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OMFG " Prussian Blue"

Ok so my last post was an attempt at me being able to view the second page. Apparently it has something that my schools server likes to block.

Damnit :D:D:D
Matthew Currie said:
I think racism in rap is a lousy thing too, but these kids aren't just singing about their proud cultural heritage, are they? I think you'll find there are plenty of whites and anglos singing proudly of their heritage without racist implications - the world is full of folk songs and historical ballads glorifying this stuff in some way or other, but white supremacy is another matter.

No, they aren't. They are spreading views of supremacy, and I don't support that. Sure, folk songs do show actual pride and not just petty racist views - I am speaking of today's world, how something like that today could be seen as hate-like.

I hope these kids have a long and controversial career, though, because they are in their own way providing some valuable lessons. Among other things, if they are not censored, they cannot make claims that they are suppressed or oppressed. I'd rather see them booed or laughed off the stage for their execrable lyrics than banned for their content. In addition, we tend to think of Nazis and white supremacists as ugly and alien, marginal, not "us." These kids are a useful reminder that this kind of malignant hatred does not require that you be identifiable in any way other than what you say and do.

True, and I agree.

Perhaps because they are so white, and so awful, they will serve as a reminder that awful people of any race should not be considered to give that race "a bad name," especially if you do in fact believe that such people should be free of suppression and censorship. Ordinary black people are no more responsible for gangsta rap than I am for Lynx and Lamb.

You're right, the ordinary citizens aren't responsible. I didn't say they were. What I'm trying to say is that... and I'm trying to put this as best I can to convey what I've been attempting to say... we'll use rappers as an example...

Would you want some thug that just came off the streets killing people and selling drugs or whatever to be a large figurehead through the media for your group? I wouldn't.

The same goes for these two kids- it's not that big of a scenario yet with them, and probably never will be, but it's just that kind of exposure that makes you shake your head and feel a lil' disgusted.

I hope that makes a lil' better sense than some of the other things I've been trying to say.
Let the lil girls sing...

Doesn't mean a thing...

In twenty to forty years, our enhanced inter-racial breeding ability will absorb even the stoutest white supremacist...

Ever hear the song "KKK Bitch" by Body Count?

I say:

"Where's all the white women at?"

I think Matthew Currie said it best. Ecksjay, you really make sense. Even if organized hate was banned, it'd just give them more the reason to do it. I sometimes wonder if hate groups actually feed off of attention, they'll do anything to get it.

Gil's right, in another 2 or 3 decades all kinds of ethnic groups are going to be mixed up. Cherokee89 made a good point, it's only a matter of time.

Can anyone give me a name of a black pride song? Yeah, alot of rap has references to crime, drugs, guns, etc. but i've never heard a song that talked about killing the entire white race.

I wouldn't get upset if a white guy stated his pride, everyone should be proud of their blood. I would however get upset when he would start calling me a wetback though, telling me to go back to Mexico.
uvaldetxj said:
...telling me to go back to Mexico.

And therein lies the comedy of those assholes.

Hey wetback, go back to Mexico!

Hey chink, go back to China!

Hey negro, go back to Africa!

Hey cracker, go back to Eurpoe!
Ive never heard their music but have read some of their lyrics. I didnt see them as being racist, but thats my opinion. Do some of you consider National Vanguard racist? and if so in what way? I see it as some others do and its simply a community trying to maintain there cultural pride. If this is not acceptable then how are things like "Black grammies" or Latino Music awards etc. This singles out one non white ethnic group dosent it? the regular grammies allow all races and cultures. What if there were a "white grammy award`s?" Personally much of what Martin Luther King speaks is racist as well as the the other nut case who blamed the levee breeches during Katrina on Bush personally. If people will just be people and stop using race or some BS from the past to earn them a E ticket thru life things would be much better. As for the the girls, its their constitutional right to express themselves. Its no where near as bad as some Jail bird gang banger gone rap star touting about pokin his "hoe" and killing cops and smokin crack.
dyna said:
Ive never heard their music but have read some of their lyrics. I didnt see them as being racist, but thats my opinion.

So you see no connection between racism and idolizing Rudolph Hess?

Songs like "Sacrifice" — a tribute to Nazi Rudolf Hess, Hitler's deputy Fuhrer — clearly show the effect of the girls' upbringing. The lyrics praise Hess as a "man of peace who wouldn't give up."

Millions of Jews and other minorities sent to WWII German extermination camps would beg to differ.
dyna said:
Do some of you consider National Vanguard racist?


Anti Semantic (or however you spell it)
Further, especially in the United States, Jewish interests hold a massive amount of power, far beyond what one would expect based on their population numbers. Jews dominate the mass media, which shapes opinion and cultural values, and have a strong hand in the political scene at all levels.

We are simply recognizing facts when we point out that no civilization has ever survived racial mixing, let alone on the scale which has engulfed the U.S. since the 1960s

We want to lay the groundwork for a healthy White nation to emerge from the chaos ahead.

Fear of difference
White people have a right to their own cultures, languages and traditions, free of non-White influence, and the right to choose the social and economic model under which they wish to live.

Homophobia & Sexism
We do not accept Semitic-linked and homosexual- or misogynist-tinged denigration of women in National Vanguard.

Linked with the National Allicance (Very racist)
Subscribe to the American Dissident Voices

All quotes taken directly from their homepage at http://www.nationalvanguard.org/

Okie Terry said:
You posted this and still couldn't spell "anti-semitic"?
Here, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-Semitism, learn yerself.

You kidding? After the time between reading that whole shitty "About us" page I'd forgotten about it (First instance was near the top, second near the bottom).
They may be screwed up in the head but I'd do both of 'em.
My $.02
CollinM said:
They may be screwed up in the head but I'd do both of 'em.
My $.02
Is this any worse than La Raza

La Raza (which translates into The Race and their motto: All For The
Race, Nothing Outside the Race)?

I believe that they think that Cali and most of the south west are theirs and they plan to take it back by force...In time...

There is hate and prejudice if you look for it…

I am a racist… I hate all races - even whites… There are individuals I like and respect but the human animal is a vicious beast. Some will kill there young, kill because they want some shoes, steal, lie and cheat. They kill because they KNOW what they believe is the truth. I’m not a religious man because I don’t know… I don’t trust one cult over another. Be it Christian, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, Hindi, Hari-Chrishna, Scientoligist or Druid. And I get tired of all of them KNOWING they are correct. Many of them shroud themselves in self- richousness but teach if you are not like me you are going to hell or coming back on a lower plane of existence… and very few actually practice tolerance… Is this a form of Hate?

I don’t agree that as a white man I am any better than someone who is not white. But there are people who work harder than me, went to more school than I did and make more money than I do… People of all races and colors they all have the good and the bad. I just read an article in Fortune that says in 80 years Italy will be the first Euro Country to be majority non-white and that with in that time through interbreeding and migration (or Immigration) the US and Canada will have been long since been “melted” as in melting pot.

But if we ban these girls we would need to ban a lot of religious text as well… and a crap load of other music… And movies.

Let them sing what they want… if you don’t like it. Don’t listen. I don’t listen to Gangster rap or country. If little black kids in the hood and white kids in the trailer park want to listen to that stuff… More power to them…

I don’t see them anywhere in ticketmaster and when you do a search on google, most of the returns are on the color.. there are like links in the first 4 pages that have to do with the group… when this news report is forgotten so will they be…

But, When they come to your town… Pay attn to who goes to the show…
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