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Romney TKOs Obama

Accountability for one's actions always comes full circle.

The question is, will the American people recognize their role, in time to break the cycle? With over 50% of Americans receiving government assistance, America has reached the Dependency Stage.


"A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largess from the public treasury. From that time on the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury, with the results that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship."
Sir Alex Fraser Tytler-Historian

Good news everyone, the progressive who said he would not vote for the patriot act won!

Bad news everyone, he is just as much of a POS as the other guy, neither of them give a rats ass about anything but power and using it to run our lives.
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You guys are so full of shit, half of you teabaggers are on unemployment/disability allready.... fine, whatever helps you sleep at night.

Blame your guys, they brought a fall guy. Romney was designed to fail from day 1 to fail.

I see one of two things happening next:

1) The Republicans will double-down on their current policies, and further disenfranchise women, the young, black voters along with other visible minorities (Hispanics in particular). The problem with that idea's that women have the right to vote and America's becoming less white. You can only squeeze so many votes from older white rural males that prefer their women barefoot and pregnant.

2) The Republicans swing back towards a party of moderates by encouraging their fanatic fringe to join an INDEPENDENT tea party opposed to one directly connected to theirs.
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The "republicans" is a big group, by numbers, MOST republicans are allright, they vote this way because liberals are ******s. But the republican leaders dont represent their own, just like democratic leaders dont represent their own.

If you guys had a leader that actually supported conservative ideology, i wouldve voted for them. What you guys brought though, was a douchebag mormon who cant do math, or even open his mouth without telling a bold face lie.

If you guys brought a decent guy to this election, you wouldve won, easily. You guys had tons of valid points to make against obama, and made NONE OF THEM. Instead you bitch and moan about obama ushering in socialism, which is a downright ****ing lie.

As i said, you guys have nobody to blame but your own dumbass leaders. They wanted obama more than romney, simple as that.

As for me, i slept well tuesday night, I got to vote for someone other than obama/romney, AND your guy can officially stfu and **** off back to one of his many fine homes.

Who are you gonna run next election cycle? The ghost of ronald reagan and some young, unexperienced moron for VP?
Oh, I didn't mean to take a dump on Republican voters (,I myself, voted Conservative in our last election up here).... it was more a potshot towards the leadership. They seem focused on - what's becoming - a niche voter opposed to tackling the needs of American's in general. Illegal immigration is real - self-deportation is a dumbass concept. Women are people - stripping them of control over their own bodies is equally stupid. etc, etc. etc...
The "republicans" is a big group, by numbers, MOST republicans are allright, they vote this way because liberals are ******s. But the republican leaders dont represent their own, just like democratic leaders dont represent their own.

If you guys had a leader that actually supported conservative ideology, i wouldve voted for them. What you guys brought though, was a douchebag mormon who cant do math, or even open his mouth without telling a bold face lie.

If you guys brought a decent guy to this election, you wouldve won, easily. You guys had tons of valid points to make against obama, and made NONE OF THEM. Instead you bitch and moan about obama ushering in socialism, which is a downright ****ing lie.

As i said, you guys have nobody to blame but your own dumbass leaders. They wanted obama more than romney, simple as that.

As for me, i slept well tuesday night, I got to vote for someone other than obama/romney, AND your guy can officially stfu and **** off back to one of his many fine homes.

Who are you gonna run next election cycle? The ghost of ronald reagan and some young, unexperienced moron for VP?

You are so e-tough.....sorry about the childhood.
Oh, I didn't mean to take a dump on Republican voters (,I myself, voted Conservative in our last election up here).... it was more a potshot towards the leadership. They seem focused on - what's becoming - a niche voter opposed to tackling the needs of American's in general. Illegal immigration is real - self-deportation is a dumbass concept. Women are people - stripping them of control over their own bodies is equally stupid. etc, etc. etc...

Don't apologize. XCM painted all liberals with the same broad brush. There is an old saying that what's good for the goose is good for the gander.