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Romney TKOs Obama

Obama's debate strategy last night..........

"If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it."
-- Joseph Goebbels - Nazi Propaganda Minister

Romney could have lit him up, but I think it was more effective to let Obama keep throwing crap at the wall, hoping that some of it would stick.

Ummm... Romney did the same during the debates (say anything to get his way). Stop polarizing the debate, and start admitting ALL politicians, everywhere are guilty of the same tactics. Oh, let off the Goebbels/ Marxist/Stalin crap for a second.... you might find these conversations go allot better without quoting commies and nazis all the damn time.

My take on American Politics from the past 4 debates has been this:
- Democrats want to spend money Americans don't have, and they'll say anything to anyone to do so. They're eternal optimists in times that call for realistic solutions.
- Republicans seem sentimental of a bygone era where indentured servitude/ limited women's rights were commonplace, and they'll say anything to anyone to rekindle those times.

I realize no one here cares what Canucks think, but I am a firm believer you guys will be stuck in this political mess until you get a third party into the mix. A third party would introduce compromise, and it would reduce the black and white polarized debates that turned your political system into ... well... you know what.
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Ummm... Romney did the same during the debates (say anything to get his way). Stop polarizing the debate, and start admitting ALL politicians, everywhere are guilty of the same tactics. Oh, let off the Goebbels/ Marxist/Stalin crap for a second.... you might find these conversations go allot better without quoting commies and nazis all the damn time.

My take on American Politics from the past 4 debates has been this:
- Democrats want to spend money Americans don't have, and they'll say anything to anyone to do so. They're eternal optimists in times that call for realistic solutions.
- Republicans seem sentimental of a bygone era where indentured servitude/ limited women's rights were commonplace, and they'll say anything to anyone to rekindle those times.

I realize no one here cares what Canucks think, but I am a firm believer you guys will be stuck in this political mess until you get a third party into the mix. A third party would introduce compromise, and it would reduce the black and white polarized debates that turned your political system into ... well... you know what.

Get over yourself.

I've been ignoring you and your opinions for quite sometime, mostly because you always come off as a self-righteous, demeaning, know-it-all with the personality of 40Grit sandpaper. Is this your web personality, or how you operate in real life as well?

When you don't like the facts presented, you attempt to polarize, demean, belittle and discount them.......guess who's tactics those are? Birds of a feather, I guess.

"The people of the United States are the rightful masters of both Congress and the Courts, not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution." ABRAHAM LINCOLN
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I've been ignoring you and your opinions for quite sometime, mostly because you always come off as a self-righteous, demeaning, know-it-all with the personality of 40Grit sandpaper.
Flattery will get you nowhere, but being a hypocrite seems to be taking you places.
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I am a firm believer you guys will be stuck in this political mess until you get a third party into the mix. A third party would introduce compromise, and it would reduce the black and white polarized debates that turned your political system into ... well... you know what.

Agreed. The United States is a mighty big ship. Large ships are slow to make course corrections. It took us a long time to get here and unfortunately it may take as long or longer to get back on course.
We have five prominent parties in Canada. The Conservatives (similar to the Republicans) and the Liberals (similar to the Democrats) are the main contenders. All our governments were formed by these two parties; however; we also have the New Democratic Party (who surged in the last election), the Green Party (very small), and the Bloc Québécois (a party that runs only in the province of Quebec and whose main intent -IMHO - is to destroy Canada by splitting Quebec/ form a new country). It sounds like a mess, toxic even, but the addition of those three parties keeps the main two parties in check. Canucks don't see things entirely in black and white, but rather the shades in between. That makes for slightly less polarized politics, and it allows for compromise which, I think, is a very good thing for the health of a nation.
And hiring Romney and firing Obama is the first step of many in course correction. He'll do for now, and he better listen to the Will of the People or he'll be out in 4 as well. May 2016 find us with even more options, as people seem to be waking up and taking more responsibility for protecting their freedoms.
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the problem is it will never end, there will always be someone who we must absolutely keep out of office, so we can't "waste our vote" for the third party. pretty sure they do that on purpose :)
IMHO, American politics have swayed from governance towards a corporate brand a while back. It's big business, there's lots of money involved, and current parties aren't above collusion to keep a third party out of their honey pot. Two parties create polarity, and that kind of drama sells... it makes people overly passionate, and overly loose with their party donations. It would be very difficult to mount a third party campaign because there's too much money in the democrat/republican war chests as a result.

