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OMFG " Prussian Blue"

Beej said:
Even though you are only three years older Collin, still,


Oh I know, but that's me! :wave: I figure if they look just as old or older than me, its free game also, and to me they look like about 17.
Beej said:
Us Westerners just hate you damn Newfies...

It's funny, but that is true. It seems that good natured ribbing occurs from east of the rockies through all points east but the pot heads in BC really resent NL for some reason. Down right venomous at times. Must be jealous of the sunshine or something.

<shrug/ >
CollinM said:
Oh I know, but that's me! :wave: I figure if they look just as old or older than me, its free game also, and to me they look like about 17.

But, Your Honor, they looked 18 to me.
I'm amazed that you find a distinction.
You'd be amazed.
I don't know if you've been paying much attention to rap today, but you don't hear much of anything about killing cops or smoking crack. If you hear anything about smoking crack, its lamenting how black men get addicted and its killing the society and the black people. Look at most of our rappers out, very few have ever done anything they sing of when it comes to bein "gangstas", very few have actually been to prison. Promoting one stereotype to try and defend a different doesn't make any sense.

So what your saying is most rappers are posers? trying to look the part and act like a bad ass. Whats the point? just being a DF, and trendy? In the real gang/outlaw world youd be dead or in the gang. This is a fact no some BS, if not then the gang being emminated isnt real. Ever live in a gang filled community? Regarding M King, seems most his type are to first to point the finger at whitey for doing wrong. How bout the efforts to employ thousands of removed New Orleans residents in the rebuild effforts, how many got on the busses Jesse provided?? 3, and 2 were Mexican, dont blame whitey for stealing food from the people there. People are tired of the shit and being told to step down cause your white. Like I said, just act like a normal person, be productive,shut the hell up about some shit that went on 150 years ago or go the hell back where came from. When I visit some other country i sure the hell dont expect them to speak my launguage or respect me, Im in their country so I respect them in there place. It typically will earn you much in the way of being treated well. Id love some here to listen to the 50 year old guy I work with who is Mexican, raised in the farm feilds and poor growing up,servred the country so we all can be free,works like a dog,always reliable. Unlike much of todays youth who pretty much wanna do nothing and get paid. I keep telling him to run for office. Only thing is his own kind would kill him for speaking the truth about the general population of his own.
Guess Im a racist also eh? nah, just not a liberal pussy.
anyone see the story about the rapper who got "car jacked" in DC this weekend. not a well known rapper, but was driving his Lamborghini... got shot in both arms (not sure how that happens), but he got away.. In the interview on the news he said "it was a sloppy job, I'm alive, I still have my ride and my Jewelries"... Cops are investigating it as a publicity stunt because his album debuts in a couple weeks and there is no evidence of a car jacking... Poser? YES...

oh, but as far as white pride goes.. my dads side came over in the 1700's, mix in some American Indian, French, probably some german. My moms side came in illegally from Lithuania, and Czechoslovakia, polish.. I look like any average white guy.. my wife is Peurto Rican (spanish and black), and English.. both parents straight of the boat... so our kids will be a mutt in every sense with a little bit of every ethnicity... Pride in who you are and your family is great, but is there really a "Pure" race left? I would think it would be one that goes back to biblical days.. oh.. that would be Jews....
everyone needs to get over themselves and move on..
Ludakris said:
Pride in who you are and your family is great, but is there really a "Pure" race left?
The whole Arian thing is a joke from the get go. At one time, Germanic people settled much of Europe. All the way from the North Sea to most of Hungary and even into the middle east. Next question is what is Germanic, mostly language.
Germans, like most everybody else, can be split up into a half dozen genotypes or breeds if you please (a few hundred sub breeds). Half of Germany, when the Romans took over, was pretty much separated right down the middle, for centuries. Before and after the Romans it has been invaded and the gene pool mixed more than a bit.
You go below the Roman line and visit mountain villages and you can see the breed, go above the line (Limes) and visit a mountain village and you can see the difference. Pretty noticeably different breeds. You can do the same east and west. Even by hereditary professions, like farmer etc.
You can visit the villages along the river valleys (centuries old trade routes) and see the difference, in the people and even the architecture.
Most of the Arian hogwash, is some kind of learned cultural superiority thing, that is taught (wishfully) as being genetic. Most Germans (no matter what noises they make) in there hearts, believe they are superior because they happened to be born in Germany (whatever the borders happen to be this century).
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cherokee89 said:
Yeah, we know they are illegal, and I think we are all commenting on the future.

