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Some people's family...


NAXJA Forum User
29 Palms, CA
Have you ever wanted to just beat someone down, but you can't because they're family? I have a cousin who has joined the Navy and is now a Corpsman. He got stationed out here in 29 Palms. We're originally from NY, but I now live here. So, I'm his only family out here. He really misses his family. One would think that he would go out of his way to avoid pissing off the only family he has nearby.

Every weekend just about, he comes over. He usually stays Friday through Sunday. He eats more than me. He eats almost as much as our household does. I'm a big guy (6'2" 270) and he outeats me. He claims to help with groceries, but only minor things and things he wants. He bought a bag of potatoes last weekend, but took them back to the barracks. Why? What the hell could he be cooking there.

While here, he likes throwing my couch pillows (the ones from the back, where your head goes) on the floor and putting his feet on them. Every time I tell him, he argues and then a few minutes later begrudgingly complies. He'll turn on the TV and watch House until all hours of the night. Good show, but go to sleep. When we go over to family members homes', he sleeps there, on the floor, on the couch, sometimes even on their bed.

He's rude and disrespectful to my wife. When she let him borrow her phone for what we thought would be a 5 minute call (Hey, my phone died, I'll call you later), but turned into an hour long call, he yelled at her for asking if he was almost done. His apology consisted of, "I thought you were being a jerk so that's why I yelled." He's called her names, to her face. When he asked to borrow her phone again, she said no. SO he thought it was well within his rights to yell at her again.

There's a whole string of crap (always "forgets" his wallet, never pays us back for things, won't buy his own car so we are his taxi service, refuses to eat chow hall food and expects pity for him being hungry - even though he friggin gets com-rats since he never picked his meal card up again after deploying, etc etc), but I'll keep it short(ish). Basically, I've decided I've had enough of him and until he changes his tune, he is no longer welcome.

Am I being a jacka$$? Or should I say does this add to my level of jack assery or am I making sense here?
'Not married, but if someone was disrespectful of your wife, Id say throw him out and tell him he can come back when he can offer a sincere apology, and make it clear that a single repeat get's him out for good.

In short, no, you're not being a J-a**
He likes to think he knows better than everyone about everything. But he's single (never even dated) and childless but still thinks he knows more about marriage and parenting. Really, the blatant disrespect to my wife was what really did it. I'm used to dealing with idiots. She shouldn't have to.
Dude you need to kick his A$$..Then you need to ask a friend to kick your's for letting him talk to your wife that way..If you were disrespectful to my wife, it would be the last time..Sorry to hear you got family like that..NOW kick his BUTT..You can tell your wife i said so..Hell you need help?
Dunno, I've bounced people for a first offence against someone I wasn't even married to - and they were family!

Bouncing him from the house is a fairly gentle response - an arse-beatin' is generally warranted at that point.

But that's just me.

Change the locks (if necessary,) change the phone number (not strictly necessary, but probably a good idea,) and tell your folks what's going on and why before he can - that way, you at least know they've heard your side directly, and not from someone who's going to skew things mightily (my problem was with my uncle - mum's brother - and I was letting my grandfolks know what was going on before he picked himself back up off the floor.

(He went running to his folks, and they told him he should have behaved better and not done anything to get me hacked. Apology soon followed, then I told him he didn't need to apologise to me...

(I still can't figure out what his problem was with Japanese people - nothing bad happened to him that I know of or that I found out. So, what was it? Not my problem - until it reared up. Then, it rapidly became his problem...)
Works for me. I think he needs an old-fashioned ass-beating, but meh.


Putting up with someone mistreating your wife? Are you kidding me? Sorry buddy, the first time he called her names or raised his voice to her you should have told him to kick rocks. Are you closer with him than you are with your wife? Pick sides, one needs to go away - now.
That's a bunch of BS. Just because he is in the service doesn't give him the right to treat people like that. If your wife was anything like my mom he would be picking his teeth up. My stepdad tried to hit my mom once......big mistake. have a talk with him and ask him to stay away for a while. If he doesn't them put a boot in his ass. Family shouldn't fight like that but he sounds like he needs a good old ass whippin!
A single guy with no kids in the navy.. I know one of those.. My brother! sitting next to me eating my food as i type this. Needless to say.. I feel your pain except. I milk my brother for everything. when he comes home dinner is on him.. Gas is on him.. etc etc. LOL
Family or no family, you don't have to put up with usury if you don't want to.
Being in the Service and away from his home doesn't give him any special "right" to abuse your household.

I had a "friend" that would do that stuff. Him and his kid would conveniently come over about supper time and stick around. You felt bad about shooing him off or simply eating in front of him and his kid, so he got invited to dinner. That went on for a while and I got sick of it and started shooing him off when we had dinner. He stopped coming over completely. I guess he wasn't much of a "friend" after all, he was just cheap.

You need to give him a shopping list and either shop or take your wife to the commissary and don't let him off light either, hammer him on the class VI store. :D

You can pick your friends, family you are stuck with.
NOBODY disrespects my wife without getting at least an earful from me. That includes family. I have a zero tolerance policy on that crap.:smsoap:
NOBODY disrespects my wife without getting at least an earful from me. That includes family. I have a zero tolerance policy on that crap.:smsoap:
tempting... Grr I'm just not in the creative mood this morning:sunshine:
Never been married, but I kicked my roommate out of the house for yelling at my GF at the time. Serioulsly, no need to yell at someone elses chick. You can make your point in a reasonable tone, if that doesnt work its time to take it up with the boss.

Dont take no crap from that swine Darky, family or not.
Never been married, but I kicked my roommate out of the house for yelling at my GF at the time. Serioulsly, no need to yell at someone elses chick. You can make your point in a reasonable tone, if that doesnt work its time to take it up with the boss.

Dont take no crap from that swine Darky, family or not.

That's also a good indication of how someone has been brought up too.
Dude we're way faster then 18 posts. Don't disrespect our skills.