Look, Bush Sr didn't destroy the American civilization, neither did Clinton, W, or Obama yet you hear the "voting for my opponent will end the world" speech every four years. It's that kind of rhetoric that makes people think they would waste their vote on a third party candidate when, in fact, a legitimate third party would add some much-needed balance to the system.
…\\¸.* Romney-Ryan 2012
Voting for a third party now is like rooting for the Cardinals in the World Series.

I'm all for a third party candidate but what good is a vote for one going to do when they have NO place in a debate, NO ad support, NO nothing.

Get people interested at the beginning of the election season. To get all self righteous about it now and thinking you are doing the country some great service by voting for a nobody now is just silly. You might as well write in Donald Duck.
the problem is it will never end, there will always be someone who we must absolutely keep out of office, so we can't "waste our vote" for the third party. pretty sure they do that on purpose :)

Voting for a third party now is like rooting for the Cardinals in the World Series.

I'm all for a third party candidate but what good is a vote for one going to do when they have NO place in a debate, NO ad support, NO nothing.

Get people interested at the beginning of the election season. To get all self righteous about it now and thinking you are doing the country some great service by voting for a nobody now is just silly. You might as well write in Donald Duck.

thats what i was talking about. voting third party if that what you belive in is not a wasted vote.

lets use gary johnson as an example. hes on the ballot in all 50 states. i have heard from a lot of people that they liked him the best but were afraid that they would be "throwing away they're vote." and afraid that obama would win because of it.......really? you actually think that your single vote is going to cost the country an election? its not. and garys not going to win. what will happen if people still voted for him is the other two partys would notice.

if the libertarian party starts getting enough votes the dem and rep partys will notice and start paying attention. then the next election more people will vote libertarian and the dem and rep partys will notice more and pay more attention, and so on and so forth until either a. they knock off the bs or b. the libertarians win one.

change does not happen overnight, but voting you conscience is not a wasted vote. voting out of fear and ignorance is a wasted vote. i personally think that the dems and reps are a total sellout joke that have destroyed this country. that said if you truly believe in mitt, vote for him! if you truly believe in obama, vote for him! but if you truly believe in a 3rd party VOTE FOR THEM! a vote based on fear or ignorance is a wasted vote and your being a sheep.

when i vote for my 3rd party guy and he loses and people are bitching about mittboma or who ever is screwing up our country next, i can say i told you so.

thats what i was talking about. voting third party if that what you belive in is not a wasted vote.


The journey of a thousand miles begins with the 1st step.

However, Anderson in the 1980 election was probably the most viable 3rd party candidate in my lifetime and well he didn't get double digit percentages on his bid for the whitehouse. That was an election that was touted if Ronald Reagan is elected the US will be at war with Russia.
The journey of a thousand miles begins with the 1st step.

However, Anderson in the 1980 election was probably the most viable 3rd party candidate in my lifetime and well he didn't get double digit percentages on his bid for the whitehouse. That was an election that was touted if Ronald Reagan is elected the US will be at war with Russia.
If people believed the hype, they probably were voting against Reagan out of fear that they'd be wasting their vote on Anderson and Reagan would win...

I don't get why we view voting for anyone other than the main 2 guys as a wasted vote and disregard every other party when it seems practically every other country has more than two. England has like 6 parties or something represented, Israel has 4 or 5, Canada has 4 (not counting the Quebec guys); why are we stuck 2? We're the ones who inspired the governmental forms of these other guys, at least to a degree.