We also can see they will be pretty hot when they are legal.

Hot racist white trash.

Wonder what strip club they will work at?

(Am I the only ont who thinks this may be headed to the Den?) :gag:

Its called "Lay-a-way"...
You get dibs on them.. when they hit 18.. you go and collect..
and they look like the know the term well...
dyna said:
So what your saying is most rappers are posers? trying to look the part and act like a bad ass. Whats the point? just being a DF, and trendy? In the real gang/outlaw world youd be dead or in the gang. This is a fact no some BS, if not then the gang being emminated isnt real. Ever live in a gang filled community? Regarding M King, seems most his type are to first to point the finger at whitey for doing wrong. How bout the efforts to employ thousands of removed New Orleans residents in the rebuild effforts, how many got on the busses Jesse provided?? 3, and 2 were Mexican, dont blame whitey for stealing food from the people there. People are tired of the shit and being told to step down cause your white. Like I said, just act like a normal person, be productive,shut the hell up about some shit that went on 150 years ago or go the hell back where came from. When I visit some other country i sure the hell dont expect them to speak my launguage or respect me, Im in their country so I respect them in there place. It typically will earn you much in the way of being treated well. Id love some here to listen to the 50 year old guy I work with who is Mexican, raised in the farm feilds and poor growing up,servred the country so we all can be free,works like a dog,always reliable. Unlike much of todays youth who pretty much wanna do nothing and get paid. I keep telling him to run for office. Only thing is his own kind would kill him for speaking the truth about the general population of his own.
Guess Im a racist also eh? nah, just not a liberal pussy.

What I'm saying is most rappers don't even care about the whole "gangsta" thing anymore. Listen to hip hop today and you'll hear that its mostly about girls, weed, Escalades, etc. That kinda stuff they do actually participate in. The whole gangsta rap image has kinda passed by the wayside now. There's only a few that still sing it. They'd be the minority. No sense condemning all of them for the actions of a few. As far as rappers being posers, look at Eminem. If he actually did half the stuff he said, he'd be locked away. As far as the tough times he's had, I won't deny the truth there, but when he sings of killing Kim and throwin her in the trunk, its pretty plain he's never done any of that.
Regarding Martin Luther King, Jr; His kind didn't sit around blindly blaming whitey when there was no cause for it, he only blame he put on whitey was as a result of the Jim Crow laws and things white people actually were doing wrong. I agree completely with you when it comes to the likes of Farrakhan and Jesse Jackson. They throw race into things that have nothing to do with it. They're just as bad as the racist white people back in the 60's who wanted to keep the Jim Crow laws. There were actually a decent number of white people marching in MLK's marches in support of the black people, so I know not everyone is racist. Just for the record, I never called you racist or implied it because you're proud of your heritage, I even specifically said I wasn't necessarily referring to you. I'm proud of my black side, my German side, my Irish side (no matter inexplicable it is that my black father is the one that donated the Irish genes...) etc. But I don't expect anything free because of those genes, unlike most of the people caught in Katrina, or a lot of the black guys seeking reparations.

As far as shutting up about stuff that happened 150yrs ago, I find it funny you'd say or else go back where you came from. That's the problem that all the black guys complaining about slavery have: 150 yrs ago, their ancestors were brought here against their will...;)

PS: I'm not some "liberal pussy" as you put it either. I volunteered to join the Marine Corps because I believe in my country and saw it as my duty to serve the nation that's helping me. I now work my ass off trying to make money to support my wife and daughter. So don't think that I'm just another one of those ghetto black guys expecting people to wait on me because I happen to be black and my ancestors may or may not have been sold into slavery. :thumbup:
Just had to say, we got an interesting mix here...serious racial discussion and "debating" mixed with "serious" discussion of the legality of a couple 13 yr old girls who you can see will grow up to be quite beautiful, if not messed up in the head...:D
A couple of serious cents:

What does 'race' really mean? How can we consider 'races' a feasible construct when all 'races' have members who can successfully interbreed. We are all phenotypically different and genotypically different to an extent, but the fact remains that we can all interbreed despite living under a socially constructed schema dubbed 'race'. I would rather consider 'race' from a biological perspective. As soon as you can't produce sexually fertile offspring from a breeding couple, in my view, then you have different 'races'...

