is labeled as stopping piracy but its a chess game and is intended to give power to a bunch of self-empowered beurocrats who think it's their job to make as many decisions for us as they see fit.
google could have done nothing. i'd say 9 out of 10 people who visit the site will ask themselves "wtf?" and click the logo or the link below to see what its for; raising awareness. google is the last company you should be labeling as supporting big govt... theyre open source giants.
I may not agree with everything in SOPA (nobody wants big gov/ blanket solutions that hurt legitimate sites/ innovation), but I welcome the attention it brought to the problems facing content providers. I doubt anyone gave two-$hits about copyright laws prior to SOPA/ these web black-outs, and I doubt anyone was willing to entertain conciliatory measures like those proposed by GodSmack. Sometimes you need to polarize an issue in order to motivate folks to find proper solutions to genuine problems.

You obviously have not heard of the RIAA and their fairly extensive powers to sue people and shut down websites. This isn't some issue that's been secretly hiding under the covers. Piracy has been an issue for a long time.

I don't give a damn that you're Canadian or that you live in Canada. I do give a damn that you apparently don't even understand what SOPA is trying to accomplish.

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