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Romney TKOs Obama

so....you'll be voting with your vote. thx for splainin.

That's correct, just not for the POS you think I should vote for :yelclap:
That's correct, just not for the POS you think I should vote for :yelclap:

so....did you watch the third party debates with larry king?

geeze, talk about amateur hour.

i'm so glad they spent a half-hour on marijuana legalization...that's so critically important right now.

bunch of losers. gary johnson included.
I thought that was a freakin' joke. I did watch those debates and found myself shaking my head at times.

The economy and upholding the constitution are the two highest issues I see. I know goddamn well that Obama will piss on both, and from the track record of the last Republican administration I'm rather lacking in faith that the next one will do any better. I'm also extremely worried about Romney's handling of Bain Capital - he's been touted as someone who can turn companies around and make them successful, and is good with finances, but it really looks more like saddling purchased companies with massive amounts of debt and then letting them die to me. That's not how you fix an economy.

We need to cut spending significantly, stop playing shell games with money, and do away with some entitlements we can't afford. Or tax more, which I believe will simply put a larger crimp in the economy.
Anyone else see a civil war coming? Perhaps we are all zombies in this so called apocalypse? Who knows.

IMHO, it doesn't even matter who the president is. Either way, we still end up with a nation divided, and an ever increasing 99 to 1% wealth ratio.

The "president" should be the least of our concerns. :farmer:
We need to cut spending significantly, stop playing shell games with money, and do away with some entitlements we can't afford. Or tax more, which I believe will simply put a larger crimp in the economy.

Left out SS rebuild and border protection/immigration reform, but these are the important issues that should be the priority for the next President, as they affect every single American.

Legal pot, legal porn, gay and lesbian rights.....:dunno:
I completely agree with those as well.

Neither major candidate has the balls necessary to actually do anything about the problems you just listed, as they have too great a potential to piss off voters if something is actually fixed.
I thought that was a freakin' joke. I did watch those debates and found myself shaking my head at times.

I'm also extremely worried about Romney's handling of Bain Capital

still hoping i can't talk you out of wasting your vote on a head-shaking, flapjack non-contender.....

and since you seem to have dis-qualified Romney for bain capital, let me tell you a little bedtime story tonight....

romney left bain capital in 1984.


sweet dreams
romney left bain capital in 1984.

Even if this was a blunder, how many blunders has the current administration created or wasted taxpayers $$$?

Talk about failed endeavors, policies that have remained in place from the past administration because they have no solutions, take the credit for what works, yet still blame the past administration for the mess. Can't have it both ways...

But the B.S. is plentiful!
My position is that of holding politicians accountable for their words and their actions, just like I would any other employee of mine, because they are hired through election to work for We the People. It’s great that the October 2012 new job numbers are up. Unfortunately, many other numbers are up as well.

"Today I am pledging to cut the deficit we inherited in half by the end of my first term in office.” President Barack Obama- Feb 23, 2009

Total % of net new jobs in the US since January 2009 is up only 0.15%

Total % of food stamp recipients in the US since January 2009 has increased by 46%

This means that for every one new job added, 75 Americans signed up for food stamps.

107 million people (more than 1/3 of the American population) are now receiving welfare

During this same time-frame, US debt has risen by $5.63 trillion.

Post-recession economic growth in 2010 was 2.4%, and dropped in 2011 to 1.8%. This year it has dropped again to 1.77%.

So let's say we give Obama a complete pass on his promises on cutting the budget in half, helping create new jobs and economic growth.......

"But I will also go through the federal budget line by line, eliminating programs that no longer work and making the ones we do need work better and cost less, because we cannot meet 21st-century challenges with a 20th-century bureaucracy." President Barack Obama

“Now, add it all up, and the plan that I’m proposing will cost around $900 billion over 10 years.” President Obama, presenting the Affordable Health Care Act to Congress

Congressional Budget Office predicts the actual cost of AHCA (ObamaCare) over 10 years is $2.6 trillion, almost triple what President Obama promised Congress.

ObamaCare fundamentally changes the relationship between the executive and legislative branches of government. The law creates a 15 member “Independent Payment Advisory Board” which is vested with the unilateral power to make and enforce laws, including rationing of health care and imposition of new taxes. Under ObamaCare, the IPAB proposals will have the force of law without the approval of Congress or the signature of the President. Congress may only block its edicts if the House and Senate pass, and the President signs, an alternative that achieves the same budgetary result.

After 2020, the law requires the Secretary of Health and Human Services to implement IPAB’s “proposals” even if Congress enacts a substitute. Finally, the law gives IPAB and the Secretary “the sole authority to judge their own actions by prohibiting administrative or judicial review of the Secretary’s implementation of an IPAB proposal.”

Obama has upheld this promise he made 4 years ago: “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.”

Under his policies, the United States of America is well underway in transforming from a Constitutional Republic, to something that our Founding Fathers warned us of time and again, and sacrificed their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor to uphold and protect.
I'm slacking off for the next four years. Work is for suckers, where's my food stamps and free condoms

The tipping point was reached last night, we're going down that slippery slop and I cant stop it, might as well go along for the ride. Fun, exactly right.
You guys are so full of shit, half of you teabaggers are on unemployment/disability allready.... fine, whatever helps you sleep at night.

Blame your guys, they brought a fall guy. Romney was designed to fail from day 1 to fail.