Line up every person on earth in a row from lightest to darkest skin color and your ability to distinguish 'race group' members immediately goes down the toilet. The row would go from ash white on one end to soot black on the other and would pretty much run the color spectrum in between. People standing side by side would look indistinguishable from one another as you walked along that line. People from different ethnic backgrounds would also be totally intermingled, since skin color is highly variable within groups...

I know, I know.
STFU and can the crap...
Actually Beej for a change you're not spewing crap ;)

It's true, race/colour is all just natural defences to enviromental differences coupled with breeding of the surviving members of that mutation.

Add to that a world that people travel in and it becomes truly muddled because people stray from their own kind; that is a good thing.

Ya know what's funny, in all honesty, they've got really nice voices. I just pirated one of thier songs from Limewire (there's plenty of em on there) to see what they sounded like. It's a shame their talent goes to spread that F'ed up message, otherwise they'd make a good Britney Spears replacement.
My (more serious) $.02
i just snagged a few songs also....just out of curiosity

they sing in some strange keys at times...

i hear a little Avril Lavigne type sound in some of their vocals...

but their lyrics....... :wierd:

f-ed up.
gomofro said:
"We're proud of being white, we want to keep being white," said Lynx. "We want our people to stay white … we don't want to just be, you know, a big muddle. We just want to preserve our race."

There's not a single thing wrong with that. What exactly is so wrong about being white, pure and proud? The fact that they feel so strongly about there heritage is commendable. More of today’s youths should have such convictions.

I'm sorry, but their heritage is not 'white'. They may be German or English or Polish or Italian or French or Spanish or Swedish or some mixture thereof. There are plenty of things to do to
feel strongly about there heritage
without espousing hatred.
I don't agree at all with their message. I agree it's pretty bad to use your 13 year old kids for that. I didn't look at every page, so i'll go ahead and include this link. They let this guy on CSPAN...it's kinda obvious why people are making such a stink over those kids message though.

As other people have mentioned, rappers (and in the case below...some half-a$$ scholar) preach hate of whitey on a daily basis. It's been pretty much accepted as a normal part of society at this point.


They've got a younger sister named Dresden...who names a kid after a city that was fire-bombed? That family is a bunch of winners.
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I'm gonna say a few things that will probably get me fried, but here goes. While your climbing into your XJ at the video store and some 250 lb. chick double parks behind you in her Escalade, so your blocked in till she returns and when you start to confront her, she says shut your hole and go do an act of self impregnation, it's kinda hard not to notice she is black. Then you think back 50 years or so when some white chick did the same thing and come up blank. It requires some conscious effort, not to get an attitude and try to tell yourself she is just a beatch and the color is irrelevant.
The social pendulum often swings a bit too far one way or another, before it settles to wards the middle or moderate.
Your waiting in line at the local Burger King and some 250 lb. wanna be gangsta walks to the front, while giving everybody in line the bad eye. Your asking yourself if it's worth it to start a riot. It's hard not to notice he is black.
I agree there are A holes on both sides, but seriously you have to expect a backlash sooner or later.
By the way, I left an XJ rear imprint in the side of her Escalade (my low range works just fine) and ate the gangstas Whooper, I guess both of them hate whitey a little more now, than they did before.
I've got absolutely nothing against black kids, so I'm not racist, I get the same fuzzy warm feeling, playing with a black baby as a white baby. It's when they grow up to be (enter adjective of your choice here) that I get an attitude.
But training your kids to hate, no matter what the race, gender or land of origin, is just wrong.
Though I did warn my son, that if he confronts a black chick, you better forget she is female or you just might get your ass beat or worse yet, stabbed or shot. Be prepared and for warned.
People are mostly a product of there experiences, if you want them to be different, you have to set the example.