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Romney TKOs Obama

I find the thought that Obama is somehow stupid or cannot speak on his own to be highly amusing and terribly naive. The man is extremely intelligent. His policies may not make you happy, they don't make me happy.... But do not kid yourself by thinking he is stupid.
Stupid is as stupid does.
and romney won because he was in attack mode? he flip flopped his views during the debate. one example:

he said he will create jobs; then,
says he wants an efficient govt, so he will get rid of jobs

you guys are almost as bad as pirate.

Selective hearing?

Romney specifically said he would reduce government jobs through attrition. Big difference.
I find the thought that Obama is somehow stupid or cannot speak on his own to be highly amusing and terribly naive. The man is extremely intelligent. His policies may not make you happy, they don't make me happy.... But do not kid yourself by thinking he is stupid.

I agree he's not stupid, but think it's a stretch to suggest he's extremely intelligent.

Moreover, I've never agreed with the idea that he's an eloquent speaker. In fact, I think he's a poor orator even when he uses teleprompters.

Todd Graham, one of the most prominent debate coaches in the U.S., said in a recent CNN interview that Obama's public speaking is "quite awkward -- containing so many pauses that I thought I was back in time, sitting on the divan listening to my grandfather slowly spin his yarns while the phonograph quietly played in the background. I didn't like his (Obama's) speaking style then, and I haven't changed my mind over the past four years."
Source: http://www.cnn.com/2012/10/02/opinion/graham-presidential-debate/index.html

We must have too few truly great orators in this country for people to think Obama is one of them.
Anyone else feel like just about everything both of them said was complete bullshit?

I kinda feel like the debate is just a contest to see who can make the most appealing empty promises
it's 5000ft. if he's that out of shape, he should probably take the next term off.
Romney simply "exposed" Obama for what he really is - nothing more than a great bulshitter. He didn't know how to respond to the statistics presented, he had no retort to cause Romney to stumble in his economic assault, (no business mind whatsoever to meet Romney's challenge), and if nothing else, (as already pointed out), it revealed Obama desperately needs the teleprompter.

But the next day Obama was charming the crowd in stating Romney doesn't know what he's talking about. Really? Amazing how he can do so well when there is no one present to call him on his bullshit...Intelligent? I'll grudgingly grant that - he's fooled millions. Extremely intelligent? HUGE STRETCH!

Touting he's had the greatest financial challenge in history due to the recession? I think not. He may be able to boast this if he actually dealt with a depression. He's no FDR and he "channels" no one!

I was on to him six months before the last election. I'm glad others are realizing this now...
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^ This

Interesting how many Obama supporters struggle with admitting that he has been a poor President and are willing to double down.
on the educational backrounds issue.....(related to the notion of "great intellegence")

are his acedemic records still sealed?

i think they are....

does anyone have any info on this?
"Mitt Romney won the debate last night but only if you judge the "winner" of a debate as the most hyperkinetic, oftentimes aggressive and condescending participant who used his rehearsed delivery to spackle over his lies, mistakes, generalities and misleading statements."

I admit, this is a cut and paste, but I couldn't have said it better myself. It is what I was thinking while watching the debate. I am sure, others noticed how lies can make you look good to the uninformed, and having style over substance goes far with the shallow.
And I agree, Obama will not go down so easy next debate. He should be more aggressive in pointing out mittens bs.:nono:
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I am sure, others noticed how lies can make you look good to the uninformed, and having style over substance goes far with the shallow.

That is exactly what we have seen the past 4 years from Obummer.
I am sure, others noticed how lies can make you look good to the uninformed, and having style over substance goes far with the shallow.

Amusing statement! All along this has precisely been Obama's modus operandi. During the debate the president tried several times to suggest that Romney was not forthcoming with any details on his proposals when, in fact, Obama is the master at proposing specific changes (e.g., hire 100,000 new science & math teachers) without an iota of how he's going to do it.