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New tires= upset wife. Why?

Beezil said:
no more thread hijacking.....

lets get back on topic.

we were discussing how bitches need to bake pies.


Neither of those pies appear to be homemade. Lazy bitches.
Okie Terry said:
You know, that's what I'm talking about here. It takes two to make a good relationship. I must say that I am just now starting to learn about jeeps, and I didn't say I didn't like it. I also didn't tell my husband he had to take his tires back to the store. I think that's what people have been missing during this whole thread. I never said don't buy anymore new tires, ever! I said, "Is now really the best time to do it?" Do you see what I'm saying? I am not trying to control the love Terry has for his jeep, but as I've said before, there is a time and a place for everything. :peace:

By the way, this is not Terry, This is Okie Princess. Just forgot to sign in! :star:

No one got the wrong idea, but what fun is that. Do you have Mr. Okie's dinner made yet? :D
Flowers said:
Neither of those pies appear to be homemade. Lazy bitches.

the one on the right looks like a lemon cake my wife brought home from costco the other night...you'll have to scroll up just a couple doors...
Flowers said:
Neither of those pies appear to be homemade. Lazy bitches.
Hey now, those two good looking young ladies are not lazy at all. It really does not matter if the pie is homemade or not, they were thinking of us guys. You had better learn to be a bit more grateful if you want to get anything at all dude. :lecture:

red91inWA said:
the one on the right looks like a lemon cake my wife brought home from costco the other night...you'll have to scroll up just a couple doors...
That my friend was a Variety Cheesecake ... it had chocolate, lemon, fench vanilla, and strawberry flavors. It was very good. The other was an Apple pie ... it also was very good. :lickout:

It's obvious you guys are young and/or inexperienced. Pie is a lot like sex ... does not matter if you have to beg for it, demand it, have it whether you feel like it or not, or get it anytime you want. It's always GOOD!

Bet you guys do without a lot!

bgcntry72 said:
Do they make a special toilet paper for noses?
Hand some to Les.

Hey Scott ... don't tell me you've not needed some of that special toilet paper. I think we all know better than that!

Rev Den said:
And thanks for saving me a piece.


Damn ... sorry Rev. You know, I'm sure there was some left over pie back at camp. It was there that morning. We just got in a hurry and forgot to bring some for you ... and you brought us donuts. :doh:

Rev Den said:
And thanks for saving me a piece.

Is that a reference to the whole "pie being like sex thing"
I'm having a hard time getting that shaft polishing picture out of my head.
Oh, the horror.
lbexj said:
You had better learn to be a bit more grateful if you want to get anything at all dude. :lecture:

Oh, and Les, there's only one "Dude".
bgcntry72 said:
Do they make a special toilet paper for noses?
Hand some to Les.

Last time I saw anything SUCK that hard (i.e. LES), I think Stephen Hawkings called it a BLACK HOLE... :laugh3:
kid4lyf said:
Oh, and Les, there's only one "Dude".

Sorry ... your right Dude ... :peace:
