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Romney TKOs Obama

Damnit Tom, I watched too much of that and wasted a bunch of bandwidth. Past the introduction where he drools and fawns over Rev. Wright, it is just a bunch of S%&*. That damn slow talking pile of S%$#@. The bottom line is if we don't get rid of him with Big Bird or Oscar the grouch, we are F%#@*&. We can't fix our country next election. If we bleed out before then we're dead. Understand that you Libertarian vote wasters. Cry all you want, your vote is a vote for S&%$# this time if you don't vote directly against Obama. Even if you get a Libertarian candidate that has the power of Moses in office this year, you will not fix the problems of this country. Congress is where it is at. Vote your candidates in there. They vote your way. This is not a time to play third party. It is time for the hemorrhaging to stop, not to fix everything.
i expect more from obama in the next debate. he was definitely staying back in this one.

He stayed beck because he didn't have a teleprompter to speak for him, he is honestly a terrible speaker when he has to think on his feet, which he didn't, I could've swore Romney was debating Biden :roflmao:
Ok I will admit upfront I am ignorant when it comes to politics, I am hoping to change as I get older but politics are something that frustrate me to no end.

I watched the debate last night and I came away from it with a few things and all of which are just my opinions of course and may be totally wrong.

Romney is a business man, he wants to run the country like a business. How people think that will be good for our country is beyond me. Do you want your country run like a walmart? Since when do big businesses have anything other than profit on their mind? The way Romney also kept talking over the time limit and refused to stay on topic and answer the questions on hand to me were disrespectful. The way he used the very first question to give thanks and shout-outs was a very poor start. It is a town hall meeting, answer the peoples questions, period. The moderator I thought was a joke, she was being walked all over and had no control over the debate.

It started to become clear to me that Romney says what needs to be said to win elections then flip-flops on the issues when he needs to please others and win. How can you say a coal mine kills and shut it down then later claim coal is the future of our country?

Something that stood out for me was the natural gas mining. Romney seemed very upset that mining has been cut. Obama claims that large companies were holding onto land rights and not allowing the land to be used. Obama says he is taking the land that is being left/hoarded and making them use it or they loose the rights to it. To me that makes a great deal of sense, if Romney is pushing to utilize more natural resources that doesn't mean to get the rights then sit on them. Mining on federal land has gone done as Romney pointed out but it has increased on public land, isn't that what we want? Don't we want private companies to buy the rights and mine on public land rather than the land sit unused and mine on federal land instead?

Jobs were a very big talking point obviously and taxes. Romney seemed to claim his big 5 point plan... but what is it? He finally lists his 5 points and they are not solutions at all, they are goals, he has 5 goals with no indication how he is going to achieve them. You can't say I am going to fix the country and how I am going to do that is create jobs. You have to tell us how you are going to create jobs, claiming that you will create jobs is not a solution, it is a goal. Having 5 goals is great but how people are seeing his 5 point plan as a solution is beyond me. Women in the work place seems like it will become a huge issue now. Binders full of women, really, that is something that is going on? Why not say, it is a real problem women are making less in the work place, lets look at the number of women in the work place qualified for the jobs. Then, focus on education to get more women equally qualified to do the same jobs to get paid the same as men.

I kept hearing Romney talk about cutting taxes for the middle class and not raising it for the upper class. Are you guys serious? Where does the money come from? It is easy to keep claiming these things but the money has to come from some where.

Automatic weapons are illegal, since when? Plenty of people own fully automatic firearms legally. Obama to me kept trying to make a point that the guns are not the root cause of gun violence. He wanted to make advances in education and other ways to stop crime period, not try to ban rifles of certain types to solve shootings. I liked the point Obama made that the gangs use cheap handguns and not AKs to commit crimes too.

I know you guys will eat me up here and I have no depth of knowledge in politics but I am just saying how the debate left me feeling. I think our party system is a joke, it's like seeing 2 gangs fight it out. I agree with some stuff Obama is for and I agree with some stuff Romney is for but I don't see how people can be behind a party 100% like they seem to be. I know I will be labeled an Obama nut now too which is not true ha.
If you don't want to see the country run like a business then how exactly do you want to see it run?

We haven't run it like a business for a lot of years and look at where we are now.

If you really think Obama is for any kind of second amendment right...any at all PLEASE do this country a favor, stay ignorant in politics and DON'T VOTE!!!
Federal land is PUBLIC land.

Obama was squirming on the oil/gas exploration lease issue, lying repeatedly. He completely misrepresented the process. It's not like the government sells you a lease and you just go punch a hole and oil flows out.

The GOVERNMENTAL regulation process can take years before you are actually allowed to drill, plus all the research to deterine if the area your lease is in will actually produce.

I wish Romney had pressed him harder on all the money lost on Green energy subsidies/loans, which have failed to do anything to lower the cost of energy. He did point out Obama's position on coal, which is a major fuel source for electricity production in the the US.

Obama's agenda was made clear before the 2008 election, using governmental regulation to force conventional fuel prices to skyrocket to make alternative energy sources more financially viable, which is ludicrous.

The auto industry backruptcy comment backfired on Obama as well.

The AK-47 question was a loaded one, which Obama ran from and spun it up with education, because he has no leg to stand on with Operation Fast and Furious in his lap.

On February 25, 2009 newly sworn-in AG Eric Holder repeated the Obama Admin's desire to reinstate the Federal Assault Weapons Ban.

Romney nailed this point home, why did the Obama Administration create an operation in 2009 that supplied weapons purchased in US border towns to be sold to Mexican drug cartel, resulting in several hundred deaths of both Mexicans and Americans?