Obama's presidency has shown me that red or blue doesn't really matter. Obama was the anti-Bush. He was represented as being everything Bush wasn't. All the things everyone hated about Bush would change under Obama. Yet, 4 years later, all the things he campaigned on/against.....what's changed? Guantanamo is still open, Bush's tax cuts are still in effect, Patriot Act has been renewed, big huge governmental acts are still debated behind closed doors. Government continued handing money out to big business to "keep them from failing". We HAD to vote McCain to keep Obama out, but what really would've changed? McCain would've done the same things. We need third and even fourth and fifth parties to keep the other two honest and give us actual progress.
We have five prominent parties in Canada. The Conservatives (similar to the Republicans) and the Liberals (similar to the Democrats) are the main contenders. All our governments were formed by these two parties; however; we also have the New Democratic Party (who surged in the last election), the Green Party (very small), and the Bloc Québécois (a party that runs only in the province of Quebec and whose main intent -IMHO - is to destroy Canada by splitting Quebec/ form a new country). It sounds like a mess, toxic even, but the addition of those three parties keeps the main two parties in check. Canucks don't see things entirely in black and white, but rather the shades in between. That makes for slightly less polarized politics, and it allows for compromise which, I think, is a very good thing for the health of a nation.

you don't have 5.

you have 3.

5-6% is hardly a "main contender"

it's backround noise.
The Bloq was the official opposition party for a period of time, now it's the NDP.The Green party is relatively new, but they played a key role drawing attention to their inclusion in future debates.

Also I said The Conservatives and the Liberals were the main contenders. Those two parties always win elections, but that does not take away from the remaining three. They keep the Conservatives and Liberals accountable.

gary johnson will be lucky to get more than 1% of the vote.

libertarians....please don't waste your vote.
I won't be wasting it, I'll be voting with it. Thanks for your concern.

gary johnson will be lucky to get more than 1% of the vote.

sorry, but that's a reality.

if you like casting a vote for a loser, that's your choice.

makes as much sense as betting on a two-legged horse
1% is clearly not enough to win, but it will be enough to be blamed for someone else losing, even if they lose by more than 1%.

IMHO, American politics have swayed from governance towards a corporate brand a while back. It's big business, there's lots of money involved, and current parties aren't above collusion to keep a third party out of their honey pot. Two parties create polarity, and that kind of drama sells... it makes people overly passionate, and overly loose with their party donations. It would be very difficult to mount a third party campaign because there's too much money in the democrat/republican war chests as a result.

Look, Bush Sr didn't destroy the American civilization, neither did Clinton, W, or Obama yet you hear the "voting for my opponent will end the world" speech every four years. It's that kind of rhetoric that makes people think they would waste their vote on a third party candidate when, in fact, a legitimate third party would add some much-needed balance to the system.
I have to agree.

Voting for a third party now is like rooting for the Cardinals in the World Series.

I'm all for a third party candidate but what good is a vote for one going to do when they have NO place in a debate, NO ad support, NO nothing.

Get people interested at the beginning of the election season. To get all self righteous about it now and thinking you are doing the country some great service by voting for a nobody now is just silly. You might as well write in Donald Duck.
Exactly. You know what happens when a candidate/party pulls 5% of the popular vote? They get federal campaign funding. And at some point, IIRC, they get brought into the televised debates.

As long as everyone "doesn't throw away their votes" and votes for what they perceive as the dry end of the turd, third party support will remain below the threshold necessary to begin leveling the playing field off.

Hell, I live in freakin' Massachusetts. You know how many young disgruntled voters I know who hate both Obama and Romney's ideas of how best to circle the drain? And are considering voting Libertarian? It's not a small number, and many of them have admitted to me that they voted for Obama or Bush in the past.
Look, Bush Sr didn't destroy the American civilization, neither did Clinton, W, or Obama yet you hear the "voting for my opponent will end the world" speech every four years. It's that kind of rhetoric that makes people think they would waste their vote on a third party candidate when, in fact, a legitimate third party would add some much-needed balance to the system.

I don't believe I remember anyone spending the amount of money that the Obama administration has. Between that and the Obamacare package that WILL destroy many small businesses (and some large), we are in for a rough road ahead. Get ready for skyrocketing prices of goods and services. No votes will be truly wasted except for the ones not cast, but I can only think of one to prevent four more years of economic destruction.
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