Romney was not correct in his statement regarding automatic weapons.

Fully automatic weapons -- guns that fire continuously when the trigger is held down -- are legal to possess in the United States but are tightly regulated. The National Firearms Act of 1934, the Gun Control Act of 1968 and the Hughes Amendment in 1986 have all placed limits on how automatic guns can be bought and sold, but did not make it illegal to possess them entirely.

Our government should not be a business, but it has become more like a business with the policies of using regulations to NUDGE an agenda like Obamacare and Green energy, bailing out banks, housing and the auto industry with taxpayer funds. Cass Sustein is the Obama CZAR promoting this NUDGE theory. http://www.nytimes.com/2010/05/16/m...dxnnlx=1274007602-zz/lVlMLW9fe8OEBxOYBsg&_r=0

This is the way Socialism/Communism works, the government is in control of all business, wages, production, private property, healthcare, etc.
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If you don't want to see the country run like a business then how exactly do you want to see it run?

We haven't run it like a business for a lot of years and look at where we are now.

If you really think Obama is for any kind of second amendment right...any at all PLEASE do this country a favor, stay ignorant in politics and DON'T VOTE!!!

I'd like the country ran in a way that wants to better itself not profit. Any big company is about the bottom line and profits for the executives. If the country is run like a walmart do we really want that?

Telling someone not to vote because they have a different opinion is the attitude that ruins politics for me. People act like children and unless you agree with them you are evil. Look at the gun issue during the last election, people acted as if when Obama becomes president all the guns will be taken away. Guns sales soared the days after the election when people started to panic and here we are again, Obama is still taking our guns... Romney signed a gun ban, he said the 2 sides got together and came to an agreement but it's still a ban. If Obama wants to let both sides come together in the same way and make an agreement, it is some how wrong when he does it?
It's not that you have a different opinion.

It's simply that if you can not see something as obvious as the fact that Obama isn't a second amendment guy then you shouldn't be voting. You simply aren't smart enough.

Ignorance is what has got us where we are now.
Obama is talking out his backside. Spend some time reading up on Fast and Furious, there is a several page thread right here on NAXJA on the subject. Then come back and tell me that Obama has no agenda on guns.

His lead in statement on the AK-47 question included lumping hunting into the 2nd Amendment. The 2nd Amendment supports your right to bear arms to protect your life, your property from the tyranical forces of the government. Period. Our Founding Fathers weren't worried about hunting.......

The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed, and this without any qualification as to their condition or degree, as is the case in the British government.
"The right of self-defense is the first law of nature; in most governments it has been the study of rulers to confine this right within the narrowest limits possible. Whenever standing armies are kept up, and the right of the people to keep and bear arms is, under any color or pretext whatsoever, prohibited, liberty, if not already annihilated, is on the brink of destruction. In England, the people have been disarmed, generally, under the specious pretext of preserving the game: a never failing lure to bring over the landed aristocracy to support any measure, under that mask, though calculated for very different purposes."

James Madison wrote in the Federalist papers No.46
Besides the advantage of being armed, which the Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation, the existence of subordinate governments,to which the people are attached, forms a barrier against the enterprises of ambition, more insurmountable than any which a simple government of any form can admit of. Notwithstanding the military establishments in the several kingdoms of Europe, which are carried as far as the public resources will bear, the governments are afraid to trust the people with arms. And it is not certain, that with this aid alone they would not be able to shake off their yokes. But were the people to possess the additional advantages of local governments chosen by themselves, who could collect the national will and direct the national force, and of officers appointed out of the militia, by these governments, and attached both to them and to the militia, it may be affirmed with the greatest assurance, that the throne of every tyranny in Europe would be speedily overturned in spite of the legions which surround it.
On the topic of gun running, I suspect that the reason the Obama Admin is trying to downplay the attack and murders at our embassy, is that there were those present who were involved in the distribution of weapons to the rebels, of which landed in the hands of the enemy and the same weapons we sold them were used against us.

Guess what, we are doing the same thing in Syria........ we are assisting the arming our enemies!!


Oh, here's some supporting evidence on Obama's outright lying on the drilling issue........ he should read up before his next debate.

President Obama is campaigning as a champion of the oil and gas boom he's had nothing to do with, and even as his regulators try to stifle it. The latest example is the Interior Department's little-noticed August decision to close off from drilling nearly half of the 23.5 million acre National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska.

Interior Secretary Ken Salazar says his plan "will help the industry bring energy safely to market from this remote location, while also protecting wildlife and subsistence rights of Alaska Natives." He added that the proposal will expand "safe and responsible oil and gas development, and builds on our efforts to help companies develop the infrastructure that's needed to bring supplies online."
The problem is almost no one in the energy industry and few in Alaska agree with him. In an August 22 letter to Mr. Salazar, the entire Alaska delegation in Congress—Senators Mark Begich and Lisa Murkowski and Representative Don Young—call it "the largest wholesale land withdrawal and blocking of access to an energy resource by the federal government in decades." This decision, they add, "will cause serious harm to the economy and energy security of the United States, as well as to the state of Alaska." Mr. Begich is a Democrat.

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profit is a bad thing?

without profit (reward) there is no motivation to work, or create.

iwannaclue, tell me what or who is more of a detrimenet to our country/society:

profiteers? or zero-liability reciptiants?
I wish Romney had pressed him harder on all the money lost on Green energy subsidies/loans, which have failed to do anything to lower the cost of energy.

Another $249 million reported lost yesterday - isn't that well over a billion dollars of taxpayers money wasted, now?